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Posts posted by gemstone

  1. I just knew that you had lost.... thanks for your beautiful words I do think Callie knew how much I loved her.....

    well I used to tell her every day :mad and the last few months I used to have to SHOUT in her ear so she could hear me

    I am going to bed now, I think I will sleep as I was awake most of last night telling Callie what a good dog/friend she was and how lucky I was to have adopted her. I mean that - I was lucky to have her and here I go again with the tears how do you say goodbye to the centre of your universe

  2. thank you

    I am sitting here in a daze thinking where's Callie???

    she has followed me from room to room touching my ankle I can feel her whiskers - for so many years now I feel lost without her

    I cant believe she's gone and not coming back

    you obviously know how it feels? its only been a few hours I hope it will get better, I miss her so much already

  3. she's home - seems ok had a snack and now snuggling with me on the couch as usual

    Had a good talk to the vet, could be tomorrow or could be a few weeks but thats maximum

    Depends how she is on the 3 medications.

    I will have her cremated I have arranged it with the vet.

    I havent made a day just when 'its time'

    I really appreciate your support it means more than you know

  4. thanks everyone for your support it means a lot

    I am picking her up at 5 today, the vet says it could be a few days or a few weeks at most.

    I've been thinking maybe I should make a date say a weeks time but my partner is arguing with me

    saying we should wait that maybe she will last longer. I never expected this from him and to be honest

    I dont need it either. I always promised myself I would do the right thing at the right time and I dont want

    her to suffer. I will ask the vet tonight what he thinks of my idea and hope he backs me up.

    He says at the moment she is as bright as a button because the drip cleaned her liver and is begging for

    food whenever anyone passes her cage :laugh:

  5. My 15 kg Cocker Spaniel once ate a family size Cadbury milk chocolate block - while she didn't seem to have any adverse reaction to the chocolate (not even a pimple), she did appear to be defecating in purple and silver packets for a day or two.

    :D :D

    I had to pull purple foil out once when it got stuck half way out... almost a cigar shape it was :laugh:

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