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  1. Just checking.... can someone confirm that babies do need to go back tomorrow?
  2. Thanks stonebridge, hopefully they do some some mowing!! Congratulations on your wins too I was just looking at the program could someone confirm? Are Group Specials on the day or are all done on the Saturday, it looks to me like they are not till Saturday.
  3. I am going but think I might clash:( Normally I would just drop one out, but being Toowoomba Royal would love to show both. This is my first time at Toowoomba does anyone know how the rings are set up? Is it possible to do both rings? I have a Scottie and mini Schnauzer entered. Failing that does anyone want to show a Scottie (I have an extra pass to get in)
  4. That is quite strange I transfered my prefix between states no worries without having to re-sit the exam. Also did not re-sit for my second prefix application.
  5. I would think you are stuck with it. However I have just applied for a second prefix for my second breed. You should not have to resubmit the exam as you have already passed. As long as no puppies have been registered under your current prefix for the designated breed you can register a new prefix but will need to pay again. Call and double check though, this is only my perception
  6. Thats what I really need the foot also enclosed. I have been googling but not coming up with the right results.
  7. Thanks becks, yes for my dogs wet dirty furnishings every day does not keep them white!
  8. Me too! Unfortunately I live on a rural property on a highway I do mow a track but the grass grows so quick!
  9. THANKS .... but for my dogs :rolleyes: I have mini schnauzer with white legs and they come home brown with grass seeds in them every morning.
  10. I am trying to find waterproof leg proctectors as I walk my dogs through long wet grass every morning. Does anyone know where I can buy some?
  11. I meant to put this is the show thread, but dont know how to move it..... will post there aswell :rolleyes:
  12. I am trying to find waterproof leg proctectors as I walk my dogs through long wet grass every morning. Does anyone know where I can buy some?
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