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ellies mum

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Posts posted by ellies mum

  1. Herbie was one of those “boomerang” dogs – he was adopted and returned twice during his year at Doggie Rescue's kennels. He was an older Jack Russell cross, seemingly a good fit for my household so I took him home as a foster to see if I could work out what would be the right home for him.

    It wasn’t hard to see why he had been returned – he spent the first 3 weeks on my sofa, baring his teeth at me. Originally, he had been found with life threatening injuries, most likely caused by being kicked. He just didn’t trust people very easily. After 3 weeks of me giving him space so that he could watch me with my own dogs, he finally started to thaw. Under his bravado, he was such a loving and happy dog. He would make his own fun, throwing toys in the air, rolling around in his bed and making funny noises. He loved his walks and his food, he was enthusiastic about everything in his life, especially me.

    With my newfound understanding of his personality, I felt confident that I’d found just the right home for him when a very nice couple came to meet him. He’d been with me a few weeks by then and I spent 2 hours with them, discussing his needs and what to do and what not to do and they assured me they understood. Next morning I received a call to say they were returning him. They had done exactly what I’d asked them not to do until Herbie trusted them and in his fear he’d nipped the husband.

    And so Herbie lived with me for many more months. One of my other dogs, was always jealous, Herbie had a strong attachment to me and I couldn’t help but adore him although I didn’t favour him. Herbie had the adorable habit of smiling at me when I got home from work, when it was walkies or dinner was due and made such funny noises you couldn’t help but laugh. He regularly jumped onto my lap (he was about 10 kilos) for a cuddle.

    After a year, a retired lady offered Herbie a home with a female companion so I let him go. At the time it was the best thing for my own dog but I was inconsolable, I wept for weeks and for the next 2 years, Herbie was always on my mind although I believed he was lost to me forever.

    Early in 2007, my own dog that didn't like Herbie sadly died and then a few months later, I heard that Herbie’s new owner was unable to care for him any more. Fate has a funny way of working sometimes. I rushed to pick him up and Herbie came home and it was as if he’d never been away. He was a couple of years older and his smile was more gappy but I was overjoyed to have him back for the last 18 months. Every day was a blessing and then last week he collapsed in great pain and I had to make the awful decision to let him cross the Rainbow Bridge.

    Rest in peace my darling boy. I’ll never stop missing your smile.

    What a lucky old guy to be back with you for his final times.

    Be not sad for what you have lost.....

    Be happy for what you have had.....

    I know my little old foster Grandpa is not here for long....but he is loved like he has always been here...

    Remember that you gave him more in his final years than he has probably ever had.

  2. :thumbsup: The moment we first met, you lay your great head in my lap looked up at me and I knew we were meant to be together. You changed our lives with your gentle loving nature and although we didnt realise it our world began to revolve around you. Our home became a place of monogrammed drool towels, we stopped wearing black, squeaky toys that lasted no more than ten minutes lay peaking from under chairs. A car whose windows and rear seat were glazed with drool and smelt like wet dog from your daily swim in the dam and we got so used to stepping over you to put wood in the fire that we do it still without thought.

    Even before the heroic deed that took you from us you were my Hero. You saved my life. You were the reason I lived through horrendous cancer surgery, when things were darkest and the will to live had left me my children kept telling me that if I left you would not understand -you would think I had anbandoned you. And so I fought not for me but for you and as I got better all I could think of was that if I could make it home and lay my head on your neck and wrap my arms about you I would be ok. After a month in ICU and time in the ward they let me home and all the tears and the pain and horror that I couldn't reveaL to my family who had dealt with so much already were released on your great shoulders. You became my self appointed assistance dog. When I didn't have the strength to rise out of a chair you lent me your strength when I could walk no more than a few steps it was you who were there to steady me. You were always my hero and your last effort to protect your family cost you your own life. The snake that took you paid with its life but oh how i wish you had not seen it that my daughter and her horse had been elsewhere that day- that that day had never happened....You fought so hard to stay with us and we did everything to try to save you but in the end it was no good.

    The grief I feel is enormous, the house is too quiet , too clean. i miss your face Henry-bear. I will miss you forever...

    They leave a giant footprint on our hearts that seem to never heal...

    people say you will get over it.....na...I say you get around it...

    Stay strong and he will be with you....

  3. Tonight May was laid to rest. :champagne::champagne:post-29510-1243174083.gif

    May you rest in peace princess.

    May's thread will now be moved to the rainbow bridge.

    Thankyou for everyone's support.


    Thank you Merna for your ongoing care,love and devotion to a special soul in need.....

    You did a wonderful thing to allow May love and support for a short while before she had her turn to go home.

    And thanks for being kind enough to share this story here knowing that it would be a controversial matter and still sharing the work you and the team did for the dog.

    It shows compassion and love are shown to all dogs in need even if some are more needy than others when rescued........and DABS didnt give up on her as it would have been a cost cut to send her to the bridge a week ago.

    I am sure as the story goes....she will wait at the bridge to welcome her "new family"who helped her.

  4. She looks so much happier! What a miracle dog!

    Just goes to show - never give up!

    If May even gets only another couple of months of a happy life it was all worth the effort.

    Thank you Merna!

    And thank you everyone else who has contributed financially and with moral support in this thread to make it all happen!


    What a wonderful day it is to see May so happy with Merna........makes it all worth the effort and love we put in....and of course the faith .

  5. May our Princess :angel:

    It was a beautiful day.

    Sometimes in life we are give a chance meeting so special it seems like someone or something from above has lent a hand...

    I believe in angels here and there...

    good luck to you both and enjoy the time whether it is a long or short one.

    She was sent to teach many people something.....and guess what....we all have learnt something about compassion here this week.....................

    special wishes to both of you...and Stephie

    enjoy the time... :angel::)

  6. Just wanted to say that I, too, have been where you are now when I rescued a little pom from H/P a while back.

    He was about 17 yrs old & not well. He travelled back with me from Sydney to Newcastle sitting on my front seat enjoying the warm sun & munching on roast chicken. He was ok that night but collapsed the next morning.

    We fought for him for 2 days & had him at the all night vets both nights in intensive care. I then had a kind offer from an angel here on DOL to try & help through their vet care to see what they could do but he deteriorated too fast :laugh:

    I had never had experiences like this before & it was heartbreaking for us all BUT............I WOULD DO IT ALL AGAIN IN A HEARTBEAT as I know the little dear was given every chance & passed away with the knowledge he was already much loved.

    To see his little "well worn" face looking at me in that sunlight & somehow letting me know he new he was out of that pound was what motivates us & allows our hearts to overule our heads at times - & I am grateful for that, as while we have that, we know we are still part of the decent side of humanity.

    And by the way, he did cost me a fortune for those few days but I think I got my repayment in many other ways.

    Hi Esky,

    Was that the little chap with his tongue out to the side...I asked around after this little man as he also had that look of please....just someone love me for a while! I saw him on Senior rescue and asked Toots about him.

    I am happy he got a last chance to chop on chook and be loved even for just a few days...

    And Chinaplate...............dont ever feel bad for taking a poor soul from a dreadful situation and giving at least a chance of love even if it were just for a short time......she may (pardon the pun) rally and show that sometimes little miricles happen.

    big hugs to May.

  7. Someone has to say it, why did you pull a very ill dog from being PTS when you don't have the funds for vet care. Why not pull a healthy dog from the needle? I feel really bad for her but can't understand it.

    Simply because someone was thinking with their heart...

    After having committed to her rescue by phone and then finding her like that it's only a kind hearted human reaction to try to save her nevertheless.

    It's called compassion.

    And if some generous people are willing to donate to help her - a big huge Good Onya!

    Thank you to everyone who as offered assistance so far. :)

    you know what Stefie.....we would have done the same thing.....I and Bella Oz is sending a little something from us....

    sometimes you see one that just has to be saved ...dummo why it just is...

  8. Why don't you take the family down to your local shelter - lots and lots of gorgeous dogs needing homes there. All breeds, all sizes, all ages. :eek: Good luck finding your new dog. :mad

    A shelter is a great idea......or a rescue group....

    The dog will then have everything done for you and hopefully the ppl can let you know all about that particular dog....

    good luck..

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