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ellies mum

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Posts posted by ellies mum

  1. What a lucky dog to have an owner who would go to those lenghts to save them :)

    I did it on a newborn pup of ours 4 weeks ago and he is doing great now.

    Its amazing what you can and will do if you have to.

    Much to my other halfs horror i did the same...with a newborn cocker spaniel........she is almost 7 now...:p).

    He was glad I did it after but was a little shocked at the time.

  2. Mark I am so very sorry for your loss. It sounds so unexpected. Frenchies are big dogs in little bodies so I understand how empty the house must feel without Herbert.

    RIP little man.

    Must agree...we have a wonderful little Frenchie who stays with us for Christmas...what a character....

    So sorry that this terrible thing happened to you Mark.....but remember that it is a gift to have had the special little ones....and they steal our hearts.

  3. Bloody snakes...:D Good dog, Khan!

    Several years ago my clcker spaniel(yes we all know they arnt supposed to be smart).....saved me from a snakle in a wood pile I was getting wood from.

    She growled and kept running infront of me and grabed my shirt in the end and tore it......then I saw the snake......good girl Peggy....:laugh:)

    heheh wow who isnt smart..look at that spelling...i didnt have my glasses on...sorry.

  4. Bloody snakes...:D Good dog, Khan!

    Several years ago my clcker spaniel(yes we all know they arnt supposed to be smart).....saved me from a snakle in a wood pile I was getting wood from.

    She growled and kept running infront of me and grabed my shirt in the end and tore it......then I saw the snake......good girl Peggy....:laugh:)

  5. Hopefully this will help put a stop to exotic animals being used for the entertainment of idiots. Sadly, I doubt it though.

    I don't understand how people can sit and watch what I consider animal cruelty and be amused and entertained. What's entertaining about some moron poking a lion with a stick and making do things it obviously doesn't want to do? :heart:

    Poor lions :laugh:

    I agree...

    Its actually terrible that anyone does this to a wild animal......and then they ask...oh why did it attack..?


  6. Another waste of space on this planet ...... :idea:

    Hopefully karma will come a calling to both in the near future ....

    yep I was in the vets one day and the Police came in with 4 puppies in one box and 1 in another......a guy had chucked it at the wall...and it was very sad to see.

    I said to the lady cop...u have a gun...? she smiled and said yeh............but I cant shoot the guy as much as I want to....i said...u have a tazzer..?

    She smiled and said...yep....and smiled again..

    I hope it was that she used it........ :rolleyes:

  7. One week ago today I wished my absolutely beautiful Newfoundland boy Hammond (Hammy, H-Dog or just H) sweet dreams as I had my last cuddle with him at the vet.

    Hammy was given to me at 6 months old, the most beautiful, sweet-faced, passive and loving little man ever! Hammy came to me with known challenges in his front legs. He was completely flat footed from day one but with loads of the best nutrition, natural supplements, chiro and a whole lot of loving his feet came good.

    After his feet came good, he developed a bad limp in his front leg, he could only walk or play briefly with short bursts of energy but would play with the enthusiasm of a 100% healthy dog! We continued with the chiro and careful nutrition for Hammy and monitored him very closely. And just on 9 weeks ago we had x-rays on Hammy's front legs confiming Elbow Incongruity (Displaysia). At this point I increased his natural supplementation and allowed him to walk and play at his leisure with the understanding that it may get worse.

    Then, last week he was at the park with my brother (who loved him so very dearly) when he ran towards him and let out a very big cry. Hammy had dislocated his hip just from running. The vets put him under to x-ray and reduce his dislocation, sadly for the wee fellow it continued to pop out. The x-rays indicated bad hip displaysia on one side and moderate hip displaysia on the other.

    After meeting with the Orthopedic Surgeon and understanding Hammy's other issues, I made the toughest decision I have ever had to make not to go through with hip replacement surgery but to put him at ease and pain free forever.

    Hammy was 22 months old.

    He was my first Newfoundland and I feel so blessed to have had him in my life. I have never known such patience in a dog, such kindness in the eyes and such sweetness in a soul... he truly was a big cuddly angel of a bear!

    Hammy... I miss your furry mess, your drool, your muddy footprints on my bedding, your following me around like a shadow, your fussiness, your high-fives and your very, very, very big cuddles! I miss our beach walks, our camping, our time on the grass and going everywhere with you to make everyone smile at your presence.

    Keep smiling angel bear... your are forever in our hearts!!!



    He looks adorable....so sad for you all.

  8. The only little boy born in the litter of 6 on Saturday morning was p.t.s. this morning due to a cleft palate.

    Play in the endless summer little boy. Can't believe how attatched we all became in such a short time. :confused:

    Your sisters will miss you. :confused:

    The irony is my sisters and I lost our only brother who shares a birthday with this litter. Frank this puppy was clearly meant to be with you.

    so sorry...you did all you could..:rofl:)

  9. I cant believe how many idiots are commenting on that story that the dog is "dangerous" and therefore should be put down.

    It's a POLICE DOG!!!! Of course it's dangerous FFS. Which is completely different to a domestic dog who savages people indiscriminately. The dog didn't savage the kid - he just grabbed his leg and held him - exactly as he's been trained to do. No loss of control or aggression here.

    If they put that dog down they might as well destroy all police dogs. All of them would have done the same thing.


  10. He sound like an amazing dog.

    RIP Paddy

    What a wonderful, wonderful tribute to a special boy....rest easy knowing you had him to love and made the ultimate decision for him when he needed you..

  11. Thank you so much for your thoughts & tributes for our Darling Ray....God I miss him so very much & loved him so.

    Nothing is the same without him.

    MM when I pickd up Hannah from pre school today they said she was not herself & they needed to take her temp which was fine.

    I spoke with her teachers in the morning to make them aware of her loss & they were very understanding. They have a special book in the library which we can borrow tomorrow with a story of a special loved pet like Ray going to heaven.

    I was honest with her regarding Ray going to heaven & she spent a lot of time with him in the morning.

    It is the only time in all these years I have seen my Husband cry. He came home early to help me.

    I am going to buy a special seat to put above Ray when I need to feflect upon things.

    I am still very upset, so forgive me if I am not able to reply.

    Ray was simply heaven on earth, so cherished & the greatest gift for each of us in every regard

    Nic xxx

    Wow Nic.......what a wonderful 12 months you gave this very special soul............sometimes in life we are brought together with some special soul and he allows us to see how wonderful life with our animals can be.

    What a very special friend for your little one to have and he has left a piece of himself with you all.

    our seniors have a very lot to offer and its such a shame all owners cant be as kind in the senior years..

    hugs to you all.

  12. my special girl you will always be in my heart 12th march 2010

    could u please do one for my special girl ROCKET??

    Done have sent it to your email


    U guys are wonderful...thanks for helping ppl cope...its so hard losing a family fur friend member..

  13. What a prize a---hole. Tough man he thinks he is. I hope he gets to spend some time rotting in prison and chokes on the first thing that enters his mouth ....

    His parents are guilty too I'm afraid, they should have put a stop to it long before - after all, it was actually happening in their own backyard, wasn't it?

    Totally agree Dogmad........and I LOVE the cute way you put the punishment......I hope he chokes on it too..

    Oy anyone know some big guy in jail that loves dogs...?

  14. Thanks everyone, it was a bit of a shock to loose her like that. I knew she was getting on in years and I,d kept her in good condition but it was a ruptured disc in her back that did her in. At least she could still eat and had a whole bucket of food before the vet arrived.

    I have a 30 year old rescue arab X who i took on as part of the family 3 years ago..........I am truely not looking forward to this happening here....

    so sorry for your loss......they take your heart dont they..

  15. Dogmad

    My heart breaks for you and your beloved Sally.

    I am sure my Oscar will welcome her at the bridge. :rofl:

    RIP gorgeous girl. :laugh: You will be missed.

    Dogmad you do such wonderful things in rescue..and its sad you have to experience this....but know Sally loved you and will be waiting one day at Rainbow Bridge.......it doesnt get easier does it..?

  16. couldn't find the clip on HERE :rofl:

    It is there persephone, it's the fourth story down on the right hand side "Dog saviour burnt in fire..."

    Thanks HM, I hadn't been able to find it either - I was looking under the Qld local news.

    Jed, you did a great job on the news story. It's really terrific seeing you up and about too. :rofl:

    Agree, it's great to finally put a face to the name of our wonderful Jed.

    Great to see Jed back with us...

    :thumbsup: and what a brave lady you are.... :)

  17. I pop in here every single day,though for a while ive had nothing to say & I dont always write,

    But Jed ,I keep you continuasly in a healing light .

    you are never far from my thoughts & I just love reading alL the good reports ,

    we are all sending so many healing vibes & light ,& holding you Jed, in such great hieght.

    its raining ,its pouring & some hear are snoring ,but so many sincere wishes You are a scoring .

    They say every cloud has a silver lining,

    courage ,care,thoughts ,you are inspiring

    I personaly find it so sad ,that something so horifieying & sad has joined us all hear, in the waiting room pad ,

    but again, I personally give more than thanks,for being a part of the dog loving ranks.

    if only we could all keep the support shown here up ,& continue in caring, not just because someone is dispairing .

    What a great post....and so happy Jed is on the mend....bet her fur kids will be so delighted to see her very soon..

  18. Central Coast vets have a warning sign up as well

    I wouldn't take any notice of that vet. My vet hasn't seen any cases.

    A warning is a warning and if it makes one person vaccinate then its worth taking notice of...

    doesnt really matter where it is....

  19. Thank you Toohey for passing on the positive and encouraging news.

    Most of all, thank you Jed, for putting up such a strong fight. Little Cocker Spaniel sized steps will bring you all the way back to us.

    My hubby just asked" what you doing" I said checking on Jed...he said how is she...? I had relayed the story weeks ago in tears at the pc....

    It just occured to me how special it is that we are a family of people who love our dogs and animals and think of each other as special friends.....perhaps even a special family...

    I am so proud to be a part of this forum and this site..

    Looking forward to Jed's recovery.....

  20. Oh Horus I only just saw this. :laugh: I'm so sorry to hear about Ellie. :)

    Run free gorgeous girl. :o

    I too just saw this and Brian I am so very sorry for your loss...

    I too have an Ellie who means the WORLD to me....and it worries me when her time cames can i make these decissions for her..


  21. Hi all, just popped in with a clean bomb from petville!

    There that's better all those crumbs and jammy smears all gone!

    Oh yes and here's some fresh coffee - mmmm!

    Seriously though, this is a wonderful thread, so warm, welcoming and positive.

    With all this love and warmth I hope some can be picked up by JED and it will help her to keep on healing

    Bless you all xx

    I agree......I just love the positive vibes here....Jed will be back.....we are all sure...and will welcome her with open arms..

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