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Everything posted by jerojath

  1. Here are a couple of pics. Amy decided the whelping box isn't good enough, so moved to the couch where she promply delivered the first pup.
  2. MM sorry to hear of little Flowers. You did the best thing given the circumstances. RIP 'Flowers".
  3. Thanks Guys for the Congrats! Yes Mum & Bubs are all well. All big, strong, healthy pups. Will post some pics today.
  4. Jerojath Love Over Gold (Amy) is pleased to report the safe delivery of 3 Boys & 2 Girls.
  5. Jess I was there last week in the 'good' weather and it was VERY busy with dogs after work hours. May not be so busy ATM.
  6. Not too well. Whelped a big healthy boy at 4:45pm, but by 6:00pm there was no further action so on with the glove! Nothing in the birth canal yet no further contractions so off to the Vet. Ultrasound showed more live pups but nil progression so decided on a C/Section. Awaiting the result now..... Edit: How's your lass going Whipitgood? Not too long now for her...
  7. Will keep an ear out Cavalblaze. What sort of 'breeder' REFUSES to accept the puppy back???? Totally irresponsible!
  8. No sign of pups yet. She's not due til Saturday so I'd rather she can hold off a few days. Amy has been showing signs of iminent puppies at times, but the next minute she will be running around psycho as if she's a puppy herself!!! Will post here when we see some action...
  9. If anyone is intrested in some training, Nekhbet has kindly offered. No, not for me thanks. Still want to do some show training here in town though. Might make that my job after puppies...
  10. Sorry to remain but.... tlc - until the Aqua Life page is sorted out, enter aqua life in "find friends" and you will see a list with Tristan Duggan there. Click on it for his personal page, then click on the "Pages" link on the left of screen. That will take you to Aqua Life Warrnambool Aquariums.
  11. Good for you, Munchin! Will be worth the wait - he will have the biggest range of aquariums around, ranging from budget tanks to beautiful pieces of furniture including curved-glass corner units and huge all-in-one systems that look simply awesome! He is also going to have the best range of equipment too, and a HUGE range of cold water, tropical & marine fish including lion fish and sting-rays! His multi-level fighting-fish display cabinet arrived today and is going to look great! It seems he has good ethics too, as he told me today he will not be selling those tiny little display tanks so many people keep their fighting fish in. He thinks they're cruel. He has a heap of different information brochures available free on his counter for anyone to take which I think is a great idea for people to take home. I've never seen them in an aquarium before. His display system (for fish) arrives in the last week of October, and as soon as that is installed he will open for trade, although the fish will be another week or two away as he has to have all the tanks operating without fish for about 10 days I'm told.
  12. tlc - I am having trouble finding the Aqua Life facebook page too. I have told Tristan and he's going to try and fix it. No, wont be looking for staff for at least 2 years he says.
  13. tlc it is in the Target/Coles car park, next door to the ANZ bank. He is in most of the time setting up and receiving supplies and she is welcome to go see him - many people do already, just for advice as there is no-one in town who *really* knows what they are talking about. Re: fish food, he is stocking a huge range including frozen foods (blood worms, Daphnea, heart, shrimp etc) and all the freeze-dried and flake foods including "species specific" foods he's brought out from the US and unavailable outside the bigger city aquariums. He is amazed everyday by the interest, in particular by many full-on enthusiasts who have been going to Geelong & Melbourne for their equipment etc. Now it will all be available right here in town! Maybe you should just print this out for your friend....
  14. Aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwww! I want a lil Elkhound now!
  15. Ellz that's not a small thing - I've been sleeping each night with my 'expecting Mum' with my hand on her feeling the puppies! I think it's very special. It doesn't last long, so enjoy it now. Edit to add - My expecting wife would probably rather I was sleeping beside HER with my hand on HER belly!
  16. Congratulations Cephercat on your litter of beautiful Bubelks! Can't WAIT for pics! Best you go now and get some sleep!
  17. Congratulaions Cephercat! Hope all has gone well with the last puppa in there. Keep us posted please!
  18. Hey Wylie? Karlmoor? Are we able to confirm your girls in whelp???
  19. Good Luck Hoshi! Amy's not due til the 17th, but is showing signs of going early. Sort of..... Last night she went off her food and dropped (a little) in temp. Heavy nesting etc.... Tonight, she inhaled her dinner, temp is normal and shows no signs of bedding down!!!!
  20. Nothing to be ashamed about tez - my girls have NEVER had a bath - and Belle is over 4yo!! I took all of them to my parents house yesterday and Mum said "Why don't they have a doggy smell?" I think half of it is the feeding.... As far as Amy and her babies are going, She is not due til Friday or Saturday but has been showing all the signs of going early; loss of appetite, drop in temperature, nesting, etc but tonight - INHALED her dinner, just checked temp (perfect) and NO interest in bedding down, so who's to know??? Will keep Y'all posted. Could be a loooooooong week.
  21. Yay!!! Congratulations MM! Sorry about the 3 DOA but wonderful to hear of the 5 healthy puppies! Cephercat........... looks like you are next! Looking forward to pics of Bubelks!
  22. Any movement in the mersonmalinois camp tonight???
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