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Posts posted by melzawelza

  1. What concerns me is what Sas said, he has a menacing order on him from 2013 so clearly he has been involved in an aggressive incident. He has escaped numerous times since then, with at least one occasion being him rushing at a person walking their dog.

    While I feel sorry for the dog, depending on how severe the incident was that happened in 2013 I'd potentially be going for destruction as well. Here in NSW you can't rehome a menacing or dangerous dog (which shits me to tears but anyway), so that would be the only option if it's the same up there.

  2. I hope that whoever was in the car that hit the dog were okay. The article does not mention what happened to them.

    Very true, even just emotionally. My poor housemate hit a cat last night and rang me in absolute hysterics. I rushed up with a few towels, some gloves and a chip scanner but the cat had run off. We just hope it went straight home or died quickly :( Being the person to hit an animal can be extremely traumatising.

  3. A lot of people have no idea about the bans.

    A lot of people don't understand that the dogs they are breeding could get caught up in BSL for their appearance - as far as they are concerned they aren't Pit Bulls so why would they?

    Accidental litters

    A lot of people don't want to stop breeding them and see them wiped out.

    Others know and don't care.

    The blame isn't on these people though - the blame is on the lawmakers and BSL itself.

  4. Interestingly I have never really had close contact with a pit bull but I do think they are a very handsome looking animal. :) Perhaps we need someone to make a movie about children on an adventure with their family pet, an APBT, along the lines of the Lassie series or Beethoven.

    Ever watched the original 'Little Rascals'? Petey was a Pit Bull :)

    Sarsaparilla, if you are in Sydney you are very welcome to meet my girl. She is from the pound so there is no way for me to know what breed or breeds she is but she looks enough like the culturally accepted idea of what a 'pit bull' is that she was very nearly euthanised without rehoming simply for her appearance.

    She's the friendliest dog ever and has helped lots of people with general dog fears or fears of blocky headed dogs.

    Interestingly she's super dog friendly but I guarantee she would have leaned forward and stared at your dog in the vet. She loves other dogs and has such a high value for them that she finds it very hard not to stare at them intently and sometimes whine when she sees them but can't say hello. It's called barrier frustration and sometimes dogs that absolutely love other dogs will show these behaviours when they are frustrated by being unable to say hello.

  5. Claudia has slept in bed with us since the day she arrived but both her and Astro are so tiny I don't notice them get up during the night. I don't usually crate my own dogs (only fosters) but after spending $3000 on carpet for three rooms I just can't afford to have it ruined.

    Her crate is big enough to move away from any accidents and she has a heated bed in it.

    There's your problem, and the reason I asked the question. If the crate is big enough for her to move away from accidents it is doing nothing to deter her from toileting in it. If it's the correct size she should hold on, as she won't want to sleep in her toileting. That's how crate training works. If it were me I'd get a correct sized crate and use that.. The likelihood of her continuing to toilet in it is very slim (typically only puppy farm and pet shop dogs raised in their own excrement will have no problems toileting and sleeping in it as they've lost their natural aversion).

  6. It is illegal to leave your dog tethered in NSW in a public place

    Not true. From the same section you quoted (section 13):

    (5) This section does not apply to:

    (f) a dog secured in a cage or vehicle or tethered to a fixed object or structure.

    Note. Just because a dog is not on a lead in an off-leash area, or is secured in a cage or vehicle or is tethered to a fixed object or structure, does not mean that an offence under section 16 is not committed if the dog rushes at, attacks, bites, harasses or chases any person or animal, whether or not any injury is caused.

    You can tether a dog in NSW but it just isn't any defense if there's a dog attack.

  7. Think its about time when these so called experts make one of these rash decisions, a post mortem is done and if their expert call is wrong they are made accountable, that would slow their big mouths down a bit

    You can never prove them right or wrong though. There's no way to tell what breeds make up a dog of unknown heritage unless the dog has pedigree papers. That's one of the reasons why BSL is so ridiculous.

    ETA: It's also been established in the courts in the UK many years ago that the legislation applies to 'type', not breed. They aren't saying he's an American Pit Bull Terrier, they're saying he's a 'Pit Bull Type' which literally means he just fits some arbitrary and loose physical standards for what constitutes 'Pit Bull Type' in that country. It's not actually about his breed, it's about his appearance.

    Very good detailed information here for anyone interested:


  8. Unfortunately while I find what happened extremely upsetting, I'm not surprised or shocked by it in any way, shape or form. This is the reality of BSL, and it happens right here on our doorsteps too :mad

  9. "It can be very hard to identify the dangerous breeds "

    Not just very hard - impossible to do so consistently and accurately. Science tells us that. Also, there is no such thing as a dangerous breed. Science tells us that too.

    RIP Tyson. A loss for the dog and also the community, as this awesome little guy would have done a lot of good in this role. I feel extremely sad for the police officers who have cared for him and then seen him killed for nothing but the shape of his head.

  10. True the dogs should be leashed in public.

    I find it interesting that when we were kids, dogs were rarely leashed and rarely confined to our yard. They never rushed people walking past and they didn't attack people or other dogs..

    Our street always had numerous kids and dogs roaming around - the kids were more feral than the dogs.

    I often find myself wondering why it is so different now, compared to back then.

    Back then by the very fact that dogs were out roaming practically from birth, they were extremely well socialised to coexisting with lots of other dogs and people. Now they're confined to a backyard most of the time, and are often not well socialised as youngsters either because of it.

    Also, I'm sure it happened plenty but you wouldn't have heard about any except the very local incidents. Now because of the net and dog forums we are reading about attacks that have happened in another state to us.

    Stats in the States show that dog attackd have massively reduced since the 70s onwards and I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same here.

  11. Poor owner and dog. That would have been terrifying.

    My dog isn't keen on puppies. She isn't aggressive with them and she is nothing but appropriate in her corrections of them, but she is much much more likely to correct a puppy for rude behaviour than another adult. She ignores them totally unless they won't leave her alone, whereas she loves playing with adults. Puppy license isn't the case with many dogs.

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