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Everything posted by Sezy

  1. The first time I took my girl to the vet, the vet nurse took her under her arm as she was so cute. I went in with the vet and my bunny had his shots then I had to go find the vet nurse to get my dog back. My dog thinks the vet is great. You get pats and treats.
  2. Hi Pennyw74, I find that it is trial and error with the Flea products. I used Frontline and then found that it did not work anymore. I then used Revolution for a few years and I am currently using Advantage as that is what is working for me at the moment. But unless you are finding fleas on your puppy I would just keep it in the cupboard for now. Drontal is a good wormer, I use that on some of my lot. I used to just use the supermarket brands but found that it was not working. When you go to the vet they may give you a puppy pack that has some sample products to try. Hope this helps.
  3. there is a few threads somewhere on how to make your own equipment. I went into bunnings and got some pvc pipe and have made my own weavers and jumps but I think that I will have to buy a tunnel.
  4. So sorry, she looks like a dear old soul.
  5. Breed and age: Border collie x lab (5) and Border collie (2) Product name, size and cost: Nutro performance 15kg $93 Daily amount fed: 1.5 cups each (3/4 twice a day) How long does the bag last: roughly 8 weeks Average cost of feeding/week: $12 Anything to add: If I can't get nutro then I use eagle pack.
  6. I believe that there is one in Castle hill on a Sunday. Sorry not much help. Have you tried the flyball website???
  7. I bought the Blackdog mini treat bag to use when showing as well and had the same problem - the clip thingy falls off. I have used it just once and decded it was too much hassle so now make sure I have pockets. When doing obedience and agility though I used to like the Terry Ryan treat bag - have had mine for years now. I also had a Blackdog 1 that I got ages ago and the clasp broke after only a few uses. I was told he had a problem with them for awhile and the new 1s are fine, I got mine probably 4 years ago now so am sure it is sorted out now given the number of people that use and recomend them. I would send them back. I have had a lead that the dog ate replaced from Black dog. The only 2 problems I have had with my blackdog pouch is the dog ate one and my OH has pinched the spare. So will be buying a new one this year!!!!!
  8. I second this one. I am not to far away.
  9. I came home at lunch today, I should have came up.. Carter is going well at training. We had the christmas party last week and he LOVED santa.
  10. Hmm I wonder if that is what Cally had, it was in the same spot and we were at the beach at the time. Vet said she was fine but her chiropractor said that it was broken?????
  11. Cally broke hers but not sure how she did it.
  12. Was going to say that Cleans them out every time.
  13. hahaha I went from 4 kongs to 3. I am guessing that one is buried in my old yard!!!
  14. 10 days without all your lovely photo's!!! I don't think that I will cope. One of the things that I look for on here is your pic's. hehe might have to go for a drive and lend you my camera but you will have to dust it off first!!!!
  15. Sezy

    High 5/shake Hands

    Use a clicker!!!!! Some dogs get it faster then others. My female had it worked out in less then 10 minutes my boy took a lot longer and even now he sort of has the high five but no idea about shake.
  16. Sezy


    RIP Mac, what a sweet old man.
  17. Hi Tanya, I have used the coat king at the DIY dog wash at castle hill and found it to be good. At home I just use a rake and a comb, I find that they work well. Sorry don't know the brands I got them at a dog show years before I got the dog. hehe was just a little to eager. Maybe try posting this in the border collie thread you may get a better response there. A photo of your dog is a must there for all us bc mad people.
  18. Some dogs just don't like clickers. I would email Karen at Get Smart Dogs, she has been clicker training for years. If it was me I would just use your voice as the marker, no point scaring the poor dog. TRaining should be fun.
  19. I really liked the Kiss Guide to raising a puppy. Lots of basic information.
  20. Stay away from BarkBusters there methods are very out dated and sometimes cruel!
  21. I agree with most of the comments here. Try Holly first she may surprise you. I have a Border Collie cross who would prefer to be out chasing a ball rather then do agility and then I have a border that would do anything to be able to do so don't just get another dog to be able to try it as you never know the dog may not like it.
  22. Thanks cavNrott, have put it there too now.
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