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butch's dad

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Everything posted by butch's dad

  1. Hoping that all you animal lovers out there will help support this petition by taking less than 30 seconds to sign it. We need your help now. As dog enthusiasts we need to ban together for the good of the abandoned and orphaned animals at this facility.
  2. I've heard very little about Bruce since this last post. Does anyone have an update on the poor dog and it's family?
  3. I was always curious about that part. If a dog makes it through the pound process and adopted out as an amstaff cross, then they cant come back later and change their minds? example 1. Puppy that looks to be a run of the mill bull breed cross is put up for adoption by pound, listed as Staffy cross. Pup adopted out and goes to nice home. Dog is later spotted by a ranger ( doesn't matter where in NSW ) and says " that's a restricted breed " and issues an NOI, they will have to prove it's not, regardless of what the pound listed the dog as , when put up for adoption Example 2. using the pup in this thread. Pup is thought to be a resticted breed. Pound gives rescue the option of taking NOI and going through the BA and TT. Pup passes BA and is said to be "Staffy cross " , pup can never again have breed questioned as the breed assessors decision is final, it's recorded against microchip. If the pup is assessed as a restricted breed cross, then they have the option of going to temp test, if they pass that, then again it's all recorded against chip and the pup is home free again. Personally, i think given the current BSL climate, rescue should be requesting NOI's and having all bull breed and crosses assesed prior to adoption, so that the person adopting never has to go through the process of council suspecting their puppy or mature dog is of a "restricted breed or cross ". I understand where you are coming from SBT123 however this is a costly process and given rescues are working on a shoe string as it is, you would find bull breeds would be looked over for rescue in favour of small dogs with no breed issues. And why target just rescues, this could also go for breeders. You may be interested to find that I know of a dog (a ridgeback actually) that was labelled a pitbull x in the pound until the breeder came forward and claimed the dog as one of her own that she had rehomed and it was indeed a pure ridgeback. One of the reasons we have these problems is because pound staff, whether right or wrong, are not properly trained to identify breeds so they make a 'best guess' out of fear that if they don't label a dog a restricted breed x and after release the dog attacks they will be held accountable. Let's just wipe out BSL and start making owners, regardless of breed of dog, accountable!
  4. yes hypothetically you could. However we went through all the official channels and thankfully found the pound manager to plead our case to. This morning we got the news that the Sydney rescue group helping with this fella's rescue was granted a release of the dog (assessed as pitbull x) and will be served with a NOI. So we are thankful for that outcome and the fact that Blacktown pound saw fit to give this little guy a fighting chance. Will let you know in 28 days time how his assessment goes and what they come up with for a breed assessment for this guy. No need to wait 28 days to update us, the NOI will be there next week and you can book the breed assessor of your choice as soon as you get it. The clock is ticking from the day of the NOI and you have 28 days from the date of issue to get the BA and TT done if required. Good news that a rescue is demonstrating that they are willing to go through the official channels for this one and that the pound has agreed to it. This also means that if the pup passes BA and TT, that he can be adopted out and the person adopting will never have to worry if the dog comes under scrutiny in the future. SBT123 - the assessor of our choice? I thought that Dogs NSW appointed an assessor after we had contacted them? If this is not the case, where do we get a list of assessors in our area from? And yes, we do it by the book. That way we may even be able to change the 'trend' for future dogs labelled pitbullx by pound staff. Off topic - it was wonderful to see a representative from Blacktown Pound at the No Kill conference. Pity other councils weren't so interested.
  5. yes hypothetically you could. However we went through all the official channels and thankfully found the pound manager to plead our case to. This morning we got the news that the Sydney rescue group helping with this fella's rescue was granted a release of the dog (assessed as pitbull x) and will be served with a NOI. So we are thankful for that outcome and the fact that Blacktown pound saw fit to give this little guy a fighting chance. Will let you know in 28 days time how his assessment goes and what they come up with for a breed assessment for this guy.
  6. My contacts closer to Sydney have been involved in trying to rescue this little pup from BP. They have just alerted me to the latest development which is: Reconsidering So now, we are waiting the reassessment decision from the pound and the pound manager. Yes all of the above has been done. The girls who are trying to negotiate the release are rescue people and will ensure this baby gets rehomed responsibly and desexed to a loving and knowledgeable family (and yes Ruthless no doubt I'll make my way down for a visit with Butch ) So prayers are needed, fingers crossed, and shooting star wishes coming this pup's way will all thankfully be accepted. Will let you all know the outcome when I'm alerted to it. He's still alive and where there's life, there's hope.
  7. Well they have done it again and classed this pup as a pitbull and will execute it at 7am tomorrow morning! Anyone who can help, please do.
  8. Is it my imagination or are more dogs being deemed 'dangerous breeds' by Blacktown pound than other city pounds? And to my uneducated eye, they don't look anything like a damn dangerous breed. (is there such thing anyway? ) Currently there is a young pup (8 - 12 weeks) that to me looks like it is a boxer x staffy. It's white and deaf. And now Blacktown pound in all their wisdom have classified the pup as a pitbull cross. I'll get photos and post them here. I have passed these photos to several people who deal with Pitbulls, (including the ex breeders, showers and judges of the breed) and have received the response that this dog is NOT a APBT or a cross thereof. So now how do we petition the pound to reconsider and spare this young dog it's life? And why isn't this getting noticed by those who deal with BP? Well it's got me stuffed that's for sure.
  9. Is there any update on little Bruce? And just as a side note, blame my age, but what is the status today of the BSL war we have going on? Is there anything in the wind of change? What kind of things are being organised to fight this insanity? I'd like to lend my support to it is why I ask.
  10. And now I'm revolted even more by this low-life. He's not sorry for what he did to the animals, he's upset he got caught and let a god damn football team down. Who gives a flying fig about a football team! Be a man Michael Vick and donate your ENTIRE salary to the rescue groups who took in YOUR victims and gave them a life free of YOUR torture! You're nothing!
  11. Yes agree with everyone here. Dogtown appear to be wonderful and I must admit, I thought the same about John's love for Georgia. Had I been working there, I think Cherry may have gone missing, only to be found at my house Gorgeous boy. Can't even begin to tell you what I think should happen to Michael Vick as I'm sure ladies are reading this post. Dogtown has been showing reruns for the last couple of weeks so look out on the weekend.
  12. Please don't forget this little girl who is in urgent need of help.
  13. And to top it off the humane society are using him as a poster boy :p Bit like getting Mr Dunn to speak for children's rights, the KKK to speak up for racial discrimination or Hitler being a poster boy for the Jewish race. Bloody disgusting. Let's hope the American people vote with their wallets and boycott all sponsors of this team and the team themselves. Vick is a disgrace
  14. Cross posting from the rescue section. I think this little girl stands a better chance of help from people in this forum that understand her breed and needs. Fingers crossed she finds help in time. http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=174272
  15. How are the white staffords viewed in the ring? I'm guessing from your previous post that they aren't a desired colour? Are there any health problems with the whites (ie deafness more common)?
  16. Is there an organised antiBSL movement in Australia? Has anyone got a web address for this group or a website?
  17. Those in power in Australia tend not to be able to think for themselves. They followed other countries into BSL - let's hope they follow them out of it as well. Keep up the good fight.
  18. There's alot of movement happening around the reinstatement. As far as I've heard, there's not one team that'll touch him.
  19. He's total scum and deserves the worst that Karma can throw at him! Part of his sentence should've been to help neglected animals under CLOSE SUPERVISION. The more I think of this scum, the angrier I get.
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