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First Time Puppy Owner

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Everything posted by First Time Puppy Owner

  1. Awesome - please do post when you have figured it out (don't give the OH too much credit though cause their head swell too easily )
  2. No, you're right about the omega 6 being higher in emu oil - have been looking into it today, and thank you - will post when Benson comes off the Atopica
  3. Cool well I will get the Greenridge once he finishes the performa 3 (probably about 2 litres to go) and get some vit E tabs and leave it at that seeing as his kibble more than likely covers the omega 6 requirements. Thank you so much for your help ZA - just so much to get the head around and I would hate to over dose on something and make him worse.
  4. Ok out these what is a better combo of EPA / DHA in Salmon Oil and do you give a few less capsulas of Salmon Oil than Fish Oil as the mg of bith EPA and DHA are higher? Greenridge Wild Salmon Oil -180mg EPA / 120mg DHA Gold Seal Wild Salmon Oil - 160mg EPA / 140mg DHA Edit - Plus how much in mg of Vit e should you give? What I am thinking is I get the Salmon Oil, give Benson 7 capsulas a day cause he weighs 38 kgs, but how much vitamin E?
  5. Yeah I was wondering about that ZA as I feed Artemis Maximal Dog - will need to pull the packet out of it's bin and have a look cause I couldn't find that info on their website.
  6. Ok, can you buy borage oil in a liquid form and is there any one out there that uses fish oil in a liquid form as well? Then I am wondering if you do that how much you give of each?!
  7. Hi There Just been reading this link and is said to choose a supplement with high amount of EPA, DHA, GLA, and vitamin E when trying to aid in the treatment of atopy. http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=...662&aid=666 Choosing a fatty acid supplement Animals being treated for atopy should have supplements with high amounts of EPA, DHA, GLA, and vitamin E. Wondering if anyone knows of one that has all of these inclusive or should I be giving him Cod liver oil, borage oil and vit e tablets? Thanks in advance for you for you thoughts!
  8. Ok so here are the things going into the injections. Bent Grass, Perennial Rye Grass, Couch, Red Clover, Yellow Dock, Rough Pigweed, Eucalyptus, Melaleuca, Pine, Willow Arroyo, D.farinae and D.pteronyssinus. He had weak reactions to; House Fly and Cockroach Moderate reactions to; Oat, Bent Grass, Red Clover, English Couch, Elm, Eucalyptus, Privet, Palm, Plane Tree (sycamore), Flea, D.farinae and D.pteronyssinus (in both concentrations), mixed feathers and Tobacco. Strong to - Perennial Rye Grass, Wheat, Couch, Yellow Dock, Rough Pigweed, Melaleuca, Pine and Willow Arroyo. I feed bones daily and 3/4 of a cup morning and night of Artemis Maximal Dog and have been get a weekly hydrobath in Oatmeal Shampoo, which I will change to put my mind at ease about that. He is on Atopica will be for around about 6 more mths as it is enough to keep him from ripping his hair out and creating open sores (hot spots) even though it does not prevent licking and scratching, these still have lessened. So I have everything crossed that in 6 mths when we take Benson off the Atopica his itching remains at the level it is now or better. Edit - forgot to add he get a little over a table spoon of natural yoghurt with breakfast and every second day a tin of sardines, plus Performa 3 oil which once I have finished this bottle I will not get again as I don't think he likes it at all - but I have heard from another Doler about Emu Oil capsuls - no worry of heavy metal, just need to research a little more about the balance of the omega oils. Mind you he did really well on Mega Oil - so many things to consider ... *sigh* Further edit - he currentlt gets Advantix and Interceptor Spectrum once a mth
  9. http://shop.rufusandcoco.com.au/p-7-itch-relief.aspx I think I will order this Rufus and Coco shampoo as it does not contain oatmeal or plant extracts to ensure I am not further irritating his skin, as long term use of the pyohex has actually created dandruff. Selenium sulfide Selenium sulfide is an anti-infective agent used as a shampoo to relieve itching and flaking of the scalp. In people prone to dandruff, an uninflamed form of seborrhoeic dermatitis, the fungus Malassezia can cause irritation, itching and increased shedding of dead skin cells in areas of the scalp. This shedding may occur every 5 days rather than once a month as it would in people without dandruff.
  10. Nothing is simple with allergies So what is it that you use on Asher? Man I have hardly done any work today
  11. So what do you use Stormie - cause I am gathering Evening Primrose Oil Shampoo would contain plant oils and thus probably should be avoided too.
  12. I thought all dogs with allergies must be like mine, but I guess not
  13. Benson was okish as a very young pup but when he hit 7 mths he started to scratch a fair bit and was lossing interest in things quickly and seemingly hot all the time and then he got his first hot spot at 8 mths and it went down hill from there. He was lethargic, depressed, could not lie still for long periods on time, unaffectionate, placing your hand on his back would immediately start him scratching and sometimes even chewing, training became useless he just would not focus etc, etc, etc. He is now on Atopica which is treating the symptoms of atopy (not a cure and very expensive) but boy has his temprement changed, more affection, listens to commands better and seems happier in his own skin.
  14. Hey quick question - got through some of the thread yesterday and I was thinking I may actually be making Benson worse as I had been washing him in Oatmeal shampoo of late and he is actually allergic to oats - what are you're thoughts? I do have evening primrose shampoo so I think I will switch to getting him washed in that weekly. Hey buy the way - what breeds of dogs do you have?
  15. Sorry - got side tracked again last night I believe he will teach me to the injections from home, so will let you know when we start - haven't heard from the clinic yet.
  16. Hey Zayda_Asher - the weekend got away from me so I didn't get a chance to read that thread yet but will and also will post tonight what they are putting in the injections as there were a few from the moderate that were included. And thank you for the b'day wishes and thoughts on giving up - so freakin hard.
  17. Bugger Perhaps that SPOT test is worth getting done that K9Katz had done.
  18. http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=166777 Hi there - I started the attached thread a couple of days ago, some awesome info there. Benson hasn't started yet but we are going to trial it for a year, starting the injection within the next two weeks. Can I ask have you had a consult with a dermatologist yet?
  19. ................ Zoe looks as startled as you sound Actually you would be surprise how many look a likes to Zoe there are! In total there are three other Golden Retriever owners on DOL that have either a Birman or Ragdoll and all are Blue Points - now that is really scary! ;)
  20. Unfortunately Benson chews even when Cortavance is applied. But thank you fo sharing, great that it worked for you and your dog! I have also been allergy tested and went to a dermatologist hoping I could be desensitised as I am allergy to grass, eucalyptus, feathers, cats and dogs (not to bad to the last two ) but due to my MS I am not allowed to have the injection Bl**dy body!
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