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Posts posted by Kirislin

  1. Oh Kirislin :( Perhaps invite IM and Secret around for a cup of tea and catch up over how everyone is and see where it goes from there?

    I had not realised you were in hospital! I hope you are feeling better.

    Oh dear Kirislin! I didn't know either! I second a visit from IM and Secret. I would be a good cheerer upperer. Are you getting closer to being back on top of your health?

    Definitely a visit from IM and Secret... will be good medicine for your healing process, and IM can still take her home afterwards so you can keep your healing happening without interruption. You can then have more frequent visits over a period of time, and IM would have time to adjust to the idea that Secret is going to go home permanently at some point.

    Do not do anything that will set back your healing... even though it's breaking your heart to not have your baby there.


    thanks everyone. IM's said she's coming down tomorrow so I'll get to see my cheeky little munchkin. It's actually a really good arrangement, Secret is just at home with either of us, the little brat. She doesn't skip a beat. She's certainly not fretting for me.

    I wasn't expecting the operation to be so painful. They've removed part of my rib and vertebrae. Once I was released from hospital I thought I'd only need a couple of days with IM, but I was there for a few days and then had to be readmitted because they hadn't sealed my spinal cord after cutting it open so I was leaking spinal fluid. I had to lay flat on my back for 24 hours a day and of all things, drink coffee! I was even prescribed caffeine pills! I think I was there for another 9 days and then back to IM's for another week or more, still flat on my back for most of the day.

    Since I've been home I still spend a lot of time in bed and cannot stand or walk for very long. My poor dogs don't get walked but they're so good. There's a lot I can't do, I can't even shop on my own 'cause I can't lift the bags.:( I'm hoping things will improve. I'm eating lots of heavy duty painkillers which help a bit but they make me sleepy. Feather likes that cause she gets to sleep in bed with me,so it's not all bad.

  2. I'm missing my cheeky little Secret. She's been staying with Iggy Mum since I was in hospital because I knew she'd be making me get out of bed constantly to check up on what mischief she was up to. Now I'm feeling like I could cope with her, but I fear I will be breaking IM's heart by taking her back. She's had her since early November and Secret has thoroughly stolen her heart. :(

  3. they've been around for a while, I am surprised they haven't actually been sued by now, with all the dogs that they must have put out to adoption. I cant understand how they are still operating, there's so much bad press going 'round about them. :confused:

    WOW! I just read the links, that is appalling! Surely he's found this thread by now. I wonder if he will sue Troy and everyone here.

  4. Relieved that there's finally some scrutiny. This was the Today Tonight segment. Low quality version unfortunately.

    This is what happened to poor Jane's son five year old son Matthew:

    As many people know, I am in rescue myself and very pro-rescue dogs and I volunteer for a few groups. I fostered for this group for a few years. The dogs I fostered were wonderful and I made some great friends, but I had to leave because I was appalled (and continue to be appalled) at the way this organisation behaves. It makes it hard for all rescues and rescue dogs ...

    I had a friend who left them for the exact same reason! :(

  5. . Not being defeatist, well maybe a little bit (and Kirislin I think went through the difficulty of disposal of trapped fox, not a walk in the park).

    Yes a few years ago I borrowed a trap from a friend and then went and asked my local vet about despatching a fox should I catch one and he explained the difficulties of it so I gave it up as a bad idea. It all sounds fine in theory but when it comes down to it, not an easy or pleasant task.

  6. I've never heard of storm lilies before. I love that they can come up any time after rain. I wonder if I can get any down here, or do they prefer a warmer climate?

    can't see why not, mine quickly form pods and when they dry off they are packed full of flat seeds so they can spread and grow into quite a clump.

    I'll send ya some when they are ready.

    I also checked the height of mine and they are now 30cm so that info was not lying after all, the stems have grown quite a bit taller since this morning

    this is what the seed pods look like


    Ooh I'd love some seeds please. I could sprinkle them over Pagan's (my mare) grave. She is buried near the place her beautiful son Rowdy had to be put down 11 years before and I've already got daffodils, jonquils, hyacinth and naked ladies growing around there, as well as a callistemon.

    I love that they come up after rain. Pagan was put down on a very rainy day. :(

  7. we call them naked ladies.

    I always thought that belladonna lilies (Amaryllis) were naked ladies and my little flowers, which are a crocus, were rain lily or storm lily (Zephyranthe) but I had a google-look and they are both referred to a naked ladies, I think my ones should be called naked fairies as they are quite small, while naked ladies are more 'in your face' flowers

    that's what I thought yours were. :o

  8. I think people need to also keep in mind in the plan is massive changes to how an obedience club can be run & how they have to apply .

    Breed rescues,many of the clubs who do wonderful work in the rescue aspect will have to turn away dogs as it will put them over there limit especially entire animals.It will affect rescues who have whelping bitches etc etc

    Many rescues use dog breeders kennels to help there cause & they will no longer be able to help .

    Its not just about breeding dogs .

    Those who feed raw it seems will also have laws regarding no offal etc etc .Its more than just breeding & thats what people should realize & the importance of every animal owner supporting because otherwise who knows what is next.

    Yes, I was stunned at that (along with the rest of it)

    What about all the breeders who pull a sickly or weak puppy through by feeding liver water. No longer allowed. :confused:

  9. Obi looks like he's trying to grow to Whippet size... lol!

    They are all completely stunning dogs... so so pretty!


    Obi is incredibly handsome. He's got a personality more like a whippet, very laid back, he was like that from birth, actually even before birth. I could tell there was a lively one and a calm one when they were still in the womb. His owner is in love with him. She had recently lost her IG to old age and was grieving, Obi is healing her broken heart.

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