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J Lawrence

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Everything posted by J Lawrence

  1. You don't "need to freeze it". The Raw Chow raw formula has been freeze dried and is meant to be re-constituted with warm water.
  2. That's very interesting, as I have noticed that my guys poo will turn white if left out for a day, sometimes less. I always thought it had to do with the amount of bone (calcium) they had to eat. I learn something new everyday :) I am sure that there is an element of bone, but from my understanding that is not the main reason why the poops turn white more quickly with raw diets. I don't know how old you are but I remember 40 odd years ago you would see white poops everywhere. A lot of this was due to more people feeding raw meat and bones. "Bones" I think is the key
  3. And not meaning to harp on it (as I have been doing) but never ever seen a nutrients list with percentages against each in "all my years". :laugh: Think it goes to transparency; sometimes a tad lacking.
  4. On talking with the retailers who've come on board (those early adopters :)), it seems the large breed puppy (GF) is proving popular but then again it would as there's no other around I don't think.
  5. Website remains on the slow side. I think they've been alerted to this but maybe lots of traffic.
  6. Also re barley which I think got a mention. Not seen anything in the literature re barley allergies but I stand to be corrected. It's a useful inclusion and some "no nonsense" info. can be found on nutritiondata dot com.
  7. Hi everyone. Just thought I'd pop back on to see if there are any questions I can answer (bearing in mind I'm on a learning curve too). Plus provide you with a "one dog" study: I've got my 12-1/2 yo Springer bitch on the Senior formula. I've never fed an older dog a senior food as I believe good levels of digestible protein and a moderate amount of fat to be important to maintain muscle mass (they lose it too) but the GF Senior got me interested with the lamb and fish combination. Portia's doing well; loves it and what comes out the back end is pretty darn good also.
  8. Were is this food actually made Jennifer? New Zealand. So it is a Hong Kong based company that is making the food in New Zealand? Co-owner of company lives in HK I believe.
  9. Were is this food actually made Jennifer? Sunday Pets is made in New Zealand.
  10. Were is this food actually made Jennifer? New Zealand.
  11. The "Deliganics" range has a fat content of 5%.
  12. Guys, Jennifer here. Just saw the posts re Sunday Pets. Firstly, it's baked not extruded. Secondly, please be aware that once the Raw Chow is rehydrated fat content comes down to approx. 11%.
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