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Everything posted by KatrinaM

  1. Anybody west would probably reaslise what had happened, I didnt think of the whole satanist angle, maybe thats what the reporter thought????? Off topic but it was lovely to read your letter to the editor today, well done Fran!!!
  2. I was told yesterday charges have been laid, will update when it is officially confirmed.
  3. The ritualistic part probably refers to the fact that these pets were scalped to sell their scalps at a later time, passing them off as wild dogs or dingoes caught maurauding livestock in the bush and getting a bounty for them.
  4. http://www.themorningbulletin.com.au/story...and-sadistic-r/
  5. So Arya, you wouldnt mind if somebody sold you a pup as being suitable for Schutzhund, saying the father on his first day of training accomplished things that take many months of hard training and you ended up finding out that the "breed" could not compete in this country? If it wasnt to sell pups I dont mind what anybody says about their dogs, but when it becomes a sales pitch it is wrong not to be honest. However if I am wrong and the dog is that good then I would be rather interested in their dogs. Cheers Katrina
  6. I wouldnt care a fig if they werent using it as a selling point for pups. It is not fair to make claims like that and potentially disappoint buyers. Cheers Katrina
  7. If any body here belongs to a Victorian Schutzhund club could they please PM me. There is somebody making some rather big claims about their dogs ability at training, maybe its a world beater, maybe he is fibbing, I am not sure. I also did not beleive cross bred dogs were able to be trained or compete in the sport. Is this different in other states? Cheers Katrina
  8. Prong collars are an excellent training tool, much more humane than check chains and devices such as haltis. It would be very difficult if not impossible to injure a dog using one correctly. They can make a huge difference to the improvement gained in training to all types of dogs with a variety of problems. I cannot understand why such a usefull and humane tool is banned from use. Katrina Hartwell
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