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Posts posted by spottychick

  1. I tried the boiling water thing on weeds in my pavers. It sent the leaves brown but after a while new leaves etc popped up. I didn't find it all that useful. On the few weeds it did kill (eg thistle!!) I still had to pull the things out and often DIG them out so I would have been better of just doing that in the first place LOL

    I couldn't pull all the weeds in my garden!!! I'd be there 24 hours a day till next Easter!

    SC there'd be nothing left in the garden!

    EXACTLY!!!! :rofl:

  2. WE ACCIDENTLY spilt turps on some weeds in the back yard.....killed them real good and for ages too.

    And after spilling it, I hosed it for about half an hour to make sure the dogs oculdnt lick it up.

    In regards to the original post, why are you spraying it on your couch (I am confused), does it clean the couch too?

    LMAO - couch grass

  3. Oooh hi harley :thumbsup:

    Pretty good! I'm impressed with this pup more and more everyday.

    Last night I forgot to let them all out for a wee before we went to bed which I usually do as a matter of course. Dylan woke up around 5 am and must have been busting!! I vaguely remember hearing some whining but I couldn't wake up properly. So then Dylan raked his paws over the metal blinds in the bedroom. That was brilliant. I shot up out of bed not knowing what was going on just aware that the window blinds had made a noise!!! INTRUDER ALERT was probably what was going through my mind.

    But it was just Dylan telling me he needed to get outside NOW!!!!

    Well done little fella. Makes me think I should set up a bell and train him to ring it when he needs to get outside!!

    Did I mention he learnt to toilet outside the first day he was here? He peed in the house once! I said No! and took him outside and praised him when he did some more etc!! THen I just kept taking him outside regularly and saying "Do you wanna wee?" (LOL) and he did, so I praised him.

    And that was it. House trained. Wow!

    Also, I was surprised to see Tango and Dylan asleep together in one of the beds this afternoon. I was going to take a pic but as soon as I went to get the camera Tango thought it was treat time and got up. Then he went back to the bed and looked all worried and wouldn't get back in!! It's like he'd forgotten he was just cuddled up cosily with the puppy not 5 seconds ago LMAO

  4. This one is pretty basic but good if you have a number of dogs and want them to all do a trick together. They all have to stay and then each dog comes to his/her name. I started this one to teach my youngest some patience!


    That's so cool!! I love it when people have vids hee hee

    I might try that with my lot once I have Dylan doing the TOT well. He's also a very impatient puppy. Still teaching him not to jump up when I'm carrying food!!!

  5. OH FFS! ANother pointless wrist slap.

    Didnt even make him go to court. Arrrrgggghhhh!

    This makes me ill. The justice system is equally responsible for this stuff if this is the best they can do.

    Another reminder of why I hated being a lawyer.

  6. I tried the boiling water thing on weeds in my pavers. It sent the leaves brown but after a while new leaves etc popped up. I didn't find it all that useful. On the few weeds it did kill (eg thistle!!) I still had to pull the things out and often DIG them out so I would have been better of just doing that in the first place LOL

    I couldn't pull all the weeds in my garden!!! I'd be there 24 hours a day till next Easter!

  7. I actually use the Nature's Gift semi-dry kibble for training. IT's very small pieces, the dogs love it (and so does my friends dog who normally wont eat kibble) - I also occassionally use their treats for the same purpose. Sort of like Smackos.

    I'm not a strict enough raw feeder to advise on that side of things tho LOL I use cheese and roast chicken as high value treats. I even sometimes use cereal like Cheerios and Nutrigrain. :cry:

    I should probably stop now before I give away any more hahahahaha

    :laugh: Yes, we have our "special treats" too. But they get saved for "special" work ;)

    Do you have a link to the Natures Gift kibble? I am presuming it is available form the supermarket?

    We use the NG Motivators sometimes too.

    Yes it's at Woolworths and IGA and probably other places.


    They actually sell the "wag" treats at my local Chicken Feed (Two Dollar type store)!

  8. LOL I don't know that. But if it's on their site and in all their literature that they source say, salmon from the waters off New Zealand and it actually isn't true they can be held accountable for that. If they say nothing at all there's no accountability at all. Everything's a risk but there are ways to go about things so that you try to minimise the risks you take.

    Anyway, I don't go totally overboard about it. I'm just talking about whether or not I can get hold of any kind of information from the manufacturers and then I can evaluate based on the info I have (or don't have). If any company is difficult to get info out of then it makes me less inclined to trust them therefore I am unlikely to buy from them. Simple.

  9. I actually use the Nature's Gift semi-dry kibble for training. IT's very small pieces, the dogs love it (and so does my friends dog who normally wont eat kibble) - I also occassionally use their treats for the same purpose. Sort of like Smackos.

    I'm not a strict enough raw feeder to advise on that side of things tho LOL I use cheese and roast chicken as high value treats. I even sometimes use cereal like Cheerios and Nutrigrain. :laugh:

    I should probably stop now before I give away any more hahahahaha

  10. Do you ask these questions of all the manufacturers of all products you consume? My dogs have tried this kibble, they loved it.

    If I can, yes I do. And if it makes claims to be organic or holistic etc I want to know even more about that.

    And I certainly do that kind of research on manufactured pet food - again - especially one that claims to be special in some way - eg holistic. I dont bother asking questions of brands like Chum and Pal because I can read their ingredients and immediately know they are rubbish. :( But if theres a new brand that has the potential to be a good one because it's saying it's holistic or whatever then yes I do a lot of research on them before using their product. If I find a lot of smoke and mirrors when I try to get info it tends to put me off the whole deal.

    I don't use much manufactured food for my dogs but if I do feel the need to feed them something pre-made I want to know a lot about it first. That's just me.

  11. ETA: I have been to masterfoods and the staff there are happy to talk about their food production, Black Hawk needs to be ultra transparent if you are hoping this will catch on. Particularly since you don't have traditional representatives like RC, Hills, Pro Plan, Advance. Consumers expect to get an answer to their questions...

    Why? Retailers of generic brand products are under no obligation to disclose who makes their products. By law they have to state an ingredient list on the pack and the country of manufacture, but they don't have to state which factory or company produces it.

    Other dog food brands such as the ones you list don't advise who makes their products, where they source their ingredients etc. so why should the distributors of Black Hawk have to?

    There may not be any legal obligation but it is good business sense to have transparency about your business and your product.

    So the "why?" question is answered with - "because people want to know what they're feeding their dogs/cats and/or who they're dealing with and may not buy from you if you dont provide good information". :(

    But whether or not the company provides that information is totally up to them of course.

  12. the big rawhide knot bones are great for indoors

    Okay! Thanks for that. I was actually looking at some of those in Chicken Feed last week but didn't trust the quality. Do you think it matters where they're from. These were from China.

  13. The dry food is completely manufactured in Australia, the product is in a plain bag because it keeps costs down so that all people can afford it, it is in no way inferior because it is in a plain bag, the formula is exclusive and can not be copied in any way. Hope this helps.

    Thanks but that really doesn't answer the concerns or questions I have. I dont care about packaging or whether it's "exclusive" because neither of those things tell me anything about the product itself. But thanks anyway.

  14. Good to have co-opeative neighours, hope everyone (well the boys) settle soon. We had to extend the fence on our neighbours side when our GSD decided it might be fun to chase their chooks. Funnily enough he jumped it just as a fox was in their yard, we like to think he was 'saving' them but I suspect he thought chasing chickens looked like fun and was going to join in...luckily I'd just got home seconds before all this unfolded. I'm sure he would have 'grabbed' a chook. :cry:

    As it stand he ws credited with 'chasing off a fox"..yeah right.

    Awww now I'm sure he was only trying to help those yummy cute chooks!!! :eek:

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