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Everything posted by barly

  1. THanks for all your input. How much would I be looking at buying a 2nd hand one?
  2. Just wondering what peoples recomendations are for dryers. I have St bernards & Cavaliers. I'm looking at buying a 2nd hand one and not sure what to look for and how much to pay. Thanks in advance
  3. Hi all, I am posting this for a friend. THey have a 14mth old large breed, the dog has grown nice and evenly and has been hip/elbowed scored and came back with good scores. His parents, g/parents have good scores too. Now the problem is that he paces. Not constantly but it is stopping my friends showing the dog. When the dog does gait he has lovely drive and good reach. Now we are trying to rule out a few things. Does anybody have suggestions how to get the dog out of it or have been in a similar situation. Thanks in advance
  4. Hi all, Well the first night home went well. I'm worried to let him eat or drink too much. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I should help him donthis without him over doing it. Ive split his meal into 2, but not sure about the water thing. Thanks
  5. Well everyone, I do have some good news at least Buzz is coming home today I know its going to be long recovery but he is a tough cookie So as I said before my 1st priority is his health and anything after that is a bonus. He is a beautiful dog and we were only just getting back in the ring after 16 mths due to me having a baby. So fingers crossed
  6. Thankyou so much everyone for your replies. As he is my first case of bloat I was unsure if he would be able to get back into the ring or to be bred with. But again his health is my number 1 concern. Thanks again
  7. Hi all, Mt 3yr saint male yesterday had surgery for bloat (gastropexy). Just wondering if anyone has any experience in this. My first concern is his health no question about that, But just wondering if anyone knew of any dog that had gone on after having bloat to show or to be bred with.
  8. Hi I feed my saint on Pro Plan Performance. We were using Royal Canin but did find it hard to get here in sydney. We have been using it for over 2 years now and I think its fantastic. A breeder bag 22.5kg (in syd) $130.00. That lasts me a month for 1 dog. I do also give meat and veges aswell. I kept my boy on RC until he was 12 months then switiched to Pro Plan. Every dog is different so what works for others might not work for your girl. Ask your breeder for more info. Good luck with your girl.
  9. Hi all, I sure this has been brought millions of times and everyone has been in this sitiuation. I have a cavalier boy that I show, who dropped coat really bad this season and is taking a bit longer to get it back. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions to help it come back a bit faster. I'm not after quick fix just something that people have tried and worked. Any comments would be appreciated Thanks in advance
  10. Add us to St Bernard SEAFERN, we also have cavs but they are already on there
  11. When this dog was younger he shatered his elbow which required our vet to reconstruct with plates, pins etc. Enough to help him walk. It took months to get over the 5 hr op - thats how bad it was. He couldn't exercise for longer then 10 min full on before he would be limping in pain and exhausted. So for him to have these op's he was in alot of pain and for me that cruel to let him live like that. I don't regret this decision at all. It is very sad but now his is not in any pain or discomfort.
  12. I'm sorry cavandra if this is not the decision you would of made. This was not a easy decision and was done in the best interest of the dog. I had considered rehoming but I didn't it was fair on the new owners to have to go through the heartbreak of the same thing and the expense of having the medication and op's aswell. The dog would be in pain even to express it. I don't think that would be fair on the dog to live like that. He would have no quality of life. Mind you this dog is 9 yrs old. And my vet is VERY experienced and well known. We have been with our vet for over 16 years and I take his advice very seriously and would never consider changing. Personally I didn't think it was fair to let him live the rest of his life in pain so I could keep him alive to make me feel better and avoiding the fact this problem will NEVER go away.
  13. Well we have decided to have him put to sleep. Not a easy decision. Spoke to our vet and weighed up the positives and negatives. Alot of negs. All the things that can be added ie fibre, expressing, antibiotics would not help in the long run only prolong the end. I know this is a bit harsh but he would be in pain. So it came down to him and what the after effects would have on him long term. It is very painful and we didn't think it was fair to have him like this for the rest of his life. Thanks for all your information, sorry it didn't end on a happier note.
  14. Thanks for your imput. Well where do I start He excerises himself, as he has a permanent injury - doesn't last long and we don't push him. We are very careful with his diet he's on RC and any excess weight will put pressure on his leg. He has been checked every 6-8wks for any build up and if needed expressed by vet. Vet told me that even with this op, abeses can still form and that needs to be fixed under a general. Poor dog he does not tolerate pain at all and I'm worried he isn't going to cope.
  15. Hi Just a few thoughts on this topic would be appreciated. I have a cavalier who started having trouble last year with his anal glands and had to be operated on. Well it's happened again amd he is at the vet as we speak waitng for an op. and the vet is thinking about taking the glands out and has warned me that once a month might have to express any build up there and might not actually fix it. All year he has been good, checked regularly. He does not cope with pain at all. So what to do?
  16. I'm glad it's not just me . I use Royal Canin too and I am considering changing for the reason of they are always "out of stock" :rolleyes:. Every month I go and get my bags and there is always something that is not there OR they send the wrong bag. My dogs do look great on RC but getting annoyed with them.
  17. Thanks everyone for your replies. It's a hard choice to make. I'm more concerned about my Saint puppy 8 months. As he is a large breed food is really important. As suggestions on a large breed formula??
  18. It's not the price. They do look good. I was just wondering if there was something better out there and well as the maybe a bit more support??? I recently had 2 litters of cavalier's and ordered the puppy packs for when they left. All we got was 1 60g sample of mini junior, a sheet of paper outlining the different stages of food and a bone that even my adult cav's had trouble chewing ???? Maybe I'm just to critical:(
  19. Currently I am thinking of switching dog food. I am using Royal Canin for my Cavaliers and Saint Bernard. Can anyone suggest another brand and do they a breeder program - what do they offer? Thanks
  20. We feed our Cavaliers & St Bernard Royal Canin. It's FANTASTIC!!! Their coats have shine all the time, heaps of energy and generally look great. Even after litter's they still look good aswell as their puppies. I HIGHLY recommend it and they are very supportive of their breeders with incentive programs. I cannot not complain at all.
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