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    flyball, agility, breeding
  1. :laugh: Just letting everyone know that the Sunshine Coast Pet and Animal Expo is looking for breeders of all sorts of animal to have stalls at this years expo (31/10/2010) at nambour showgrounds. The stall are FREE of charge, and a great way to advertise your business/breed. Contact Tony Nobbs on 0408885526 to book your place. Hurry they are filling fast!!!!! :D ;) ;) :D Cheers Black Border
  2. hmmm. We have picked our colours - Red and Black. so hopefully not too confusing . Probably wont cross paths much anyway , us being up here in sunny qld !
  3. I would be interested in buying an umbrella ( if it were a lrge ish size) with a carry bag. I would expect to pay around $50 the set. I too use a gazebo - are you making those too, as our club is looking at buying some more, or something similar
  4. We have Rally here on the sunshine Coast - QLD. They train at the same oval as us ( flyball) - it does look like fun!!
  5. training for flyball on sunday afternoons. Flyball training every sunday untill end of november 09, resuming feb 10. Call me for more details!! have been getting a few PMs asking for my email . so here it is, as I often dont check my PMs staright away (or at all - woops) [email protected] cheers
  6. Thanks tiger jack. I did register ages ago, but got no reply, so havent been able to access the site properly yet. May bee i should have another go?
  7. just wondering if anybody has or knows of a 2nd hand flyball box. we need a 2nd box for our team to train on
  8. training for flyball on sunday afternoons. Flyball training every sunday untill end of november 09, resuming feb 10. Call me for more details!!
  9. Hi everyone Just an update on the flyball team on the sunshine coast.... our team name is " fast & furious". Check us out on the afa web page : www.flyball.org.au, and go to clubs tab. The team has moved training grounds, and has joined forces with AGILITY, RALLY O , DOG DANCING and PET MANNERS, so has become kinda a dog sport hub. All sports will be using positive training methods In terms of flyball we are offering beginners, advanced and flyball fitness classes. If you would like to know more please feel free to PM me:) Cheers for now and happy sporting :D :D
  10. [[size="3"]font="Arial"]Hi again Neats!!! Thast great that you have started your beginners Obiedience class. We are looking forward to meeting you when you come across to flyball!!!!! hand in there tiger - flyball is well worth it cheers black border[/font][/size]
  11. The First beginners class in half way through, and now we are recruiting for the next beginners class. Please dont hesitate to contact me if interested!!!
  12. Wheezer - THAT IS AWESOME - Go the thunder!!!! well done guys!!!
  13. The club is up and running!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! beginners classes wednesday nights 6:30 - 7:30 pm, and advanced classes 7:30 - 8:30 pm. SO SO SO excited
  14. hi. My 3 year old border collie is very very very frightened of thunder, and fire works noise. When she hears it she runs fantically around the yard and house, nothing seems to calm her. When it happens and we are at work, she gets out and runs away, as she is so so so scared. Has anyone else delt with this before?? I am really interesed in hearing what you all recommend cheers amy
  15. Hi my mum is interested - what times will you be training?? and where???
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