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Posts posted by Kobayashi

  1. Eagle pack is GREAT

    I am having problems with blending :confused: Willow tips over her bowl so she can eat the eagle pack, without touching the hills :x Its the only dry she goes nuts for. I woulda bought more (they had 2 for 1 at the petstock opening) if i knew she was going to love it.


  2. Whats the difference between a C5 and a C3 injection?

    My dog doesn't live in a kennel, do I still need C5?

    Will depend on what obedience school you go to (if any, but its always advised :) )

    My obed school requires c5, so thats what willow has

  3. Yep I mean the trinity gardens one - bugger that is a much better club then Gepps Cross.

    Looks like i am back to going to trin gardens :thumbsup:

    I was just looking at gepps cross cause it was closer, and they do weekends, and the boss wanted me to work arvos soon. But for my dog, i will say no :D

    I dont want to be at work from 3pm till 11pm when shes trying to adjust to the new place anyway. especially if shes outside.

    Just gotta get the okay from the landlord before i get too excited. No idea what to do if he says no :x

    The main concern i think is his floorboards getting scratched, someone suggested the booties for her when inside :p

  4. She starts obedience training next week ness :laugh: the mat thing is the goal we are working towards.

    The crate will be an interim thing, and besides, i am looking at travelling with her at some point this year to meet some of the other wonderful DoL dogs, so i figured that crate training might be a good thing anyway.

    maybe something like this....... Ebay crate

    Its just an interim measure, till shes settled here, and wont eat everything in sight :laugh:

  5. Sorry for bumping this up, but i also neededsome advice on this :laugh:

    Willow looks to be becoming a mainly outside dog but if she gets used to a crate, then she can come inside a LOT more, which makes me happy.

    My main question is, what size and wheres a decent cheap place to get one? Shes a 23 (currently) KG amstaff. She can still sleep with me at nights, its more just to keep her from running around chewing stuff up when shes inside. Shes used to having the run of the house/yard, so not sure how she will go. And i will also have to find room for it, lol. Tho, they collapse to be pretty small :rofl:

    I am just looking at all options at this stage, so she doesnt stress too much :laugh:

  6. Willow and i never had the chance to meet the choppa chop, but you know what i thought of him.

    No other dog on here could make me tear up and go gaga like the choppa boy. He was everything i loved in a doggie.

    Like everyone else here in your little family, i feel for your at this time. I dont know what to say, i am sitting here in tears, stunned :D

    :shrug: gorgeous boy, keep it safe and i know one day willow will finally get her playdate. Keep the gorgeous dolce company as well.

  7. Willow is in this stage too stacey :laugh:

    Yesterday, she got a walk in the morning with the ex, lots of attention all day as she isnt working atm, then another HUGE walk at night. She was so stuffed she passed out for 2 hours!!! lol.

    Anyway, i was up late as usual, went outside about midnight, and what do i see? .......


    guess we forgot to put the toilet paper away properly after shopping yesterday!

    I tell the ex the same thing, she will grow out of it, etc, shes not TOO bad about it, after a brief blowup. We teach her all kinds of tricks too. She now has sit, stay, drop, shake, high 10 in her bag, guess its time to find something else :o Hard to teach her recall when by myself though.

    Oh well, obedience should start soon, that should occupy her mind.

  8. This is what i do when taking willow for a walk.

    She is getting a little better, but can still be a pain. OH still prefers to use the gentle leader, as she doesn't always have the time when walking to worry about correction and stuff, but i do, so i am training her with a normal collar still. But like i said, shes improving.

    We put the lead on her, and wait till she calms down before even leaving the lounge room. When we get to the front door, she already knows to sit and wait, hehe. I also make her wait a minute or two in the front yard before we set off. She's still a little excited once we start, so what i tried to do, was pick up my pace a little to start with. Which she seems to enjoy and love :D She doesnt pull at ALL when i am walking faster, but of course i am unfit atm, and cant keep it up for the whole walk!

    And about halfway through our walk, we go through a park, so i run like hell through it, and she runs next to me, thinking its a great game!!!

    She definately seems happier with the times i can go faster.

    I am looking forward to obedience classes, ONCE i can find a good group to join up nearish me (north eastern adelaide). I swear its more worrying then finding a school for the OHs son :x

  9. My mother had her rescue maltshit get his paw stuck in his collar, but managed to get to him before he caused himself TOO much grief, but he was VERY stressed as you can imagine.

    Because of the tragedies i read about here on DoL (:cheer: to you guys :D) willow never has a collar on at home. I've said it before, but when we get home from our walk, i unclip the COLLAR, not the lead. Shw's at the stage now where she just LOVES to walk, so doesnt hate us putting it on, because she knows its walk time :)

  10. 6-8 weeks, 12 weeks and 16 weeks

    c3 - c5 - c5

    wouldnt trust anything less especially having a twice vacc dog with Parvo myself.

    The 3 yearly is a specific vaccine created for that purpose but does not cover all diseases. the next vaccine after 16 weeks is at 16 months of age and every 12 months after.

    thats what willow had, and shes been hunky dory :confused:

  11. most wet dog foods alone arent very good from what i have heard. But using it as a filler for a good dry food wouldn't be too bad i would think. Just not as the only thing they eat.

    I am sure someone who knows a LOT more then me will come along soon :o

    My willow gets dry and a filler, but its not tinned food, its 4legs meatballs and gravy! ;)

  12. So sad to see another gorgeous amstaff being treated unfairly.

    Its slightly off topic, but i was walking willow around the corner the other day, and some guy with his border collie looked scared and was about to cross the road. But once i told him she was fine he let his dog come say hi! I think he was suprised at how friendly willow is :)

    Sounds like poor Charlie has been copping it tho :) For the most part, willow gets TONS of feedback about how cute she is :)

    Willow runs into doors and door frames, i would hate to see her try agility, lol

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