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Everything posted by Staffyluv

  1. The new lump is another mast cell tumour... As he has not finished his chemo protocol, this is not a very good sign... The chemo is designed to put him into a remission... The vet said this could be due to him not having chemo for a few weeks because of the infections... So effectively he has come out of remission early... I am not giving up, some days are just much harder than others... I know he will not be having more surgery to remove the lump... I don't even know if I want to put him through another chemo protocol... Weekly blood tests, chemo every week for two weeks then a week off... I figure it is quality of life now, not quantity... And spending so much of his time at the hospital is not what I consider quality of life... When this protocol is finished (about 4 weeks) he will be able to eat whatever he wants, he will go for walks wherever he wants to (after all it is his walk - I just go to keep him company) and live out the rest of his life comfortable and happy... He is sleeping at my feet (always does when I am on the computer), so I think I will go and take him into the lounge room and have a cuddle... Jodie
  2. Poor little guy... How is he doing today? Jodie
  3. Yep folks the little yo yo is bouncing off the walls today Still won't eat anything other than a dry bicky (jatz and arrowroot seem to it)... But he did drink another quarter of a cup of milk this morning... The vet called at lunch time to say that Ollie has the all clear for chemo this week... That has got to be a good thing... Helen, those links are wonderful - if only the 'its only a dog' people could know half the love and devotion that we get from our pooches, the world would be a much happier place... Will update after chemo tomorrow... THANKYOU ALL Jodie
  4. Gorgeous boy... Wishing you both all the best... If it is well defined, I would imagine that it would be a little easier to get clear margins when it is removed... Ollie has lost a lot of muscle tone in the leg where his big tumour was removed... He often limps on it a little - not because it hurts (as it does not seem sore), I think it is because it does not seem to keep up with the other three legs, so he carries it occasionally... Good luck Jodie
  5. You guys are all so fantastic... I only have a couple of friends that understand the way I feel about Ollie.. Everyone else says - he is just a dog... I know that all the other DOLers feel the same way about their furry family, that I do about Ollie... It really is a comfort to be able to come here and say what is happening and how I am feeling, as well as how Ollie is doing... I think he wants to go to bed early tonight, every time I walk into my room (where he usually sleeps of a night) he follows me in and lays on his bed... But as soon as I come back out, he follows me again... I might call it a night, put the pooch in the big bed with me and watch some TV... Thanks Jodie and Ollie dog
  6. No, he would not eat the BBQ chicken kebabs... I know they are not supposed to have milk, but I opened the fridge to put the kebabs away and I thought - I just wonder if he would drink a little, just so he has something in his tummy... He just drank about a quarter of a cup... I am not going to give him anymore just yet but might offer him a little more later... I think if I just offer him things he really used to like every now and then, he might just eat something... Thanks all Jodie
  7. Just got back from the vet (and the park )... He had an injection to stop him vomiting and feeling nauseous... And a broad antibiotic (just in case)... Temp had risen to 39 in just a half hour, so I have to monitor him this evening a little closer... They took more blood this evening to test his T4 (thyroid)... Felt so sorry for my little pin cushion that I went to Woolies and got him some BBQ chicken kebabs - he used to love these and I have not tried them, so wish me luck... Hopefully it is just an off day for him and he bounces back in the morning... Thanks Jodie ETA: Your are right Warley, he still smiles and wants to go for a walk... There is still plenty of spark in his eyes...
  8. I feel like I am on a roller coaster with this dog... He is sick again... He went and had his blood work this morning and he was fine... He has been inside for the last couple of hours and my last client just left so I thought I would let him out with me... The poor little bugger has vomited everywhere... There were 6 smallish puddles... He has been off his food again since yesterday morning and at lunch time, I gave him an arrowroot bicky (seems like the only thing he will eat, some days) - that and water is what has been bought up... I called the vet and they want to see him this afternoon (I swear I live there)... We had the bloods done this morning, hoping that we could have chemo on Friday... I want the chemo to start again as there is another small lump on his right side that has come up and down twice now - I am so afraid that it is another mast cell tumour... I swore that I would not put him through another surgery and I won't... This sux, we have had such a good few days since his antibiotics kicked the last infection... His walks have been great and except for last night, he has been eating well again... How do you know when they are in pain (most staffords I know can have a leg hanging off and still wag their tail at you)??? He is sleeping under my desk at the moment... It does not seem to be peaceful sleep - he is restless... Keep your fingers and toes crossed for us again... Don't know what I would do if I could not come here and write it all down - most of my friends try to change the topic as soon as I bring it up... Thanks Jodie
  9. We will keep Wags in our prayers and keep everything crossed for him... Great story Helen... Jodie
  10. Karen, My heart goes out to you and Wags... Ollie is having chemo (and holistic treatment) at the moment for grade 2 mast cell cancer, that has shown up in his lymph system... It is a long haul, with plenty of ups and downs, but it is worth it... Ollie's was in his rump, so removal was not an option for us... But from what I understand, dogs usually recover from limb amputation quite well... Little troopers usually bounce back from just about everything... We use Rod Straw and his team in Sydney, as well as Sue and Barbara from All Natural Vet Care in Sydney... Our vet, here in Canberra, liaises with them... We are so lucky to have such a great team behind us... I have heard many accolades for Max Zuber, if I am not mistaken he is the top veterinary oncologist in the country... So you and Wags will be well looked after... Don't lose hope, there are plenty of others here to support you and Wags... Hugs Jodie
  11. Oh dear, you have my deepest sympathy... Ollie was diagnosed with a grade 2 mast cell cancer in two locations (yes it was in his lymph system) in November last year - possibly the worst day of my life... He has been having chemo since December and no more mast cell tumours have come up at this stage. He is also being treated holistically by Sue and Barbara from All Natural Vet Care in Sydney (I am in Canberra). My vet send them copies of all of Ollies results and we chat by phone and they post out the herbs and vitamins... This has been quite successful to date. It is never too late to ask about the holistic treatments, they have made a difference to Ollie. He still has the most beautiful coat and clear eyes (I think it is because of the supplements). He had a bad infection this past week but that is to be expected with the chemo as it does rock their immune system... What ever you decided to do, it will be for the best. Feel free to PM me if you want to chat or know more about Ollies treatments... Dogbesotted is a wealth of information for the owners of pooches with cancer (thanks Helen)... Jodie
  12. Tia must have had the best life - 17 years young... So sorry for your loss GDG.. Jodie
  13. What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl... So sorry for your loss SP... RIP Miss Timothy Jodie
  14. He ate about 3/4 cup of bubble and squeak last night and about a half cup of puppy porridge this morning... Finally I think he is coming around... Temp is at 38.7 still, so that is OK... And his exercise is going great. He trots the whole way and we walked 2km easy this morning... Thanks for all the advice and support over the last difficult week... Jodie
  15. Helen, that is exactly what he is like... I find something that he is interested in and then he looks at me as if to say - you have to be joking, I am not eating that... Cheers Jodie
  16. It does sound never ending, doesn't it :D You should try living it... Yesterday before he ate dinner, I was nearly in tears as the vet said he would have to go to hospital if he did not eat by Wednesday... I feel like a yo yo... One minute up and the next minute down... Just glad I have you lot to bounce everything off :D The hubby is going to Young tomorrow night, is that anywhere near you? Perhaps I could send his highness over for a quick bite ;) Would save me stressing on what to find for him... I tried every thing else... Jodie
  17. Not eating again... I tried the porridge and some toast this morning...He has even turned his nose up at the biscuits this morning... But his walk this morning was at a great pace - running and romping in the long wet grass.. He is a totally different dog than he was a week or so ago... So I have decided to make sure he has enough water and I am not going to offer him anything until tonight for dinner... Cheers Jodie
  18. Well, I am pleased to report that Ollie and I have just finished my dinner... My little gourmet stafford has eaten about a half a cup of spiral pasta topped with spinach, ricotta and pecorino sauce, with just a little chicken meat... Hopefully I can tempt him again in the morning with some porridge... His temp has been stable today at 38.7... Fingers crossed that he eats again in the morning... Thanks to all for the advice and support once again.. Jodie and Ollie dog
  19. Will try porridge and the egg in puppy milk in the morning (might go and get some Pal puppy porridge - he used to love that when he was a little fella) and can you please tell me where to get the Nutrigel from? It is like he wants to eat - he just cannot bring himself too... He goes to his food bowl for a sniff a lot but then just turns to his water... Helen, he has an oxalate kidney problem. He has had it for about a year and a half now. That is why he is supposed to be on the Hills Science Diet - UD, if he eats too many foods that contain oxalates he gets kidney and bladder stones. I wonder if that is what is showing up??? I will ask the vet... Thanks so much for the ideas Jodie
  20. Thanks for the ideas... He is a pretty fussy eater to begin with. He is supposed to be on HSD - UD for kidney stones but at this stage the vet said not to worry about it and just try to get him to eat anything... He will not eat any raw meat or eggs (anything raw), he likes fresh tuna (cooked) but has turned his nose up at that as well... He has not touched his kibble (HSD) since last Thursday - he won't even look at it, even if I try to hand feed. I crushed up one tablet into a teaspoon of honey and he had one lick and would not take anymore of it. I might try putting some peanut butter on his paw and see if that gets him drooling for food, thanks for that... Cheers Jodie
  21. Morning all, Pampa, yes he is in my bed (I think he spends more time in it than I do ) Ollie's blood work is back and the only thing that was out of wack was one of the liver enzymes and some muscle wasting (I don't know how they work that out from a blood test - but they did)... He went for a great walk this morning. But when we came home, he still would not eat anything... Here is a list of what I have tried to tempt him with for the last week: Ice cream, roast pork, rump steak, roast chicken, doggie chocs, mixed veges, custard, yoghurt and warm milo... The only thing he will take is milk arrowroot or jatz bickies, and then he only has about 3 a day... He is hungry because he keeps going to his food bowl but once he smells it, he turns and has a drink of water instead... I am (as is the vet) open to suggestions on getting him to eat a little bit of anything... He has lost 2.2kg this week - that won't hurt him as he put on so much weight (about 5.5kg) before his non functioning thyroid was discovered... If he is not eating by tomorrow, the vet wants to put him in hospital and put him on a drip... I don't want him to go to hospital - the thought of him locked in a cage all day is terrible... I know they take good care of them at the vet, but as I work from home, I can take better care of him here (well I think so anyway)... Jodie
  22. Morning all, He had a shocker last night - pacing and panting for most of the night... I stayed up with him and when he finally went to sleep, it was with his head in my lap. Ollie is still off most food - he will eat a milk arrowroot biscuit and has had about six of them in the last few days... Still drinking OK (the only thing that is keeping him out of hospital)... His temperature is still up and down like a yo yo - ranging from 38.5 to 39.9 at this stage... He is still going to the vets each day to have two lots of anitbiotics injected. And has to go back and stay if his temp goes over 39.5 again... Needless to say his chemo is on hold until he can fight this infection off. He wanted to go for a walk this morning, so I took him out for a slow walk for about 15 minutes. Thanks for all the good thoughts and wishes sent to us... Jodie and Ollie dog... My fave pic of the lad...
  23. So sorry for your loss Fifi... Run free angel Jodie and Ollie dog
  24. Oh Helen, give her big hugs and kisses from us... I hope she bounces back... They seem to do that don't they - go down so fast, then bounce back... It took a bit of convincing but they have allowed me to bring him home this evening, when his temp went down to 39.3 again... He has to go tomorrow for more antibiotics... They are injecting it as the tablets do not seem to be doing anything... He also had something to help bring his temp down... He still has not eaten anything but did have a little drink when he came home... If he stops drinking he has to go back into hospital... I have to call the vet if his temp spikes at all overnight (and I promised that I would)... He is sleeping on the lounge behind me at the moment... Poor little man, he still wags his tail when you talk to him but his eyes are so sad at the moment... It just breaks your heart... Helen, we will send heaps of good thoughts to you and Lucinda... Hugs Jodie
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