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Posts posted by Tatelina

  1. Well, you know, Staffies are very special! My hairdresser (a new one I hadn't been to before) and I were comparing notes on her new staffie pup and my daughter's old chap and what nice dogs they were, etc., etc. when we got on to the the subject of how they 'talk' alot of the time.

    She got very excited and told me that Staffies talk because they are the ONLY breed of dog that has tonsils - her pup's breeder told her so - so they're very special dogs indeed :laugh:

    Ahhhhhh DOL...you can always make me chuckle...

  2. Wow...all of these stories really makes me appreciate ethical registered breeders who run undesexed dogs/bitches together to be able to breed.

    Huh :laugh:

    Me too???

    My dog tried to kill her Grandmother, but when she was in season she was MORE than happy for the male to be running with her. Don't see your point??

    I think Tatelina was talking about running entire bitches together and entire males together not females and males together, and the added risks of running together same sex entire pairs especially where bitches are concerned.

    Hehe..yes that's what I meant. 90% of the time I work with desexed dogs, and have never lived with undesexed dogs for long enough for anyone to go into season so I have a new appreciation for breeders who have to deal with a lot of stuff that I haven't considered!

    Another point to add to the 'reasons to not backyard breed' list. ;)

  3. Also personally I dont teach sit for quite some time (atleast til after my dog has a clear understanding of what stand means and whats expected in the ring) I saw a friend make this mistake, she went all out teaching the puppy as soon as they got it and the poor puppy used to get so confused and would sit for the judge rather than stand.

    Never thought of that.

    Stacking my pup is like trying to stack an armful of jelly. I get the front end organised and the back end sags and collapses, I get that arranged and the front end bounces and licks.

    Hahaha...making the idea of getting into showing so enticing! Tee hee!

  4. 57 puppies in a month! I'm guessing this breeder also registered large numbers of other breed puppies aswell :)

    Not in the Oct journal - only Amstaffs, but now I'm going to go look back through a few back issues...


    Yikes, another 7 litters, same breeder, in the July Journal. 34 more puppies. All Amstaffs, all born in Dec/Jan/Feb... plus another breeder, different kennel name with two parent that have the first breeder's kennel name...


    ETA - Every journal I have opened so far has puppies bred by this one breeder, and I'm talking multiple litters per month.

    You're not on about a certain 'Greek' breeder are you, he must have 50 dogs on his yard. Hopefully the good breeders wil keep these dogs out of their breeding programs.

    Snap! Anyone got a copy of the dvd i have been meaning to watch it for a while now .... NOT!

    I've got the power ;) :(:o

    I fell off my chair laughing the first time I watched that, then I realised he's serious and it was no longer funny

    I kinda wanna know what's on this mystery dvd! Is it a balding older man running around with his happy, well balanced pack of healthy dogs? :rofl:

  5. That said, I'm also one of those mean owners who won't allow their dog to urinate on other people's front fences or on power poles to leave urine all over the footpath- in my opinion, walks shouldn't be toilet trips (unless the dog actually needs to go- and you can usually tell the difference), it's about exercise and practising handling, exposure to traffic/new people/other dogs, etc.

    I agree in that regard at least.

  6. You don't see guide dogs just randomly toileting LOL

    That would be because they are fed a specific amount of food, at specific times of the day, each day and every day, so their owners can time it and teach them to work to a schedule.

    Although, I don't know how many people in this thread own a working guide dog, so I can't understand why anyone would 'not allow' their dog to toilet in public? :D Unless, as someone said, it's in an unsafe place, or in an inappropriate place...

  7. I can't think of the right section to put this comment in, so I'll put it here in the Amstaff thread...

    I just noticed in my latest (Oct '10) journal that there were 58 :offtopic: (yup!) Amstaff pups registered from one breeder IN ONE MONTH!!!

    WTF?? :vomit:

    One or two litters is enough to cope with in any one YEAR, let alone 8 litters in one month!!!

    Sonia (picking up my jaw off the ground...)

    ETA: Sorry counted wrong... it was only 57... whew!!

    Isn't there a guideline as to how many registered pups can be whelped in a certain time frame anyway?

    Or does this only reflect coming from the same bitch? (ie. no recommendations as to how many matings and pregnant bitches you have?)

  8. Tricky but even though you don't have friends or family - there is a huge community here that would assist with doggy transport and care. Someone here would have taken the dog for you if you could have held it for a short time. A crate in the garage might have helped. Maybe you could collect yourself a list of contact numbers for nearby rescue organisations from Pet Rescue or here, just in case you meet that dog or one like it again.

    A huge community whose helpful members aren't always online or able to assist. I can't imagine contacting a rescue and saying, 'I've found a stray dog, come and get it' and have someone turn up on the doorstep and say, 'Sure, we'll take this stray dog for you!' A nice notion but frankly unrealistic.

    That is exactly what loads of the rescues do. In this case it was unrealistic, because the OP was unable to keep the dog safely for the time it would take to find a rescue volunteer to fetch the dog. It's not likley to be instant pickup. Even the council can't do that. But a phone call to a local rescue when nobody else would come would be one more thing to help the dog worth trying.

    How many rescues do you know of, that take a stray dog directly from the street?

    ALL stray dogs need to do the mandatory 7 or 14 days (according to their microchip status and state legislation).

    ETA: Good for you OP for trying your best to help this dog out. May good karma flow back to you!

  9. I live in St Clair, not really that far from where it happened. It was actually very close to the fenced dog park. :rofl:

    I will have to see if I can find out what happened. From what I saw on the TV the people were pretty badly injured. :cool:

    I'd love to confirm the breed...

  10. I don't know how you find them lovemysideways.....the idiots that is (after the problem you had at the local dog park).

    Maybe our area is riddled with them? :cry:

    Hope the dogs are OK?

    Maybe I find them because I don't keep my mouth shut? :rofl:

    Like the guy who watched his dog take a enormous dump and then just walk off. I don't think he was pleased when I walked up behind him and shoved the bag of poo I had just picked up and not closed into his hand and said "Your dog did this :rofl:! I think you missed it"

    HAHAHAH!! Good on you!!! :D

    Idiots like the afore mentioned and the iresponsible person in this post just ruin it for everyone else.

  11. Ah ofcourse! Manuka honey! Thanks for all of the suggestions.

    Ok apart from adding primrose oil and fish oil capsules to diet, has anyone else tried or heard of other supplements or feeding regimes to assist with coat rejuvenation as well?

    We use Groomers Royal Jelly supplement and shampoo here.

    Thanks for the tip!

  12. My reaction to Razor's humping was to discipline him immediately with a stern no and he quickly gets off. Boss just stands there and takes it. But I think lately he is getting irritated and starting to snap and that's whats triggering the fights.

    Experienced dog people question for you:

    Is this the thing to do?

    I'd put him to sleep but if that isn't an option...

    Why so?

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