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Everything posted by spottychick

  1. Och! He is a cutey! Sorry - no tips or advice! I'm dealing with a stubborn fella meself LOL Good luck!
  2. HonBun - I'm always open to advice. Some of the very good folk here helped me with Mr Tango! Thanks for the "Humbug" offer Not sure it suits him tho, maybe just Bug! I have another "bug" word in mind atm - he just chewed pieces off the Snooza buddy bed I've had for years and the little *#@*** has worked out how to escape the yard!!! He didn't make it coz I'm watching him too closely but he made a great effort. Now I'm busily scrounging up fencing stuff and he can only go outside on the lunge lead until I'm satisfied I've made the place into Fort Nox.
  3. Nothing wishy washy about this, s/chick. I reckon foster carers go through this with a lot of the dogs they foster. You will know what to do when the time comes .... if it does. Hey, what happened to Rumba , or if you have trouble with the "R" ...... Wumba Hey you! You're not allowed to laugh Yeah I did actually find Wumba hard to call out Thomeone thuggested Thamba inthtead which ith better but I do pwefer to sthteer clear of sth namesth hee hee
  4. i dont know about all this ... i havent had a dalmatian but they used to be my favourite breed...was living in a hot place back then and was worried about the skin cancer issue so i missed my chance...later i found out that they were a bit of a hard breed and so i didnt get one and have steered clear so ...id be reticent especially if youve got other dogs and as far as it being a puppy...it can still be dominant and grow up and start taking on the others in the household....our youngest and by far the youngest....is the leader of the males here and he is not entirely respectful of the ageing female either...he will roll her if she doesnt respond to his play invitations and food can be an issue too...dont assume that females and males always get along id buy it and if i had the space to keep it separate ( if need be ) then id get it up to speed and find it a home with dally lovers mind you ...if things worked out..then of course the dog is yours Hi PercyK!! Just wondering what you mean by "hard breed". Do you mean hard to train or hard in personality or something else?
  5. TD - yep! That's what I've been noticing so far, people here don't respond well to the name Bandit!! On side note - I put their food bowls down this morning and pup went straight for the bowl Tango was eating out of before I could stop him. I had my hand down to grab pup outta there sharpish when I realised Tango was letting him share his food. What on earth has happened to that dog? Has someone kidnapped him and replaced him with a doppleganger????
  6. LOL I'm just enjoying a few moments of peace and freedom LOL But I will very soon!
  7. Hi Kate - when I decided to take him on it was in the context of not really knowing how Tango will cope with another male dog or with such a big change in the household - he's really only just settled here and become more confident in himself. Having Tango's well being as a priority I went ahead in the context of "this is a foster" and I will look for a home for him after I've worked with him a bit and had him de-sexed etc. But I also know myself too well and was aware that once I had him here there's a distinct danger he wont be going anywhere LOL So for now - in my head - I'm keeping options open. Tango's dealing well so far - but early days yet. I want to see how it goes and I'm trying to keep in mind that he might not stay so I don't get too attached. I am still discovering things about Tango and I know very little about pup yet. I'm just being careful. I told the postie lady that I'm not sure I'll be keeping him and have taken him on as a "foster" so I may be looking for a home for him soon, but nothings certain yet. I'm so wishy washy LOL
  8. Me too Shaar. Dogs definitely have a "spirit" or something. I call it a soul even tho I dont believe in heaven and hell etc. It just seems the best word I can use to explain what I see and feel from my dogs. When my boy dally died of cancer last year my local community actually held a wake for him! Many people who came along commented on how they felt he was "different" to most dogs and that "it was almost like he had a soul". To me he wasn't different, maybe more discernable or something - he was certainly a very "connected" dog. But I reckon it's there in all dogs if you allow it to communicate with the world - or allow yourself to see it. That all sounds very clumsy the way I put it but I can't explain it any other way. My old girl was the same.
  9. Definitely no socialisation - with people or dogs. But he is just overly friendly - throws himself bodily at everyone and everything. His previous owner said they had rabbits in a large hut outside in the yard with him and pup would constantly go and sit/sleep squashed up against the hutch. He showed no indication of wanting to attack them - more like wanting to play with them or just be with them. Poor love - just wanted company, maybe he thought they were his litter mates hee hee It's a wonder he didnt have an identity crisis - wait! Maybe that's why he jumps so much Okay now I'm just babbling - I think I'm exhausted!
  10. Thanks for all your suggestions folks! Some really good points here. I think I'll go with something "mainstream" appealing because the plan is to find him a home - well that's "the plan" anyway ;) Bandit is certainly getting the votes here LOL but Cricket is winning with the locals. Wierd huh! For the moment he's still getting called whatever I think of at the time - mostly "pup-pup" hee hee. I already have someone who might be interested. The lady who was delivering the mail today said her sister would be interested as she's looking for a second dog and was talking about a dalmatian . I've told her I will need lots of information and I'll be very fussy about where he goes to. This lady already has a border collie who lives inside the house. I gave her my phone number and told her to ask her sister to call. Anyway, it was just an enquiry at this stage. But I don't think I'll have trouble finding people who are interested. Finding a GOOD home might be a different matter tho! Honbun - I can see your point Ellz - I seem to be calling him Doofus fairly regularly as he keeps sliding into things and bashing his head etc. He's just puppy-clumsy hee hee For TD (and any foster people reading) - would "Cricket" have wide appeal? Or is Bandit more suitable? Or neither? BTW I have put him in the laundry now for overnight, but he has been sleeping in the loungeroom during the day and settles down in his dog bed fairly easily. Then he lies there staring at me, wagging his tail, rolling on his back and waving his front legs in the air and generally being too cute for words. LMAO He is a lovely lovely boy! He also drops things when I tell him to. He's brought out 8 separate shoes from my bedroom so far (all my shoes are now on TOP of the wardrobe!). He just carries them into the lounge room. I take the shoe off him and he goes and gets another one LMAO. No problem taking it off him and he doesn't chew them up. Just carries them around.
  11. Hi Rach Yeah thanks for that - it doesnt look very strong. That collar came over with Tango and I quickly swapped it later for a better one. It's an emergency collar only and not for walking etc, but it's all I had on hand for the pup. This guy arrived here with nothing! I kinda didnt think he wouldn't have a collar!! The pup has also already chewed off half the end of it (while wearing it) so you'll note it's been trimmed. I'm using it more as handle to grab him by when he's around the house than anything So when I took him for a walk just then I used a sturdy check chain - just coz it's stronger and more secure. Surprisingly he was pretty good on the lead! Didnt pull at all but wandered around my legs a lot
  12. LOL Sorry no - tho tis a fine name - but not for this fella!!! Puccini/Pacino and Cricket are other suggestions I've been given. Not sure I need anymore suggestions tho LOL
  13. I like Zorro .. I something think Ivy is the real Mask of Zorro as when the sun hits her face at the right angle her fur around her eyes shines a different way to the rest of her. That probably makes sense to no one but me. Makes sense to me, looking at her pic I can imagine what you mean.
  14. Hmmmm Well I put him in the laundry as I don't have a crate and he was quiet all night. He's obviously used to being outside a lot so I don't think he minded. He was still curled up asleep when I opened the door around 9 am. We do have an unexpected problem tho, Pepper is really annoyed by him!!! He keeps leaping on her and getting up on his back legs and getting in her face. She's taken to attacking him whenever he tries to play with her. He hasn't yelped or anything so I think it's all noise and movement on her part but it means I have to be his playmate *Doh!* He is VERY stubborn and is going to take quite a lot of effort to train - but he's also clever and so far - gentle natured. Surprisingly Tango seems to be the most tolerant of him but I think the pup has learnt quickly to NOT jump on him. Tango is just doing his usual thing and actually seems pretty cool with it all but vaguely remote from the pup. Every now and then he barks at the pup and pup sort of cowers and Tango wanders off. I fed them all some kibble treat by hand and there was no scuffling or carrying on. All very well behaved. But I need a name for him. Currently alternating between Bandit, Banjo, Samba, Skipper, Trouble, Chewwie/Chewbecca, Doofus, (heehee) Dreyfus and a few others. Kropka and Cobra are no good - because - well, I have an embarassing confesssion LOL - I have trouble pronouncing the letter "r" sometimes. Yeah - okay - I lisp a bit hee hee so anything with an "s" in the middle is a problem too (altho S at the start is okay wierdly) .
  15. I hope he gets a decent sentence! Another coward.
  16. Yes anyone capable of looking into the eyes of a dog, a cavalier and a puppy at that, and doing something has cruel as this - well that person is capable of any atrocity. He and his cowardly mates should be locked up for a long time.
  17. Not yet ari - but I started calling him Bandit and he seemed to respond. My neighbour tried it and he came straight to her. But then I called "Spaghetti!!!" and he came bolting straight to me :D I quite like Bandit given his markings but nothings decided yet - oh and he doesnt really respond to "scruffy".
  18. julz - he is gorgeous and has a beautiful temperament. He's just completely psycho LMAO - But I can't blame him. I'm reserving judgement about how Tango will go - but he's impressed me so far, he's been gentle but really clear and firm in telling the pup to back off. In fact, I think Pepper needs to be a bit firmer with him and take some lessons from Tango on this one! - he left Tango alone but kept leaping all over poor Pepper. I mean literally leaping in the air and landing on her back!!! I don't think he realises how big he is!!!
  19. He's very much a puppy. In other moments he looks younger and more puppy-ish LOL But he's all silly and yippy and stuff even tho he's sort of big ;) I've had to put him in the laundry for now as he was driving us all completely nutty. He's over-excited and vomited earlier so I think he needs some time out. I peeked in thru the window and he's fast asleep. He made no fuss about being put in the laundry at all!! He is completely untrained. BUT he wont come inside unless I tell him he can. I think I'll keep that bit!!!
  20. Tango has had a go at him a few times - but perfectly acceptable stuff - hasn't hurt him just told him off. The good thing is Tango is warning first instead of just lashing out like he used to!!! Otherwise I think Tango is a bit bemused by him. He was actually semi-playing with him outside and grabbed a toy that he took over to the pup and left with him. So I think Tango is just sussing it all out. Pepper is starting to get sick of the pup LMAO He is a bit OTT. SO I might just head off for a minute and see if I can settle him down or something.
  21. That's what I'm thinking TD LMAO He's a big fella. And I can see from his feet he has a lot more growing to do. I will (re the cuddle).
  22. And just to give an indication of his size - this is him compared to Pepper!
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