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Posts posted by Kobayashi

  1. Toby was 12 weeks when we bought him home and he sleeps on the bed and we've never had a puddle on the bed or anywhere else at night. You may be lucky to.

    We were lucky too. We actually found it easier from 8-12 weeks to have her in bed, because then we KNEW when she woke up and needed to go out for the toilet (remembering that alot of younger puppies CAN'T hold it for more then a couple of hours). Now she sleeps through the night, and knows to do her toilets when i get up at 6am :) Pretty soon that will be walking time too, come on daylight savings!

  2. Name: Willow (the OH is a mad buffy fan)

    sex: Female

    Date of birth: 11 June 2007

    Age: 13ish weeks old

    Colour: Blue

    Breed: Amstaff

    Hobbies: Chewing owner's shoes

    Loves: Harassing the cat, sleeping between me and the OH :laugh:

    Hate: When the cat wont play :(

    These are still my fave puppy pics of her so far, at about 10 weeks old.



  3. I started mixing some raw type meats into willow's dry food and the bowl went in 2 minutes :o This was after a few times where she would barely touch her dry food alone. I try to give her a variety of fresh stuff to get her tummy used to the different meats. So far anything meaty is gulped down, lol. Even the barf style lamb/vege/rice patty stuff got swallowed down without much prodding. I think she just likes having something other then dry food to eat.

  4. As a quick side topic, where in adelaide did you get it from?

    I've started looking into swapping willow over to barf and have started to feed her a little raw food in with her biccies at night, and she seems to be lapping it up. She was actually starting to go off her dry food a little, but ate her whole bowl in 2 mins with the raw stuff mixed in with it.

    I guess it might be harder if shes got the taste for the food you usually had. Its been hard not to feed willow the occasional tidbit, but so far i have managed.

    The picking the food up trick DOES work, thats what we did when she first started going off her dry food. She refused to eat her food in the morning, so i picked it up and her next meal went in a few mins :thumbsup:

    People say puppies and dogs are like kids, i swear they are a lot MORE work :) But so rewarding when you have a happy pooch snuggling up with you.

  5. yeah, i meant to type that in, but my fingers weren't in touch with my brain lol.

    We just opened the last bag we were given, which is why i posted today, hehe. We've been giving her the tiniest morsels of meat with her tea to get her used to some different types in preparation for her BARF style diet, whichever i choose.

    My sisters Bull terrier was fed on chicken necks (and a few other things) and lived till 15, so i am thinking SOME form of barf is definitely the best.

  6. I get a headache just reading all the different BARF combos :x and what to feed and when.

    Our amstaff recently went off the dry food she had since a pup, and i am looking into swapping over to barf type stuff when this last bag is gone. But even after reading a few sites, i have NO idea where to start :x Maybe i will send kymbaly or their friend an email and ask for suggestions.

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