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Posts posted by Sayreovi

  1. Hope its not true, cause Nova doesnt do that either i have tried nearly all the methods listed (will try them on the weekend) but dont think its working and i wanted to know if it was like a requirement or something.

    I guess it also stops your dog getting distracted to

  2. Ohh good going, you will love her dogs you will meet my dogs parents (3 of them)

    Nova does it occasionally when he gets really excited, hurt or scared its not that bad i guess but if your someone who doesnt like noise then it can get really annoying they can be taught not to do it but you HAVE to catch them the very first time they do it. Darcy as yet hasnt done anything and there are some Tollers that never do it, screaming could be a learnt behaviour as well and genetic so again depends on the parents

    Let me know how it goes :cry:

  3. Clicking Mad: Not sure about everywhere else but there is a Dallie at our club who is getting into trial shape soon, very very fast dog i personally think its great to see a Dallie as i got told by alot of people they cant be trained :rolleyes: same with the Cockers i guess cant be trained pfft :cool:


  4. Please don't do the play dead, especially with the finger gun.

    It is so crass and indignant particularly for a Beagle.

    I think it is a great trick Caffiend and you will have lots of fun teaching it to him and so will he, who really cares if it is crass and idignant as long as they have fun.

    I suggest teaching him to spin and not sure if you have but Bow is a great one and looks great.


  5. Dont like them prefer not to use them, but with Nova a check is the only way i can control him, thats why i show him with a snake chain and not a usual nylon thingy as he can get uncontrollable around bitches in season.

    At training i do use a Gentle Leader but i am very slowly getting rid of that and try not to use it at obedience but he has his off days where he does need it so i still take it around with me.

    With the club a couple of years ago i went to a club that INSISTED i have a check chain and i shouldnt bother coming without one as "you cant train without one" this was the first and last time i was there, went to a different one where they let me train with the equipment i want. Moved and am currently at what i consider a great club!!!

    Dont do anything you are uncomfortable with!!!!


  6. I have also, but i usually just get dissapointed not angry cause i know he can do the things i am asking him to do and he doesnt

    I am i reckon a fairly calm quiet person and thats how i train my dogs so Nova knows if i raise my voice(like in an annoyed way) he is in trouble.

    When i get angry i put the dogs outside give them a bone or something and i go inside to cool off and then try again with a different approach later.

    I dont really yell sometimes growl at Nova when he decides not to listen, actually the only time i yell is when he is off lead and i have to call him back

    Glad i aint the only one who loses my temper sometimes i tend to imagine everyone as these perfect people who never have lost their temper with their dogs


  7. TollerBlaize: I suggest you meet up with some local Toller owners who are doing obedience with their dogs, i would stop those things DogTech told you to do and get advice from people who know what it is like to train this type of dog.

    Like most breed owners i will say Tollers have to be trained differently then others for one thing they are very prone to sulking when told off and can be soft/sooky personality wise not saying they are wimps or whatever but they take it really personally when reprimanded, i have to be very careful how i say commands to Darcy cause when i raise my voice or lower it in a somewhat aggressive way he will tune out and not learn anything. Of course not all Tollers are like this but most can be. Those methods you are using now are too harsh for the Toller personality.

    I would suggest just continue with obedience training but do it about 5-10 times a day in short sessions and make sure they are positive ie. clicker training

    Meet up with other Toller owners, contact the breeders near you and ask them for help especially the ones who do trialing with their dogs and they are sure to help you out.

    The behaviour shown by Blaize is no different then any other puppies at that age, just pushing the boundaries. Nova did the same thing and i stupidly let him go, even though he was a bit over the top he was NOT aggressive in any way, obeyed commands. While i wish i stopped it then rather then take half a year to fix, he didnt go psycho and try to attack anyone or go on dominant missions to get to the top.

    Just keep in mind Tollers no matter what age or how they are behaving DO NOT need or require the things DogTech told you to do, they thrive on peoples company much like other dogs but will take it much much more personally then other dogs they are not as forgiving as say Labs are in this aspect, they can and (if possible) do hold grudges againts you.

    Good luck and if you need any help just PM me :rofl:


  8. PMd you,

    I clicker train my pup and he has learnt soo much and loves his training. He doesnt whinge or cry anymore when i decide to put him in his den or outside for awhile because i ignored his crying from the start of it.

    My dogs only sleep inside/in my room during winter or cold/wet nights when it is hotter they fair better outside as it is cooler out then in.

    Good luck with training and Sidoneys advice is excellent you should follow that to a T

    I guess dogs arent animals then?? :laugh:


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