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Posts posted by gemstone

  1. hi dwilds

    sorry to hear about your dad, 18 months is not long in grief time so hang in there

    I rescued my little foxy after my younger brother died, I really wasnt doing too well and knew I

    needed something more. She changed my life, gave me a purpose, made me smile again :)

    It was so hard when she had to leave for the bridge just 2 days before christmas last year.

    I hope your new puppy will make your heart sing just like Callie did for me

    take care

  2. After 2 months of vet visits, blood tests, urine tests etc etc the conclusion seems to be my 6 year old has a possible liver tumour. Vets have suggested a low protein diet and have ordered in a sample for her to try.

    has anyone any experience of a dog needing a low protein diet? Aside from vegies what other things could she eat?

    i would be interested to know of what she could have for main meals.


    Because I was scared I'd get it wrong and give her too much fat/protein I mostly fed kibble that the vet recommended

    For variety I still gave her very small amounts of chicken and beef mince that was boiled and then drained and squeezed on lots of paper towels, you get a lot of fat out doing that.

    It was easy for me because Callie would eat anything and didnt seem to mind the kibbles. It was me that felt bad because

    I thought it was too boring :D

  3. My new rescue dog is booked for LP surgery tomorrow

    Since I've only had her a few weeks the rescue people very kindly referred me to their vet for a rescue discount.

    She is 3.5 year old JR x and lifts her leg constantly even after a few paces.

    The vet I saw initially didnt tell me what grade it was just that we should do it sooner rather than later and risk arthritis

    Good luck to all the LP dogs!!

    an interesting update (and good news)

    I dont have the full details yet as it was my partner that took her

    The vet today told us that Gemma didnt need surgery

    She has pain in her knee joint but does not have LP

    She has to get a weekly injection for the next 4 weeks and we'll take it from there

    I wonder now if some dogs get this surgery when its not needed?

  4. My new rescue dog is booked for LP surgery tomorrow

    Since I've only had her a few weeks the rescue people very kindly referred me to their vet for a rescue discount.

    She is 3.5 year old JR x and lifts her leg constantly even after a few paces.

    The vet I saw initially didnt tell me what grade it was just that we should do it sooner rather than later and risk arthritis

    Good luck to all the LP dogs!!

  5. Pawfect you wouldnt be a Libran by any chance??

    I only ask because I am and I struggle with decisions :(

    My girl is a jack russell x I think maybe 3/4 JR and 1/4 mini dacshund but of course that is a guess.

    She has short legs and weighs 6kg

    will let you know what the second opinion vet says about lp surgery

  6. My new rescue dog (aged 4) has this and my local vet has just quoted me $1200-$1500.

    He says its not too bad at the moment but I would rather do it sooner than later.

    I will get another quote though just to make sure its the average price

    That's interesting - my vet said to hold off until it gets bad, because the scarring from sugery causes probs in itself & the procedure would likely lead to early arthritis in the area. We were advised to give joint guard daily, and cartrophen injections every 6 mths (or more frequent if necessary).... It's been 2-3rys of doing this & so far my dog has been great apart from when she does strenuous off-lead running. We know she'll need surgery eventually, but so far so good...

    (she had one knee that was rated a 3, and one that was 2/3).

    yes it is interesting. My vet says if we dont do it she will get arthritis and then the op wouldnt be as successful :rainbowbridge:

    This was my first visit to this vet and I am definitely getting a second opinion, I wouldnt put my dog through surgery

    if it isnt necessary. He didnt say what rate the knee was either.

    What age is your age/breed is your girl?

  7. My new rescue dog (aged 4) has this and my local vet has just quoted me $1200-$1500.

    He says its not too bad at the moment but I would rather do it sooner than later.

    I will get another quote though just to make sure its the average price

    RMC, what is the rescue group's policy on pre-existing conditions? You should check this out, as the rescue group may pay for the surgery, or might be able to put your dog through their vet and get a discount.


    I dont even know if they have a policy. I adopted her on 6 March on a 3 week trial but I have already told them she has

    her forever home and wont be going back.

    I like the idea of a cheaper vet though I will ask them if their vet could give me a quote

    And APBT has just been quoted $600, my dog only weighs 6kg so I think my quote is far too high?

    thanks for the advice

  8. looks like im off to the vet in the morning.

    good luck - let me know how you get on and what the quote is

    Just got back now, vet sed $600 for the operation. seems to be a good price.

    That sounds good - are you in Sydney?

  9. I doubt you'll find any insurance company that will cover for a pre existing condition

    Yes I know that

    you see she is still on trial and we've just made the decision to keep her.

    I took her to the vet as I noticed she was holding her back leg up.

    So I am adopting a dog with a known health problem but she's worth it :)

  10. My new rescue dog (aged 4) has this and my local vet has just quoted me $1200-$1500.

    He says its not too bad at the moment but I would rather do it sooner than later.

    I will get another quote though just to make sure its the average price

    Make sure you get a recommendation for an insurance cover

    is it not too late to take out insurance?

    I wish I had taken it out a week ago

  11. My new rescue dog (aged 4) has this and my local vet has just quoted me $1200-$1500.

    He says its not too bad at the moment but I would rather do it sooner than later.

    I will get another quote though just to make sure its the average price

  12. Lillysmum

    I am so sorry you are still missing Aussie.

    But then again its good to hear you are still thinking of him :mad

    And as for talking rubbish to him?? nope any words from you would have been good words to him.

    Just to hear your voice and know you were talking to him.... priceless

    run free Aussie - look after Callie for me, she's new and needs your help

  13. I would like to sincerely thank everyone that answered Callie's thread.

    Normally I would have come on and thanked you individually but I dont feel up to much right now.

    But I have read it and read it and you have all really helped me with beautiful words

    She was such a happy dog, happy to do whatever you were doing, just constantly happy :mad

    and that love of life made me smile a hundred times a day. I miss her and always will.

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