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Everything posted by lovemypitty

  1. I worm my dogs every month , the life cycle of many worms vary greatly the round worm life cycle is 28-35 days round worms in severe cases in children can cause retinal problems which I worry about , hookworm life cycle is from 15-18 days and tape worm 14-21 days , Im not sure that 3 monthly worming is sufficient these days , but the drontal packet says 3 monthly is fine , so many conflicting opinions .
  2. I buy my malaseb in the 1l for about $59.00 , but if im strapped and my little boy gets irritated I buy chickweed ointment made by Thursday Plantation helps to take all the heat out of the irritation and gives him immediate relief .
  3. whenever I take in a underweight rescue puppy , I keep the meal portions small and frequent , but I will move onto a performance or active diet as opposed to an adult maintenance diet , the dogs will always get lamb based meat which seems to be a little fattier , i try to get the weight back on them slowly and any change in diet I make is done very gradually . good luck
  4. I have always used rescue remedies for my foster dogs and dogs that are anxious in storms you can also buy a product called calm water which has bach flower already mixed in ,used to use it for my cats who were a little crazy. Some dogs will respond better than others.
  5. Hi I bought a petloo for about $360 about a year ago , they are great considering im not particularily handy i have a 40kg dog and he clued straight away, only problem is they were too big for my small house , ive heard a new smaller and cheaper model is coming out also.
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