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Everything posted by dianed

  1. This thread must be contagious . I,m about to get a one day old heifer bought up from the paddock to hand raise, she,s a twin and mum as gone off with the bull calf. Haven't seen her yet but I am told she is cute. This is going to be a learning curve for my young shepherd. She,s never been up close and personal with a calf.
  2. Ninahartland, take it from me its much less complicated to get your milk in a carton. to think when I was a kid you used to leave a billy out for the milkman to fill
  3. Years ago my late father in law decided to take 2 poddies home and raise them in the backyard. They got out one day and my poor old mum in law had to go up to the town centre with a bucket of milk to walk them home. She had a limp and used a walking stick so it must have been a sight.
  4. He has wicked markings they are awesome! He,s a beauty all right, from our Angus bull. He,s not in the least bit friendly. We,ve told Annie any female calf she has stays with her so she can have her own little gang
  5. Maybe these two have sorted out their differences now, one would hope so after that barney. I dont think that is something they would want to do to each other every day? I ve seen a few things that has made me laugh. My young one (the pushy little b) has tried on occasions to pinch the older ones bed, the older one just stands there till the young one vacates. Its so funny to see her reluctantly give the bed up. On the other end the young one loves to pinch the older ones biscuits, she rushes up and grabs them then rushes back to her bed and eats them. I,m home all day and they are rarely out of my sight.
  6. I live in a tick area and have been bush walking lately. I thought it was too early for ticks...damn . Are you coastal?
  7. The last orphaned calf I raised was special right from the start. She lived with the dogs and became dog like. I came home a few times to find her in the house asleep. She would not mix with the herd and she had no fear of humans. When she was about 2yo she thought she,d play with her mum(me), I came off second best. By that time she was a 500kg cow! After that she was locked away in a paddock and is now a mum to a steer called Angus. She hasn't forgotten me, I visit her occasionally and take her raisin bread & honey. She will never be sold and will die on the place. Just remember they are not like dogs and are sometimes very unpredictable. They look healthy calves, at least they get a chance at life. Annie 1 week old Annie & Angus today
  8. I,ve always had females together and had no problem till my last dog arrived. Both are alpha dogs but 10 years between them and did have a couple of minor spats at the start. The younger one now respects her elders, she was a pushy little bitch I dont know what I would have done if it turned out like tdierikx though...wow
  9. You have done a great job saving such young calves, but I must comment on the above statement! Not ALL dairy calves are killed at such a young age!!! The majority of them will be sold to farmers and grass fed till for a few years before being sold for meat! I know they may still end up being slaughtered, but to say they all die at a young age is just not truthful! Heifers will also be onsold for breeding.....and milking. Please make sure you put up some photos of the babies when you can - 'specially the twins! We had heifer twins years ago and their faces were mirror images of each other! One was barren though, the other was a great mum! Rat Sorry to disagree, I once owned a dairy farm and I can say that after a farmer keeps his replacement calves ( animals which will be hand raised and kept as milkers) the rest go to slaughter sold by weight over the scales. Bobby calves are a good cash income for the farmer. Farmers can not keep bull calves, if the extra heifers are lucky they may get sold to another farmer to be milkers. Dairy cattle are usually jersey or Holstein, breeds that do not fatten up easily. Beef cattle are breed and raised by their mothers, farmers do not buy powered milk to raise beef cattle. And yes it is very sad to see these young calves sold, but that's the way it is.You have to have the cows in calf each year to keep the milk supply going. I am so glad these days I only raise beef cattle, some favorite cattle will be on this place till they die. Danielle if you have a bull calf make sure he is castrated before he gets to old and did you know that if the twins are male & female the female will most likely be infertile. Poddy calves are lovely to have and kids adore them, are they friesian or jersey calves? They make good pets and you will have a fresh supply of manure for the garden.
  10. [What an amazing job you have done Pipsal, against so many odds. You are to be congratulated. Well done. I agree, well done on getting them to Brisbane. It wouldn't have been easy.
  11. I used Bio-Zet after reading about it on Dol, my kitties took to peeing on my bathmats. They still did it when I used normal detergent but seem to have stopped after using Bio-Zet. I used it to washed the tiles underneath as well. I put camphor blocks in the dog doona they took to piddling on as well. The dogs didn't seem to like their beds with it in so maybe that would help, but make sure puppy cant get to it and eat the blocks.
  12. I have a 30 year old rescue arab X who i took on as part of the family 3 years ago..........I am truely not looking forward to this happening here.... so sorry for your loss......they take your heart dont they.. Yes they do but I,m at peace with it because she had a happy retirement, we seem to think she may have been a bit older as well maybe 35. Not everyone is willing to take in an old horse and make their final years comfortable so when the time comes you can take comfort in the fact that you did . Old age sucks, atm I have a soon to be 13 yo dog and 14.6yo cat both sound asleep on their heated beds
  13. Thanks everyone, it was a bit of a shock to loose her like that. I knew she was getting on in years and I,d kept her in good condition but it was a ruptured disc in her back that did her in. At least she could still eat and had a whole bucket of food before the vet arrived.
  14. Thanks everyone, it was a bit of a shock to loose her like that. I knew she was getting on in years and I,d kept her in good condition but it was a ruptured disc in her back that did her in. At least she could still eat and had a whole bucket of food before the vet arrived.
  15. This morning I had to have my 32 yo horse Britta pts. I got left with her after my daughter moved out many years ago. She had a good life her on the farm, she would wonder down our long drive around 6pm without fail to spend the night cuddled up with her mates on the adjoining property, then back home around 6 am to have breakfast. She had done this for over 10 years but yesterday life suddenly go too much for her old body. Hope you catch up with your old mate Bambi bye Britty xx ;)
  16. I think you will find the dog survived,it was out the back yard. See other threads, its in the Lithgow Pound. Hope it gets a blanket to it warm.
  17. It is, but would they take the little pups? I think it is worth a try and posted a link earlier in the thread. OT: I bought a brick a couple of years ago for their new building fund raising Ok I ask her what the go is regards pups. Yes SCARS on the Sunshine Coast take puppies. You,d have to contact them personally and explain the situation.
  18. It is, but would they take the little pups? I think it is worth a try and posted a link earlier in the thread. OT: I bought a brick a couple of years ago for their new building fund raising Ok I ask her what the go is regards pups.
  19. I know someone who helps out at the Sippy Downs place and I think its a no kill shelter.
  20. Did anyone see the Prime/Seven News item tonight about the ex school teacher loosing his life while trying to find his Dog at his burning house at Lithgow? The dog was in the back yard and has been taken to the local pound and looked in a terribly distressed state?
  21. Hobals, Glad to hear Maddie is on the mend, looks like she will be back to her old self in no time. Sounds like she is in good hand with your new vet. Looks like we are in for some windy weather in the next few days so bed rest for both you .
  22. Ive got a gsd who will be 13 in October,my third one to reach that age. She had her spleen removed 4 years ago and she had a course of cartrophen in March. Apart from that she,s never been sick, she still walks twice a day but not as far. Each night she jumps around having a puppy play for a few minutes, it looks rather ridicules actually as she never did it when she was a puppy.
  23. Hobals, how are things going with Maddie now. The satin balls have a human grade mince base,cream cheese, peanut butter egg yolks and a few other goodies. They fatten up a dog quickly and make their coats very shiny.
  24. I also think its highly unlikely. It would be very irresponsible to breed and release in the wild, but if by chance they did then you,d think they would release in a remote place out of harms way.IF such place exists today.
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