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Everything posted by cazzaritch

  1. Whereabouts are you? One of my clients makes cleaning products and has a cleaner/disinfectant that contains citronella as a fly repellent for just this sort of thing I am really interested in ths product, I am in Sydney Apologies for highjacking the thread, but sometimes, my 2 will go on the patio - especially when its raining and ours is smelling a bit too.
  2. Thanks for all of your advice guys, I will have a chat with him about it - hopefully calmly - letting him know that what he did is just pointless and wont help in the toilet training at all. I also think I will dig a little deeper on his house training methods. I know they live in an apartment and I have no idea how they are managing with the house training while at work etc. I have to tread gently with this guy as I have already been a little lot over heated when I discovered they bought the pups from a pet store, I don't always take a breath before I go off on one. As far as I can tell, apart from the house training issues, the dogs are really really well cared for. This time I plan to try to educate and help and think about my message. I will also mention the urine stop and the home made remedy, thanks dogmad for the recipe and for the house traning tips.
  3. I totally agree with you, it is mean. Maybe I should go down the do unto others route, but I would also like to give him facts rather than my feelings/opinions (mainly because I ger a bit over-emotional about these things and tend to rant).
  4. They certainly do. My 2 will wait for their dinner like that too, in fact they have to wait to be given anything, pigs ears, bones etc. I am so proud of them both and really must take some more pictures soon
  5. A friend of mine has two pug x cavaliers, 1 male 1 female. Yesterday we were talking about house training issues as Andy, one of my labs, did a huge pee on the floor overnight. Our fault, we didnt make sure that he did his business outside before we put him to bed. Anyway, my friend mentioned that his female puppy peed on the floor right in front of him that morning. He then rubbed her nose in it. I was horrified and my face obviously showed it and he asked me what was wrong. I told him that it's very damaging to the dog to do that. Now here is where I need the help... He asked me why and to be honest, I didn't know the correct answer and babbled something about pee having toxins and dogs noses are very sensitive. Please can some one give me the correct answer so that I can pass the information on and help to prevent this happening again to the poor little girl. Even though I don't fully know why it's wrong, I do know it's wrong and would NEVER do this to a dog myself. Thanks Cazza
  6. He is just adorable, he really reminds me of Lou when he was that age
  7. OMG Rainey, he is growing in to such a handsome man ;)
  8. ;) At what age do most puppies start to cock their legs? Mine are just over 7 months and still girly squat?
  9. I have 2 labs and one of them only had 1 testicle descended. My vet only charged $25 extra for Andy's bigger operation, including a drain to assist the healing of the wound and 10 days of anti biotics. He did fine and there was never any thought of not having him desexed because of this issue.
  10. I did go back to the same vet just in case it was still complications from the desex. I am glad I did really as I don't really want to let this vet 'off the hook'. But i have sourced another for any future issues. I have also been informed by another lab owner that her lab had the same lump come up on her dog after a course of anti biotic injections and her vet said that it can happen and that it would just re-absorb. He is not bothered by it at all. He is still on oral anti biotics just in case its an infection. I will keep a close eye on it and return to the vet again if I am not happy.
  11. Just got back from the vet (again) with Lou. I noticed a lump on his shoulder this morning and thought it was an insect bite. The lump is about the size of a golf ball. It didn't seem to be hurting him and he isn't limping so I went to work fully expecting it to be gone when I got home. No such luck, it was just as big, if not a little bigger. Off to the vet we go. Vet seems to think its an abcess from one of the anti biotics he was given after his desex infection. It has apparently only shown its ugly head now as he is off medication. So more pills and possibly another rupture to watch for. Vet seems to think it will just go away again. Certainly hope so. Just hope he doesn't go down hill like last time.
  12. It most certaily did. Having not ever seen a very sick puppy before, we totally panicked and thought we might lose him. We probably over reated through lack of experience.
  13. We wont be back for at least another week, just to be on the safe side. Would be very interested to know which vet you use for your girls. Hope to see you soon. He is much much better now and the swelling and infection has nearly all gone. We have (hopefully) final check on Saturday morning.
  14. Thank you for all of comments, I will seriously consider my options.
  15. You must follow your own instincts, but it concerns me that what was a routine op has gone so pear-shaped. As I said before, I worry about the cleanliness of his clinic, given the number of infections poor Lou had to endure. Al I can say is, had this happened with one of my dogs I'd be looking for another vet. I also think it's not good enough that you had no way of contacting him out of hours - when one of my dogs was sick, my vet gave me his home number and said I could ring him any time if there was any change in my dog's condition. Just to clarify, it was just the one infection that threw us off as he seemed to be getting better.
  16. It did burst, it was very messy. He is much better now. Vet has taken full responsibility for this and has been very good to us (I think). All extra treatments and visits have been free. He has been genuinely as worried about him as we have. He didnt want to open him up again in case the situation was made worse, and I agreed with that, and think that the best decisions were made. I think that we just had a very unfortunate time. Am I being too kind to this vet, many of our friends recommended him to us, and wouldn't use any one else.
  17. We have just got back from tonight's visit and vet has given another anti biotic shot. He said that the infection is ready to rupture and this the best thing that can happen. So we have towels at the ready and we are going back again in the morning. Also have his out of hours numbers.
  18. Mmmm inconclusive, so definitely wont give him any more will watch him very closely
  19. This web site says codeine is ok http://www.thepetcenter.com/gen/pm.html will keep looking for paracetomol
  20. 3/4 of a tablet. Vet said he could have that 3 times a day Will go and google Am very worried now, I don't want to cause the poor boy any more grief
  21. He seems ok, had it about an hour ago. He has actually perked up quite a bit ETA won't give him any more
  22. OMG, he has already had it..... seriously, the vet told us to give it to him????? What have I done
  23. We have just got back. Lou has had ultra sound and the vet thinks that there is an infection in the tube. He has been given a big shot of anti biotics and we have to go back tomorrow night for another shot and keep the tablets going. The poor little boy is having trouble sitting, so he will get 3/4 of a panadeine on vets orders tonight at bed time. Vet is confident he wont need to have more surgery.
  24. We are back off to the vet again at 5.30 (can't get seen before then) as the swelling is worse and he is not eating again. GGGrrrrrrrrrr I feel so sorry for him, he seems to be in such pain - the poor thing.
  25. He would have had such fun chasing the golf balls around that he would have tired out very quickly!! Just hope he didn't eat one! Excellent news about the shoe.
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