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Everything posted by daccies

  1. I would be looking for another vet too. The one you went to sounds a joke and imagine if you had to go to him if something really was wrong. He wouldn't be giving me a lot of confidence. 2 minute check up? Ask around - or on here.
  2. I do have a little dog but there are always BIG dogs in the surgery - ring reception and ask if anyone in particulary prefers big dogs. They're just so nice and on the ball down there - or at least I've found them to be so.
  3. Pittwater Animal Hospital - yes I use that one and I think they're great. Really helpful and lovely staff.
  4. God what a shock. So sorry to hear this.
  5. daccies


    Stormy, I'm so sorry to hear that. How absolutely dreadful, what a complete nightmare. Hope he pulls through too.
  6. I've just had the same thing with my dog - took her in on Saturday and ended up with some ointment. Could have been started by antything including pollen, and vet said it was as well to get it sorted before it damaged eye etc. So you are doing the right thing - yes more vet bills! but worth it to prevent any serious harm.
  7. Hmm edited because it was from another site. BUt it looks like only adverts from other sites that can't be cross posted. Will put the link back up. Not sure if this will come out, but it is a link to Our Dogs Online, > where someone has posted a warning re the use of Rymadil in cases of > IBD, Addisons or Cushings. . > > > > > http://groups.msn.com/ourdogsonline/ourdogswebsite.msnw
  8. thank you for posting all thgat info. Look forward to hearing Australia's response.
  9. I have a great vet Pittwater animal hospital 9913 7979 - they're pittwater road opposite Warriewood Shopping centre. Not having realised about this vaccination every 3 years until it was bought up here recently, I don't know whether they do this or the titre test. Was going to ask them though as think that's the way I'm going to go with my dog. Do post and let us know how you get on.
  10. Thank you for all that information. Off to search topic here ....
  11. nobody answered Katlek's question about all the different vaccinations C4, C5. I'd like to know too. And is there some website about why so many of you are not vaccinating annually - something until on here I'd never heard of.
  12. Make sure she's not getting any treats between meals either, these can pile the weight on daccies. Difficult to resist those eyes I know, but much kinder to her in the long run
  13. This is a great site showing how a normal dog walk should look, together with a dog with hip dysplasia and cranial cruciate. Movie can be shown in slow motion so you can check each movement. http://accad.osu.edu/~hcaprett/COTA_741_sp...eLO_090504.html
  14. Sorry guys, it is indeed dated April - Ignore - teach me to read something before posting. Sorry again.
  15. I wonder, if (eg) head-collars (be it "gentle leader"; "halti" etc.) were as expensive as e-collars, whether the average pet dog owner would be as attracted to them as they are. Or would they more carefully consider their purchase and by those very considerations, make an effort to learn about them and their use so as to be able to decide which tool does what, how and why. Since head-collars etc. are sold along with leashes, collars etc. at much the same price I think this is a problem. I don't believe the public has any idea of their adverse effects. I don't use one but until coming onto this discussion had no idea. But then isn't that what this place is all about - learning and discussing!
  16. Just had this come through about Royal Canine Recall. Don't feed it myself so don't know if its just the U.S. http://www.fda.gov/oc/po/firmrecalls/royalcanin04_07.html
  17. Hi Lou, First up this wasn't my quote - I was just commenting on it. these correlations suggest, So you're right I don't have a clue how to use one, nor have I seen one being used (although thinking back I'm fairly sure I've seen it being used by Ceser Millan on one of his programmes). I have joined this topic to LEARN about various ways of training, who has success with what etc. I also don't assume that because I don't know how to use an ecollar that others don't either. However from reading through this topic it would seem that e collars would require both trainers and owners to know what they're doing. Ergo they shouldn't be in the hands of anyone, although seemingly (and I haven't checked) they can be bought over the internet by anyone not trained in its use. Its also, from this discussion, now becoming apparent that the same would be said of halti's etc. My apologies about the comment on your training police dogs. I guess the point I was trying to make would be that both police dogs and their trainers would be far more advanced in training than most pet owners. And finally as for e collars, I'm not sure I am opposed to them since they would appear to have positive outcomes in some cases. However I can quite see that in the wrong hands I wouldn't like to witness it, same with halti's. and lets face it there are some shockingly cruel owners out there.
  18. I had exactly the same problem with my dachshund when she was a puppy (she's now 18 months) and I thought she would never walk on a lead. They're so tiny though and I think you just have to see the world through their eyes - its enormous! She would come out the gate, go maybe 10 steps and then stop. Even encouraging her gently wouldn't get her to budge. Was determined though that she should get used to the sounds of cars and people and all other manner of noises when out walking so I would just pick her up and carry her for a few minutes, then put her down then carry etc. etc. !!!! Then I decided that puppies learn through other dogs so enrolled help of a friend with a dog so she could see that dogs walk on leads (!) which she did for a few minutes quite enthusiastically and then had to be carried. Not long after though she just started walking. I'm sure it will happen they do eventually want to walk and smell all those doggy smells. Patience, which incidentally with a dachshund you will need. Wonderful dogs though - enjoy.
  19. E collars are not for everyone and my clients never handle the remote until i am convinced that the dog understands the concepts AND the handler has excellent timing. I agree that they are not for the novice handler. But then neither is other types of equipment And perhaps that is the crux of the matter Cosmo - understanding if the owner is competantly able to use the Ecollar in the correct manner thus perhaps making it a benefit rather than saddling the dog with all sort of other undesirable behaviour.
  20. Thanks Pinnacle for the report - I am sure there are other reports that will be posted in argument, but at the end of the day aren't most dolers "just household pet owners"? These correlations suggest that while electronic avoidance training may be useful in certain situations, such as livestock and predatory problems (Christiansen, et al, 2001A, 2001B), they may not be the best choice for the average pet owner, who may be unable to deal with increasing fear responses for the duration of the dog.s life And with all due respect to Lou most of us don't have police dogs to train. Therefore IMO these collars could perhaps be used by experienced trainers in exceptional circumstances but not by the majority of us. ..... and please don't all jump down my throat for expressing my thoughts on an interesting topic which hasn't been the most pleasant to read. All I want to know is the best and most successful way of training fear aggresive dogs, which I believe is how the topic started. All of you giving your opinions and arguments have helped me form my opinions, but I do believe has been full of personal attacks rather than sticking to the issue of electric vs. treat training.
  21. My daccie's on eagle pack holistic, loves it and seems to be doing really well on it!
  22. I could possibly be interested in trying it for my mini daccie, however she's currently on eagle pack which I'm quite happy with, so would want to know that the change would be worthwhile and also I wouldn't want to pay more than I'm currently paying.
  23. There is quite an old thread about this and I was wondering if anyone has an update on this implant, also now used for the female dog. Anyone out there noticed a difference in their dogs behavious (aggression) and also have you heard about its long term effects. i.e. does it stop prostate cancer in male dogs and does it prevent female health problems associated with not getting your dog desexed. Have tried to do a google search, but all seem to be old news nothing beyond 2005.
  24. I've had mine on advance and changed her over a few weeks ago to Eagle pack holisitic, and her coat is lovely and all seems to be really well. Very happy
  25. I switched my dog from Advance onto the Eagle Pack holisitic chicken about 3 weeks ago and already I'm noticing a difference in her beautifuly silky shiny coat. Having no problems at all with EP.
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