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Everything posted by MissMolly

  1. Hi all, Just after some advice, took Charlotte (CKCS) to the vets this evening as last week she hurt her leg,(she was running on the wooden floors with wet feet and I was walking and she hit my foot and ending up hitting the bottom of the door frame i felt terrible) I thought she was fine and it has only been the last few days that I have noticed her limping on and off, even though when you touch it she doesn’t flinch, so I thought the vet would say she had sprained it or hurt the muscle. BUT she has a grade 3 luxating patella in her right leg and needs an operation, she is booked in for the week after next, I just don’t feel comfortable with this sudden diagnosis, as she has been fine up until now, even though the vet got me to feel the kneecap, should I get a second opinion, as it wasn’t a vet I had seen before, it is our normal vet practise, but normally we see Rob or Pip, should I arrange to go and see one of them before Charlotte’s operation, I am so confused, yes the vet told us all about laxating patella’s but I was hoping someone on this forumt might have some advice Also the vet mentioned arthritis, Charlotte is 14 months old. I show Charlotte and no one has noticed this before with her.. Sorry if this all sounds confusing I am just so worried about her, I have to keep her confined until the operation this she wont like as she loves playing with Sophie.. Cathy, Miss Molly, Miss Charlotte and Miss Sophie Friends are the angels that lift us up when our wings have forgotten how to fly.
  2. Hi Kavik, This is what it must likely is, i just worry about my girls, hubby says i worry a little to much and i must say at times i do, but if she starts to look unwell straight off to the vets it will be.. Cathy
  3. Hi Pax, I am not having her desexed at this stage, i am showing her, she is my first show girl and my first undesexed girl, my other girl who i don't show is desexed so i am new to all this coming into season stuff... Cathy
  4. My litte girl finished her first season a week ago, and i have noticed that her teats seem slighty larger then before her season and while bathing her yesterday i could feel that her vagina is larger then what i asssume it should be, she has been cleaning quite a lot, but she shows no other signs of not been well, she is eating normally and is running around, and looks like her normal happy self. Would love any advice on what it could be.. and does pyometra happen in young dogs? Cathy
  5. Hi Poodle wrangler, I haven't yet worked out if it is fleas, as i say when i look through her coat i have only found one or two on rare occasions, and i do wash sheets once a week and also do their other bedding the same day i treat them with advantage and sentinel, which i do on the same date every month as i have the sticker to remind me on the fridge, this is why i was thinking she could be so itchy from something else.. We do though get a lot of other cats in our back yard which wouldn't be helping if they have fleas.. They are bathed either fortnightly if we have a show as i show the 9 month old or if we have no show it is 3 to weeks between baths, i can't think of the shampoo name at the moment ( i am at work) but i know it is a none allergen product for sensitive skin types... Should i maybe take her off certian foods to see if this makes a change, as i feel so bad for her... Cathy P.S I vacuum every second day as i have two ckcs and wooden floors..
  6. Hi all, I have 2 CKCS and my 18 month old is always itching herself and I know it is driving me nuts so she must be beside herself with it, now it seems worse first thing in the morning when wakes up and most nights if she is out from under the covers she will wake us up with her itching, I feel really bad for her... We treat our girls with sentinel every month and also with advantage monthly, we did try Advantix for a period of 5 months but it didn’t seem to be working, our vet suggested advantage instead, we have been on this now for around 4 months, but it doesn’t seem to be working, my OH is a little tried of spending money on products’ that don’t seem to be working and rolls his eyes when I say how about we try ....such and such instead.. Our other girl 9 months old itches sometimes, but not as nearly as bad as Molly, we also have a cat who is treated with advantage. I sometimes find a flea on them but not very often, when I get home from work today I will be giving the girls a bath in some flea shampoo to see if they have any, (which I haven’t brought yet I will buy on my way home).. I feed my girls supercoat with the 18 month old on the lite, they also have barf patties, chicken necks, lamp flaps, etc, now could Molly be having some sort of reaction to the supercoat kibble..?? I though of this after reading another post about best dry foods... Would love any advice... Cathy
  7. Hi there, We have just brought home our new pup (CKCS) and our 1 year old CKCS is not happy about it. They are both girls, but our 1 year old is so scared of the pup, i do socialise our 1 year old and we do obedience training once a week and she is great with the bigger dogs. But she wont let the pup near her and she runs away also she is drooling all the time, which she has only ever done when she stayed at the vets to be desexed. I think she is very anxious and i am worried about her. I would love any advice that can help her. Cathy, Miss Molly and Charlotte.
  8. Ok now this makes me think. I am bringing home my new puppy on Saturday. I already have a fur baby and she will be 1 year old tomorrow and she has had her needles, my question is i attend obedience classes with Miss Molly once a week, should i keep doing this or will this put my new pup at risk? Cathy
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