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Posts posted by Sky_Mel

  1. If people are that scared of dogs and they enter a GATE that says DOG BEACH and have a fear of dogs and proceed to act all scared at dogs walking past (not even pestering them) I think they are dumb if there is a NO DOG beach a little bit more of a walk down the way?

    Yea exactly!

    If you have a fear of dogs do not enter a dog beach and start screaming. There are dogs having fun and running around. I don't agree with dogs jumping all over people but if they are just having fun and NOT hassling anyone I see no problem.

  2. I don't think hating those who fear or dislike dogs does dogs any favours. The fear is genuine. The dislike is often the result of irresponsible dog owners making it harder for the rest of us.

    Make your dog as unthreatening as possible and keep it away from strangers unless they want to greet it. Being on a dog beach isn't a permit to let your dog make a pest of itself.

    No the dogs aren't pestering people I am talking literally just walking past them. I have seen it numerous times.

  3. I can definitely relate.

    I was at the park the other day with my GSD girl (Off Leash) and I avoid dogs there as so many at my local park just don't listen to their owners. One Small Poodle x came out of nowhere and launched at my girl, the owner couldn't care less and was on his mobile phone. I of course get the filthy look when my dog just barked at the one coming towards us. We were just minding our own business and enjoying our walk. I try and walk at the quieter times.

  4. I don't take water away but in saying that my puppy is crated overnight so she only has access to water when she wakes up and goes out for a piddle. She is 9 1/2 weeks old and she slept from 11pm till 6.30am last night.

    Same with mine, she made too much of a mess and would saturate everything :laugh:

  5. If I were an 8 week old puppy I would cry too out in the back yard alone for 3 hours.

    Its bloody freezing, the back yard is a big unknown place & he is not used to being alone. Not the safest place either.

    Haven't you got a room you can puppy proof to leave him in while you are at work.

    Definitely, I never left my girl outside on her own at that age. I was so worried about her getting out of the yard despite it being puppy proofed as they can get into all sorts of mischief. Also hear horror stories of young puppies being stolen from peoples yards.

  6. I have a GSD and I was very cautious with not over exercising her when she was a puppy. I would take her to closed off parks when it was quiet and would let her have a run around herself so she would stop when she had enough. If we weren't going to the park it was just a walk around the block. She had lots of play time at home :thumbsup: Up until 12 months I was very careful.

    She also was at the doggy beach alot in summer rather than parks and swam until her heart was content :)

  7. When my girl was that age she was crying for atleast a week, mainly when I went to work. She slept in my room in her puppy pen so I never had her in the bed with me as I didn't want her to get into bad habits. She had her bed, toys and toilet mat which she used during the night :dancingelephant:

    At night she slept really well being in my room but during the day I had reports of an upset puppy and I would come home after about 4hrs and spend time with her then off back to work. She did very well being in my room with me, she is now 2yrs old and I have no issues with her. I'm not a trainer or anything so this was just my experience.

  8. I researched breeders for about a year and then got on a waiting list. She was really good and made sure I understood the breed and if I had GSDs before because she wanted to make sure her babies were going to the right people.

    We got to meet mum and dad and see Sky's brother and sisters. Also provided us with a booklet on everything we need to know.

    What I liked as well was that she was happy to take puppies back or even adult dogs if anything didn't work out at home, she did not want them surrendered to any shelters which I felt showed me she really does care about the dogs. She is also registered with Dogs Victoria.

  9. As far as I know there is no 'training' for staff in regards to 'breed' specifics. ie, most staff wouldn't have a clue. Anyway the point is to sell the kitten/puppy not to tell the prospective owner that it might be hard work! :laugh:

    Yea exactly, I have even seen jobs advertised for them and the only experience needed is Retail, nothing about pet care.

    Very frustrating.

  10. It's disgusting that pet shops put signs like that up :heart:

    I remember once I was at Pets Paradise and a women was trying to sell a Ragdoll kitten to a guy that had no clue about long haired breeds and she is going on about they don't shed much, don't need grooming etc etc My mother and I gave her a real ear full and told the guy to go to a breeder if he wants a healthy cat (mentally and physically). Half of them don't have a clue about the breeds they have which doesn't surprise me.

    When I worked at the RSPCA so many surrendered puppies were from Pet Stores and reasons were "Was told is was this breed" " Was told it wouldn't shed" list just went on.


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