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Everything posted by Kaz

  1. Good of you to say that, Sidoney. I was amazed and proud - scardycat Xander happily playing off leash with 15 to 20 strange dogs was a sight to behold. I hope Sas and Cordy see this as its all down to them. It was a really great day - my first real DOL meet - and I loved meeting all you guys. So many beautiful pooches to kiss - so many nice new friends to talk to - and a happy Xander. Life doesn't get much better than that!
  2. Will be there around 10. Xander is once again working on his handshake so could do with your help. Could anyone with a super placid or friendly dog come up and introduce themselves. Loose leads, confident handling and a dog that won't posture or bark will help Xander's training no end. Xander is very friendly with any dog he thinks isn't going to eat him and would love to play. It doesn't matter if your pooch is only six inches tall - it will still scare Xander if it barks at him except in play. Last meet he ended up in with all the other dogs after he settled and there were no dramas though I didn't let him off leash.
  3. Xander and I will be there. We'll be early! Four weeks is such a long time between playtimes!
  4. Can't do it Saturday 2nd, Xander is off to k9 force to learn some manners that day. If your'e that desperate for company Reddog, I still might be able to make it today but will only know at the last minute. I'm off to HP this morning and will be returning around 11.30. Xander's coming with me so could stop off at rouse hill on the way back. If I end up bringing someone out with me, then I'll have to get the new pup back home and settled in so probably wouldn't make it. And I've got someone coming at 3.00 to meet a foster so will have to be home by then. If you want to catch up at the offleash area, give me a call on my mobile at 11.00 - pound closing time. I'll know then what I'm up to I really would like to get Xander out for a play and would love to catch up again.
  5. Well I'll try to make it this Saturday. Is the official meet a Sunday this time?
  6. I might be able to make it. What day is the official DOL meet guys?
  7. Thankyou everyone for all this information. I spoke to Wolfy, Mum tonight and read out all the posts while she wrote the info down. She will be taking him to the vet tomorrow for a checkup but will definately be going the alternate remedy route as well.
  8. Thanks for the info guys, I will be printing it all out and passing it on. I will also be trying some on my pooch. The only thing missing is dosages for fish oil, glucosomine and vitamin E if bought from a chemist. Wolfy is 35 kilos ( at a guess) and still not sure how much I should tell his mum to give him.
  9. I've recommended she takes him to a vet to gave it checked out. My biggest fear is that it. is the onset of hip dispasia but I don't want to assume that until a vet says so. Our own rescued pup already has bilateral hip and elbow displasia and after two operations and several thousand dollars later, he's still not right. So I'll be trying some of the suggested remedies myself. I doubt its a longtime injury as she showed no sign of this when I had him but maybe its just starting to show. The lady has espressed an interest in trying chemist bought fish oil and glucosomine but she is unsure of the dosages for a dog of that weight. She also believes that this will only be effective if vitamin E is taken at the same time. Does anyone have any advice on this? It would be much appreciated.
  10. My old fellow was on metacam for ages with no bad reactions. Eventually he was so bad that the metacam no longer had any effect. He was then switched to Zuberin which works in a slightly different way. I wonder if anyone else has used this drug as an alternative.
  11. The new mum of one of my ex-foster dogs rang me the other day to ask my advice on some natural remedies for arthritis as the vets close to her don't have any interest in alternative therapies. Wolfy is about two years old and probably around 30 to 35 kilos - a rottweiler or bernese mountain dog cross we think. He occasionally favours one foot when he gets up from a long sleep. He has also limped slightly once or twice after a run. NEw mum believes it is arthritis and her other dog also has it. I've advised her to take him to the vet to get it checked out but I promised I would get back to her with some suggestions and doggy dosages etc. Have you noticed, if you rescue and rehome a dog, the new owners seem to think you actually have some expertise! With help from DOL, so far I've managed to fool them!
  12. Just thought I'd let you guys know that Xander is having a few issues with meeting new dogs when out walking. I'm going to come to the meet but want to introduce him slowly. If anyone has a friendly dog who Xander has already met, please come up and introduce yourself. I'll be hanging around the outskirts of the area, until I'm confident Xander is behaving himself. If he doesn't look like he will, then I'll be taking him home again. He loves playing with new friends but is still nervous on that first introduction.
  13. Fingers crossed, I'll make the september meet. It's my first time and I'm dying to meet everyone. I'm bringing Xander the great dane I adopted from Cordelia's rescue. I don't think he'll be going off lead as I'm not totally confident with him yet but I think it will be good for us to meet some friendly faces.
  14. Very hectic time around now but I'll defiantely attend the first meet I can. I'll bring Xander along too to catch up with some old mates!
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