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KK Team

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Everything posted by KK Team

  1. 500+ just in the Hound Group? Wow, that's a great entry and in some cases more than an All Breeds Show entry. Generally at a standard show, you'd be happy to get 100 in each Group, let alone 500+.
  2. Hi All, Has anyone seen, or know of the details for the Utility Dog Club of NSW Show? The April 2011 Gazette referenced the show on May 29 in the Trial and Show guide listing, but it does not appear in the May 2011 Gazette. Maybe it has been postponed to a different month. Thanks in advance.
  3. Came home from work and number was in today's mail. Strange thing is that I didn't receive a breed/group breakdown in my envelope. I wonder why some people did and I didn't. No to worry. Thanks Aziah for the information. Now I know when to arrive.
  4. Thanks Aziah. You're a gem. Thank you so much.
  5. Thanks Aziah. Only 20 Terriers? Wow, that's small. Looks like I will need to get there early. Hopefully someone will be able to help with Part 2. Thanks again :D
  6. Hi All, Just wondering if anyone has entered the Morisset Shows this weekend and received their numbers back. I only entered Sunday as I am attending the Pat Hastings seminar on Saturday. My cheque has been presented, but have not received my number. I live over 90 mins away and in the 2nd group to be judged, so wanted to see the breed breakdown so I can gauge when to arrive. If anyone has received their number(s) and there was a breed breakdown provided, would be grateful for some information. Sunday 1st May Show 1. How many terriers entered 2. How many before Dobermanns and how many Dobermanns entered. Thanks in advance.
  7. I'm hoping that is a mistake on Dobermann's and Samoyed's on Friday!! 10pm is a bit rough! I'm hoping so too as I have a Dobermann. I', sure it's meant to read 10:00am. Thanks heaps Megz.
  8. Megz, would I be able to get some info for my breed? Thanks
  9. GoldenWei, glad you heard back and bench is suitable. When I showed my older two, I would have them both tethered in one bench and they would just sleep on their beds, but my young one is a bit fiesty, so she definitely needs to be crated What day are you on at the Royal. Good luck!
  10. Thanks Poodlefan. I was just lazy and couldn't be bothered looking at different pages and the Amazon one had it all on one page. Skye2, I'm thinking the Compact Deluxe might fit too. I have the 3x3 Deluxe, which is 160cm in length when compacted. My very old non Oztrail (which is now broken) is 130cm.....so I'm thinking the Compact Deluxe of 135cm might be ok. Will measure the width of the car and wait until it goes on special at BCF. No camping world near me.
  11. Thanks Poodlefan For those wanting specifications on sizing when compacted, found this http://www.amazonoutdoors.com.au/view.prod...?ProductID=9054 but only Oztrail.
  12. Thanks Poodlefan and Andisa. That makes it easy. Hard when websites don't have the specifications. I have a 3 by 3 Oztrail, but it's long when compacted and won't fit across the width of the car in leg space in passenger seat. The sizing of the Compact Gazebo of 95 or 97 cm looked and sounded perfect. It's strange that the Deluxe version, even though it's the same size, i.e. 2.4x2.4, is an extra 35com longer when compacted. There's no point in buying if I'm going to have the same issue. Will think about the Ordinary, but alas it's not on sale in NSW or ACT. Love it when fellow DOL'ers tell us of bargains. Thanks heaps.
  13. Thanks Andisa. Went onto Harris Scarfe website and cannot see Oztrail Gazebos on their site. I wonder if it applies to stores in NSW as well? Pity I don't have one near me to just walk in and have a look. I went onto Oztrail website and also BCF website and it seems there are two versions of the Compact Gazebo. The Deluxe looks stronger. I wonder which one is on sale. http://www.oztrail.com.au/WebPage.gtl?Prod...ntsubgroup=COMP http://www.bcf.com.au/online-store/product...118#Description Thanks once again for the heads up Andisa. cheers Kent
  14. The sizes of the benches vary. If you have a large breed, they will allocate them with the large benches. I took a 36 inch crate with me last year and it fitted with plenty of room to spare, so I think a 42 will fit, provided you are allocated the large benches. Email Deborah Harbin, the Coordinator, Domestic Animals Competition & Events Judging Competitions if you wanted to check [email protected]
  15. Sorry, if I have posted to wrong forum, but I thought more exhibitors would read this forum. Who has entered the Sydney Royal 2011? You would have received a spare ticket as part of your entries. If you are coming by yourself and don't plan to use your spare ticket, would you be willing to sell it? I'm happy to pay $10-$15 for it. It'll buy you lunch or a showbag......lol. I'll be at Yass this Saturday if you wanted to sell, or alternatively we can make other arrangements. Please private message me to discuss. I only need two tickets. Thanks and sorry again if I have posted to wrong forum. Regards Kent
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