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Everything posted by GSD's 4EVER

  1. I'll say it again ... this boy has some 'splainin to do when we get him in. And something in me says we will.
  2. And someone thought I was being crass in posting "VaJJ". At least we can have a bit of a giggle in amongst all the serious stuff & a few tears. :p
  3. Please go back over the last approx 3 pages & you'll be brought up to speed pretty quickly. The info discussed will possibly answer any thoughts or questions you may have.
  4. This will be a fantastic story for the Rescue site if it all works out.
  5. OO !!! Does this mean they're going to have another crack at it ?? I assumed we only had them for the one appointment. We nearly got him yesterday with those chaps, so it would be great if we could try again with all the knowledge we gained from the experience yesterday. We can use them again, we need to have an online meeting with all you guys to work out plan B. Jan will be consulting them again and we will go from there I'm pretty much on line & at home all the time, so I'm ready when you are.
  6. OO !!! Does this mean they're going to have another crack at it ?? I assumed we only had them for the one appointment. We nearly got him yesterday with those chaps, so it would be great if we could try again with all the knowledge we gained from the experience yesterday.
  7. I'm sure if it is a comp for the food between our boy & the cat, the boy will get his feed Darl.
  8. B&S. You're a champ going out there this late at night. Sorry to laugh, but that creek is a b!tch, isn't it.
  9. Tara's got the sh!ts with me for leaving her home & out the back to keep Spirit amused & out of trouble today. Drama Queen.
  10. Not at the moment. We'd need a very long zoom lens. I've only got a cheapy digital & it will only probably show him as a blob.
  11. I've cried about this little bloke a lot in the last week. I've just got to trust that The Universe will guide us in the right direction & give us a positive end to getting him to come in.
  12. I have to tell her "No !! Now settle down & go back to sleep !!!" for about 20 minutes & then we're right for another couple of hours until she insists her bladder is full. (She just wants to go outside to have a sticky) You can probably now understand why I'm in bed by 8:30 pm some nights.
  13. Cheer up Lovey. He's still very much alive & comfy in his surroundings. We'll just have to work on "Plan B". A bit warmer than I thought today. I had to have a "nana nap" when I got home. ;) :D You where probably up before the sparrows. Very true. "Fart in a bottle" Spirit usually decides when it's time to rise each morning regardless of what time it says on the bedside clock. I draw the line at 3am though.
  14. Cheer up Lovey. He's still very much alive & comfy in his surroundings. We'll just have to work on "Plan B". A bit warmer than I thought today. I had to have a "nana nap" when I got home.
  15. Yeah, we saw him. The cheeky bugger casually popped out from his "kennel". Then he sat there sunning himself & rolling about on his back. When we started to come for him, he went up the back & gave everyone the slip. I'm starting to get a sneaking respect for this boy, he's that bloody smart.
  16. Look !! Even my girls are wishing us love & luck .....
  17. It's today "lopolla". We're all meeting up at 12/12:30 at the site. The weather is clear & it doesn't look like it's going to rain. I hope "The Universe" wants us to catch him. I truly, truly do.
  18. You're supporting us in spirit & that's the main thing.
  19. I'll take my camera in the hope we have a successful catch. Poor thing ... I'm making him sound like a fish .... which he isn't. I so want to get this boy in. So much emotion for me tonight at the prospect either way .... we get him ... or we don't.
  20. This "mission" has been on my mind since I first learned about the boy last Friday. There's been hardly a moment throughout the week & especially today when I haven't thought about him & what will happen. Given we will go out there tomorrow & do our level best to catch him, I truly hope it will be successful & it will be as gentle on the little man as we can possibly make it. There are no guarantees in life. I'm sure everyone is preparing for the worst but hoping for the best. Thanks so much for your best wishes kamuzz. I'm sure if one of your loved ones was missing like this, you'd hope people cared enough to rescue them like we're attempting to do with this boy.
  21. I understand completely. Spirit gets bored very easily & the seat belts & hand break have suffered as a consequence of leaving her in the car by herself just that wee bit too long. Didnt you know WSR has its own Maternal Child and Dog Health nurse for these purposes How fast can this person move in a split second & do they have eyes in the back of their head ?
  22. I understand completely. Spirit gets bored very easily & the seat belts & hand break have suffered as a consequence of leaving her in the car by herself just that wee bit too long.
  23. Good point about the weather. I'll pack my wet weather pants, drizabone & hat. So long as I'm warm & dry, it can bucket down for all I care.
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