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Posts posted by rijbiz

  1. Hi, hope you are enjoying your new puppy :banghead:

    I always used to use Rob Zamit at Vineyard Vets, Windsor Road, Vineyard who I found great, but I believe there is a really good vets at Quakers Hill. Not sure of their name but I'm sure some other DOLer will know.

  2. I used to have mine on Advance and they although they loved it, they didn't do that well condition wise. I now feed Eagle Pack Holistic to my old boy and Eagle Pack Power Blend to my young girl and both are looking great :p In the end though, it is all about personal preference and what works for you.

    I also supplement my dry food with chicken carcuses, brisket bones, sardines etc

  3. After doing a lot of reading, I came to the decision to book in with Gary Barnsley.

    I rang to book but he is not taking any new clients :p

    I got an appointment with his son, Neil.

    Is he just as good?

    Or does anybody have any other suggestions?

    I have two cavaliers.

    I am around the Hills area but will travel.


    When I was in Sydney I always used to use Peter Schofields who I found really good. Although he is a "greyhound man" he always had lots of little dog clients there when I was waiting. He does a lot of the show dogs.

    He is at Berkshire Park and his no is 0411 353 130

  4. The only eagle pack we have found stacks the weight on is the "power formula"

    I'm currently feeding Eagle Pack Power Formula to my girl because she seems to have lost condition (she was previously on Eagle Pack Holistic Salmon & Anchovy). However, I must confess I have never read the RDI on the back. I give her a cup in the morning and a cup and a half at night and watch for a week. If she's putting too much weight on I cut it back, not enough and I add. I think you need to feed whats right for your dog and only you will be able to tell.

    I also give her chicken carcusses, sardines, eggs etc.

  5. My whippet went through something similar to your boy, it was just if friends were here, they were people she had known all her life, but she wouldn't go to them for pats or treats.

    When I went looking for her I found her in my bedroom as far away from the doorway that she could go, shaking etc.

    Not long after these episodes we discovered that she had gone deaf.

    I think that during the process of losing her hearing she may have been having distorted hearing which made her very nervous when other people were here and there was more noise than normal.

    She was about 11 at the time, this behaviour stopped after a few weeks, when she was completely deaf. She then reverted to her old self with her usual "excessive greeting disorder' when they arrived at the door.

    It was distressing to see such a friendly confident dog reduced to a shivering mess, thankfully it was all over quite quickly.


    That would tie in, because that was one of the effects of Cleo eating the Brunsfella, her "LSD" distorted hearing which was why she was so terrified of the food bowls etc. Maybe the poor old boy is going deaf.

  6. Poor Teddy, I hope he's okay.

    Look its probably not related, but a year or so ago my young girl started acting strangely, jumping at her own shadow, scared of the noise her food bowl made to the point that she wouldn't eat and we were tearing our hair out trying to work out what was wrong.

    Then one evening our older girl suddenly started staggering and convulsing, thinking she'd got a tick my husband threw her in the car and raced to the vets. He then phoned from the vets to ask if she'd eaten anything funny and of course I said no, but on second thoughts woke up our young kids to ask them if they'd seen anything strange. The youngest told me that both Nala (the older girl) and Cleo had been eating the flowers off the blue bush :rofl:

    The blue bush in question was Brunsfela (yesterday, today and tomorrow) that has the 3 different coloured flowers on it (white, blue and purple) and we had had this bush for over 10 years. After some research by the vet it turns out that this plant is highly toxic and addictive, giving the dogs the same effect as taking LCD. Apparantly in South America they crush this plant up to use on the end of poisoned darts :)

    So then I had to wake up the kids and race the 30 minutes to the vets with Cleo where they were doing there best to save Nala. They both spent 3 days at the vets after having there stomachs pumped and Nala was very touch and go. Won't even tell you about the bill :rofl:

    But the point of the story is that Cleo had been just nibbling at the bush and was showing signs of problems with her nervous system, noises etc (as I said just like LCD) and Nala who had never even looked at the bush before copied Cleo and was instantly addicted eating a much larger dose.

    The next day the chain saw came out, but it was amazing as just like addicts as soon as they came home they were both scratching around where the bush had been.

    As I said, this probably is nothing like your Teddy, but the symptoms sounded so much like Cleo's and as everyone said, they didn't even know it was dangerous. Even our vet had to check on the internet for it as it was not on her list of poisonous plants.

    So just check he's not having a nibble at something because one of your younger dogs is :rolleyes:

    Hope all goes well for you.

  7. Bundy is a cross, can I do his ET with him? It's something I wouldn't mind giving a go

    Didn't want to ignore your question, but to be honest I don't really know. I cannot see any reason why not as it is not conformation showing. Probably best to give your canine council a ring.

    Best of luck with it all ;)

  8. I use cheese as bait in the show ring (among other things) with no problems.

    If fact the minute I start making the kids sandwiches in the morning, Cleo is always standing there living in hope that a piece of cheese might just fall off the workbench. Strange thing is, one usually does :)

  9. If you do choose the yearly heartworm injection (I'm one that would never use it) it should never be given in conjuction, on the same day, as normal vaccinations.

    Is this part of an "official" warning for the product? My vet gave the C5 and heartworm on the same day - I aksed her if this was standard and she said yes!


  10. KL ..... love your home-made cardboard Elizabethan collar! Very ingenious and fantastic that he kept it on. Maybe because it was light weight it made it that bit more comfortable to be able to at least bear with it.

    I thought of the Elizabethan for my boy, except that he'll still flap his head and what's worse, his ears would constantly flap against the collar. But maybe a combination of snood and elizabethan collar would be the way to go.

    This might be a bit premature to speak of (and I hope I don't jinx matters) but I recently purchased some Equaderm Cream through "Groomers". I only put a bit on the ear wound last night and I admit to it appearing somewhat better today. If it's not my imagination, the small amount of inflamation/swelling seems to have reduced too. Fingers crossed that this might be all I have to do to get things right with his ear. Can I dare to hope that it will be that easy?

    I noticed in the last week that Mandela had a bald patch appearing at the tip of his tail. I thought it might have been from him whacking it on the wall when he wags. May it was. But I noticed he was licking at it also, today. So I've used the cream on that too and will see if it helps.

    Also, don't forget about good old fashioned warm salt water :)

  11. Hunter was beautiful.

    Now you have certainly given me food for thought. I was totally unaware and our vet in Sydney always pushed it.

    I had my 12 year old boy vaccinated/annual heart worm just a couple of weeks ago and my other girl had the same back in March.

    Next year I will definately be looking at alternatives.


  12. I can't give chicken necks or even wings as mine swallow them whole.

    We give chicken carcasses and brisket bones and Cleo is very partial to raw carrot.

    Never really tried other types of bones but might try the roo tails (from pet shop?)

    Are lamb flaps/off cuts okay for large dogs who just tend to inhale their food?

  13. Okay, I'm probably going to sound dumb and let myself in for a lot of flak - but what is wrong with the annual heartworm injections??

    We've been giving them to ours for as long as I can remember with no problems (that I know of). We went that way because I was paranoid I might forget to dose them and now when I take them for their annual vaccinations I just get the heart worm done too.

    Obviously with puppies I don't get this done until they're 12 months old. Until this time I give them the monthly.

  14. Mornings are fairly routine, I feed them when I get back from taking the kids to school and they know it. Going beserk the minute the car pulls in the drive way and very put out if I make myself a coffee first :rofl:

    At night they get fed when I get around to it, always after we've eaten and it can be anytime from 7pm to 11pm. God help them if they disturb me in the middle of Greys Anatomy :rofl: but they don't fuss at night so obviously having "no routine" is better for me :thumbsup:

  15. Once in the time it took me to unload my shopping out of the car, one of my girls once ate an entire bbq off the kitchen bench. Didn't know whether to be angry or terrified (or both), but it didn't do her any harm thank god.

    An entire bbq! Holy cow! :laugh::rofl:

    Sorry I know what you meant, I'm just kidding :cool:

    Must have been having a blonde moment :rofl::eek: I meant the chicken :)

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