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Everything posted by Sezy

  1. A tin of pal, cleans em out every time!
  2. Sezy

    Benjamin Bunny

    What a sweet looking bunny. RIP
  3. The APTD one looks good. I have met some great delta trainers and I have also met some that are bad. APTD all you had to do was pay the right fee to be listed.
  4. It sounds like things are moving in the right direction for you!! I hope it keeps going that way for you. Best of luck.
  5. Could you get a private trainer in????
  6. lol I am so glad that I was not the last one to find this out!!!! I would try Eagle pack, for a skin problem. I am going to try and change my guys over to a natural diet, then maybe Nutrience if I could find someone other then the petshop that stocks it.
  7. The 2 years have gone so fast. I am sure your brother is there giving you Roo lots of cuddles. I'll be thinking of you today Pink.
  8. We have an 11m lead from Black Dog .. google them as they have a site. I know they also have for big dogs too.. not the cheapest though. Thanks, I found their site They only sell the 11m lead with a small and medium snaps. Not sure if the medium one is strong enough for a large dog. Black dog also make to order, but I still use a horse one. I have had it now for 9 years and it is still going well.
  9. What ever I am eating. Strawberries were a fav for awhile. Grapes were a huge fav till I found out that they were bad for dogs.
  10. Just an idea but if the dog enjoys the walk, walk after training?
  11. I did not take time off with Cally but picked her up on the friday night and was able to call home at lunch time to feed her. Carter was about 8 months old when i got him so I just had a long weekend to make sure there would be no drama's. It has taken Cally 2 years to stop trying to lose him at the park!!!!
  12. My girls back was out when she did not sit straight. A trip to the chiropractor and she is great now.
  13. Lucky Honey is only a tiny cat so you get her under the arm then quick wipe and then know that she will not talk to you for a few hours.
  14. I have a foster cat here with the same problems. She hates her eyes being wiped and it is always irritated even with daily wiping. Should we end up keeping her, then I am going to look in to what else can be done.
  15. Hi Sezy I bought the liner to go in mine for that very reason. When you get your new one you might want to think about the liner as it can be taken out and washed. Or as a cheap alternative .. a plastic ziplock bag .. can be taken from teh fridge and easily put in teh pouch and then thrown away (I know .. not very environmentally friendly suggestion that one .. or like me ... washed with the dished and hung up to dry refilled and then used again for the Blackdog bag insert. I did have the liner years ago but I can't remember what happened to it. I have also used the zip lock bags on and off. It has only gotten the smell since OH has been using it and he does the washing up and well can miss things for a few days. The treat pouch that I use but don't like goes in the dishwasher so there is no smell there.
  16. I use a black dog one as well. I need a new one as my current one stinks but it is 5 years old.
  17. R.I.P Zac. Hugs to you Wylie and your family.
  18. Must have. It was my birthday the day that this thread was going round and so I was not in here and everything was fine when I last got the nutro....
  19. Where have I been, I only just found this out!!!
  20. here is the link if the email does not work Whiskers and Tristan
  21. Hi Harminee, I sent you a link to my photobucket account as it was to hard to decide what pic's. I have in there my childhood friend Whiskers (the cat), I think that we got her in about 1986 (she was a stray) but I am not 100% sure as I was only young and she got her wings on 3-3-04 after a short battle with cancer. She was my heart pet and means the world to me. There is also Tristan the cocker who came from Wagga pound, I was told that I could not have him but on 25-7-00, he came home with me. He became my step fathers side kick and sadly got his wings last year on the 1st Feb. I really like the link poem that you have used. Thank You.
  22. This is from a website GreenPet (website) Vegetarian Diet for Dogs While some people choose to raise their dogs on a vegetarian diet for ethical reasons there are a number of important factors to consider when making the change over. It is generally easier to start a puppy on these foods, than it is to change an older dog’s eating habits, but some dogs are more than happy to eat meat-free meals, while others may flatly refuse. Dogs are not strictly carnivores; they are omnivores and can survive on quite a varied diet as long as they get all the essential nutrients they require. Cats, however are carnivores and cannot survive on a vegetarian diet, it is not only harmful to their health, but I believe it is cruel to deprive them of their natural food source. To raise dogs on a vegetarian diet does take a bit more time and effort but they are often much healthier than those raised on unbalanced diets. If you are preparing healthy vegetarian meals for yourself, then you can easily feed many of these same foods to your dog, but remember that onions are toxic to dogs! We all know that we need to eat a variety of foods to keep healthy, but how many of us actually calculate the exact amount of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, etc; we eat on a daily or weekly basis? I know I certainly don’t, and it is no different for our canine friends either, so don’t stress out over exact quantities. Canines are natural scavengers and will feed on what ever is available to them at the time. So once you have the basic ground rules, it is not that difficult to prepare healthy meat-free meals for your dog, as long as you are aware of their basic nutritional needs. Dogs have higher protein requirements than humans, and this protein requirement can be adequately met with legumes and other vegetarian sources. The amount of protein required ranges between 12% - 40%. Dogs can find starchy foods (grains) difficult to digest, and excessive amounts may cause digestive problems, arthritis, obesity and other degenerative health disorders. Vegetable fibre must be finely minced or ground for your dog to digest if properly. This means it will need to be minced in a food processor or you may use the pulp from vegetable juices or lightly cook and mash them. Supplementation is needed to reduce the risk of deficiencies. Two important amino acids that may be lacking in vegetarian diets are taurine and L-carnitine, and a deficiency of these nutrients can cause serious health problems. Variety is the key to getting a good balance in the diet, and you will be less likely to run into deficiency problems. Take note of your dog’s health & appearance, and if they fail to thrive on a vegetarian diet then consider adding some bones or meat to their diet occasionally. The most common mistake many vegetarians make when feeding their dogs, is to use predominantly cooked foods and lots of grains. It is extremely important to include plenty of fresh raw foods also. It is a good idea to add a good digestive enzyme supplement to the meal to help overcome digestive problems. So what do you feed a vegetarian dog? Vegan protein sources~ Legumes such as lentils, beans & chickpeas will need to make the basis of the protein sources for your dog. Soy beans are a good source of protein, but soy foods such as soy milk & tofu do not agree with many dogs, and there are varying opinions on the health benefits of soy foods, so I prefer to avoid them, or use only moderately rather than as a regular addition to the diet. Other Vegetarian protein sources~ Although I don’t usually recommend dairy products for dogs, small amounts can be used as an additional protein source. Select only organic dairy products such as raw goat’s milk, natural yoghurt or cottage cheese. Free-range eggs are a good source of protein and can be fed raw, including the shell if your dog likes them. You should restrict the amount of eggs used and not feed them every day. Three times per week is sufficient. Carbohydrates~ Vegetables – zucchini, broccoli, celery, cabbage, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, bok choy, kale, carrots, pumpkin, sweet potato, squash, green beans, etc. Vegetables such a pumpkin and cauliflower can be steamed and mashed before serving, while all others may be minced and fed raw. Brown rice, rolled oats, barley flakes, millet, quinoa, buckwheat. Rice and other grains will also need to be well cooked first. Rolled oats may be soaked overnight in water to soften before feeding. Vets all natural Complete mix food is ideal as a substitute for grains and vegetables in a convenient blend with added extras that is simply soaked in water for 24 hours and mixed with your protein source. Sprouts and fresh ripe fruits. Fruit must be well ripened and sprouts should be minced in a food processor before using. Fats~ Essential fatty acids are important and can be found in cold-pressed oils, avocado, coconut, flax seed oil and flaxmeal. Extras~ Additional high nutrient foods and supplements such as Greenpet supplement are recommended to add that extra boost to your dogs diet, to help prevent deficiencies. Carob powder is a rich source of calcium and other nutrients. Nutritional yeast is very high in many vitamins and minerals but some dogs may be allergic to yeast. Tamari is a natural soy sauce, and can be used sparingly to enhance the flavour of veggies until your dog gets used to eating them. Wheatgerm is a highly nutritious food that contains many vitamins and minerals. Flaxseed meal is a great source of fatty acids and fibre. Kelp (seaweed meal) contains a wealth of minerals. Dolomite is a good source of calcium and magnesium. Spirulina, green barley and alfalfa are all very rich in chlorophyll and also contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Greenpet nutritional supplement powder is an excellent low-allergy supplement that contains many of the above ingredients. PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER ~ Here are some recipes from the book “Vegetarian dogs toward a world without exploitation” by Verona re-Bow and Jonathan Dune. 2 cups cooked lentils 1 cup cooked pinto beans 1 cup wheatgerm 1 tsp calcium carbonate 3 Tablespoons cold pressed vegetable oil Fresh minced vegetables with added kelp, alfalfa and zinc. 2 cups cooked brown rice 1 ½ cups wheatgerm 1 cup rolled oats 1 cup finely minced greens 1 cup minced carrot 1 tablespoon cold pressed vegetable oil 1/8 teaspoon kelp pinch alfalfa powder 1 ¼ teaspoon calcium carbonate Mix together all of the above adding enough water to combine and moisten all ingredients. 2 cups rye flakes 1 ½ cups oat flakes 1 cup rinely chopped or steamed greens ½ cup minced carrots or other vegetables ¼ cup nutritional yeast 2 Tablespoons cold-pressed vegetable oil 1 teaspoon calcium carbonate ¼ teaspoon kelp powder The above recipes serve one medium sized dog for one day (2 meals). The following supplements may be needed ~ Taurine – 13mg per kg of bodyweight L-carnitine – 25mg / kg bodyweight Zinc – 20mg for medium sized dog Calcium carbonate, dolomite or eggshell powder (you can make this yourself using free-range egg shells – allow to dry out, then blend in a food processor until fine) Vitamin B12 – 100mcg monthly or bi-monthly Provide hard foods for dogs to chew on – Whole carrots make good chew toys and some dogs love to eat them. Healthy muesli biscuits can be made up for treats also. Although I have been a vegetarian myself for almost 20 years, my personal philosophy is to allow each species to eat the foods they are designed to thrive on. In my experience working as an animal naturopath for many years, is that dogs who eat raw bones are healthier in the long-term than those fed on very restricted diets, but this does not mean that there are many exceptions to this rule, such as a Border Collie named Bramble who is 27 years old and eats a vegan diet consisting of rice, lentils and organic vegetables. Said to be the world’s oldest living dog, Bramble is still alert and active and goes for a walk four times a day near her home in Bridgewater, Somerset in England. So feed your dog’s with healthy food, give lots of love and rest assured that you are helping to significantly reduce the amount of animals killed for pet food each year. More information and receipes available in “Vegetarian Dogs” book which is available in our online store.
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