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Everything posted by Kalevi

  1. Nope, I believe it is a fault in the owner Hahah - too funny, and so so wrong!!!
  2. Yep, bring your woollies I recon :-)
  3. I totally feel your pain, we are going through the same process at the moment as our vet has left the clinic we use and I'm not a huge fan of the other vets there. I think its a bit of trial and error. First up I think its about finding a clinic that practices what you believe. I ended up switching to another clinic for a few minor things but then the question of annual vaccs came up and for me it was pointless continuning to see this vet who was still on the annual vaccination schedule and unable to order in the kennel cough vaccine alone. So when I went searching for yet another vet I rang around and asked the annual vacc question (to a lot of vets its too progressive, however, I was looking for a vet that was already in that mindset and more in touch with the goings on) but that's what is important to me, so it was trying to find a vet that had values and practices that gelled with my views so I was not always fighting them on the issues.
  4. I suggest teaching stand first every time to folks that are showing. I've done it both ways but with the stand first I think you get more consistant results in the ring (especially from younger dogs). My boy learn't very quickly to self stack also which is brilliant :-)
  5. I've used both the Canex (thought the choco thing was bizarre too). The Drontal tabs I gave wrapped in a bit of ham, yummo, did they get scoffed down quickly :-) We had a few sloppy messes from using both kinds, but nothing too serious, tends to run its course and only last a day or two before they are firming up. Next time I'm only going to feed dry when I worm as I find that mince can give a looser stool as well.
  6. Yea - the Lappies are taking over the world :-) Parking nose in sounds like a reasonable idea for this show, I'm not planning on leaving this one early. Hoping the weather is going to be kind!!!
  7. I think we get lucky with Lappies as our picks are usually always the confident ones but this breed ALL want cuddles :-)
  8. I'm interested in the parking for this location too - is it crazy to get a spot, maybe I better be up at 3am as well
  9. We like to watch them when they are roming around in the garden at 7 weeks, anytime before seems too soon as they change so much. We like seeing how they move naturally. We also put them up on the table for a look see - and I always get a second opinion as sometimes I feel too close to it to see clearly. It was really helpful to get a second opinion this time from a couple of people outside the breed.
  10. Soooo cute - I love Cavs - cute, cute, cute!!!
  11. yep, this sounds like a better approach than fronting up to him - physical abuse is just not on.
  12. Yep another vote for a brilliant product and service!!! She will also tailor make mixes!!! leave supplements out if that's what the owner wants for different dogs! ;) She better not shift anywhere!!! :D ;) Fabulous - thanks for posting this - I'm going to give her a go. Have been thinking about switching to a BARF type diet mainly to see if I can get a bit more improvement in coat, and this looks great. Love that she's local too.
  13. Oh yeah, and I totally avoid yearly heartworm - I used spot on advocate every two months (which was recommend by a friend who's a vet as being more than enough) - he even drags it out to three months in winter when things are more dormant.
  14. Oh - I'm so sorry Sue for your loss. How awful. I'm afraid its quite a bit more common than we are led to believe, I have heard of several dogs having fatal reactions shortly after their annual shots. All of these have been older dogs so would imagine its just too much for the system to take in one hit. Most recently a friend of mine lost his 11 yo Rotti. She had her shots and then was quite ill in the days afterwards. Within 2 weeks she'd collapased. You probably know the AVA are now promoting annual bosters for parainfluenza virus, bordetella bronchiseptica - both are for kennel cough (and if relevant to your region: Leptospira interrogans) And three yearly shots for: parvovirus, distemper and adenovirus (hepatitis) I'm following this system for my dogs as I need the immunisation certificate for things such as obedience and bording kennels.
  15. Any idea if these are inside or out as yet?
  16. I can't seem to add a topic so can someone tell me if KCC is back to being outdoors for next week? Thanks.....
  17. So its not just the Lappies that get the kangaroos then...
  18. We had a Lappie baby doing a kangaroo impersonation the other week, twas not much fun... Just take your time and try to get the pup to do everthing. Kabana works a treat!!!
  19. Thanks - I've been waiting on those results all day :-) Can you clarify the Lappie Res Bitch CC?
  20. I did not read it like that - I think its great to share knowledge and thanks for the info Brad. I found myself nodding to some of it and it brought into focus a few other things which I've been struggling with when trying to identify where to go next.
  21. Oh - can someone confirm that. That would not work for me given we've already trained the correction technique.
  22. Thanks guys, So the only real difference I'll probably notice is the auto sit (rather than stand) and perhaps more luring (which I actually use anyhow with my pup, ADT were fine with that when I was teaching him drop and actually showed me a slightly better way to do it).
  23. Hi all, Can anyone help me with understanding training styles please. I was a member with ADT and was doing well with my girl (in Platinum) but with my pup we are really just starting. Now I'm confused about where to go (as I don't want to have two sets of commands for each dog) because I'm hearing the training styles are much different at other clubs. From what I can see I think my two options now are to go either to Berwick Dog Obedience or perhaps even check out the Rotti club that train at KCC. So can anyone fill me in on how Berwick (or the Rotti folks) train that is different to ADT? Thanks, S.
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