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Posts posted by Kobayashi

  1. I am very happy with my vet, she takes a lot of time to check my dog, explain things and even if needed correct the way that I am interacting with my dog. I can ring her with any concerns (live out of town) and she will give me guidance. The only problem is that my dog hates her. :o

    :laugh: Your dog doesn't 'hate' the Vet, dogs don't hate for a start. Your dog is fearful of the Vet Clinic and the Vet, and probably traffic as well, and it won't improve unless you make it your priority to visit there for hello visits as often as possible and de-sensitise her to it.

    I agree with you 100% on this one. Take her to the vet as often as you can for *fun* stuff, that will outweigh the negative times shes had there.

    Willow went to our vets for puppy preschool, and we take her there every now and then to get weighed/food/to say hello every time we are even driving close to there. The vets and vet nurses are in love with her, and even the surgery cat seems not to mind her attempts at playing now.

    Hopefully we have done enough so that she doesnt get grumpy when its desexing time soon :laugh:

  2. Thats why willow stays on lead wherever we go :( She would be useless at a beach off lead, because she loves people and other dogs.

    Shes weird when it comes to other dogs tho. Some dogs, she does try to barrel over and stand over, yet small dogs, shes REALLY gentle with, guess she doesnt see them as a threat :hug: She met my friends 35kg bull terrier on the weekend, and he tried to hump her, the poor dear didnt know what he was doing!!!!!

    And in SA, we have a wonderful dog friendly beach :cry: Not sure what the actual laws are, but i am sure you cant take them everywhere.

  3. Maybe i got worried too fast , but i DO worry when it comes to willow :rofl:

    You should see me with her at the beach, lol. Everytime i see an offlead dog about 1km away, i make sure the OH has a good eye out and makes sure she has her lead held tight :D

    Think some of them have gone already, she just put herself to bed as usual, so we shall see how she is tomorrow :D

  4. Don't worry, she'll be watched like a hawk, i love my fur daughter :D

    Not sure whether the heat had something to do with it either, its the first day its been so warm here.

    Pics didnt work, damn her gorgeous blue color :rofl:

    I think the OH might have snuck her something with her tea that she hasn't had before. She's not acting any differently, and i told her not to add anything again till she checks with me :D I am anal about what she gets in her food bowl/snacks, etc.

  5. We just put willow outside for her tea while we were having ours, and she just came inside with a few little lumps on her (almost just looks like the fur is out of place, but upon feeling, they are definitely little lumps)

    They dont bug her when we touch them, so i am wondering if they could just be mozzie bites. Anyone else ever had a reaction like this? I will try to get a pic in a sec

  6. :o:eek::rofl::rofl::mad:thumbsup: this is the best movie i have seen in a LONG time :thumbsup: How cute was she when she was cuddling the cat? :thumbsup:

    Ahhhhh, to live in another world where these wonderful dogs weren't persecuted and made out to be horrible monsters when this is how they can be with the RIGHT training and owner :thumbsup:

  7. Yeah, willows are definately in the *now you see it, now you dont* category.

    I am starting to think we might have made a mistake in giving her a taste of raw foods a little too early. She pretty much refuses to eat dry food only now. the OH left the bowl on the floor this morning, and it was still half full in the arvo.

    Will just give her dry for another day, then see how she goes. She definately loves her bones though!

  8. Sometimes it can just be the way they are sitting.

    Sometimes i can see willow's ribs, othertimes not. Mainly when she decides she isnt going to eat her dry food, because she wants what we are having. Which was hard for me to keep putting in up, wether she ate it or not, and some days it still doesn't work :birthday:

    Going to try feeding her after we eat, i was just worried it was a little late by then.

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