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Posts posted by *Avanti*

  1. I feel for you and your situation Isabel. I lost my two Lab girls last year, the first one had to be euthanised because her system was on the verge of collapse. It took a lot of courage and tears but I stayed with her and cuddled her while the vet gave her the injection. I stroked her head gently whilst whispering to her that she was 'the best dog in the world'. Although it was hard I felt some peace for having stayed with her to the end. The other dog died in her sleep in hospital which was possibly more difficult to cope with because I never got to say goodbye and had not predicted it even though in hindsight I should have been prepared.

    Sending my blessings, it is not easy and its hard to know what to say to comfort. :heart:

  2. I'm sorry to hear about Toby Labadore, such a gorgeous boy. :hug:

    It was hard losing both in the one year, Bella was 14 and Heidi 12. She missed her mother so much, well we both did! Losing Heidi was so unexpected. She came down ill overnight and was admitted to hospital the next day. She was on a drip and pain-killers. They were going to do more investigative tests and ultrasounds after a growth showed on one but she died in her sleep at the hospital that night. :cry:

    Also, I meant to say thanks for the lovely poem tdierikx and to everyone sharing about their beautiful friends. :grouphug:

  3. Sending my condolences to everyone who lost a special friend this year. Christmas can bring up all the feelings. I lost both my dogs this year, rather suddenly to cancer. Bella in February then her daughter Heidi in November. I've been too sad to talk about it but this morning was one of the hardest. This is the first Christmas I have truly spent alone in 30 years, I miss my dear girls so much. I am grateful to have been blessed to have them, they were such beautiful dogs. Sending hugs to others missing someone and season's greetings.

    Pics removed to prevent Google access, sorry!

  4. I heard Holly's story on the radio over the hot sleepless night last night, I did a search but couldn't see it posted before.

    If it hasn't already I thought it was worth sharing. :)

    Mini fox terrier proves 'working dog' status to council officers - ABC Rural (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

    Mini fox terrier Holly is not much bigger than a well-fed guinea pig, but has fought against discriminatory beliefs and proved to council officers she is a valuable "working dog".

    Kalangadoo farmer David Smith gets his mini fox terrier 'Holly' to demonstrate her ability as a working dog.

    Farmer David Smith, from Kalangadoo in South Australia, appealed a letter from his local government that said the tiny canine had to be registered as a house dog.

    "The registration for farm working dogs is less than your town house dogs, but it was more about the point in question," Mr Smith said.

    "Holly was gutted when I told her they thought she was only a house dog, so as she slipped into a state of depression. I indicated to her that we'd appeal it."

    Two council officers were sent out to the farm, to test Holly's ability to move sheep.

    She passed.


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