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Posts posted by Sky_Mel

  1. How often do you use it atm ie. winter?
    I use the furminator on my GSD and Ragdoll cat and loooove it! I use it in conjunction with a comb.

    They get combing and brushing every few days and I use the Furminator maybe 2-3 times a month. Basically weekly.

  2. I use them but avoid large groups of dogs or certain dogs. Even when we go to the beach I try to find my own little area so my girl can have a good run off lead so we don't have deal with any drama as we have come across our fair share of irresponsible owners and their dogs. Even if I go to the beach with my girl and friends we find an area.

  3. My girl had the same problem when she was younger, she would drool soooo much and get sick. I was told by her trainer to start feeding her in the car and then once she was happy to eat in the car then just turn the car on and allow her to eat while it was on.

    I never drove around with her eating but just got her comfortable with the car and sounds and I have never had a problem since, She looooooves the car now ;)

  4. Similar thing happened with my last GSD, she never growled or bared her teeth in her whole life and we were walking one day and lips were back, teeth showing and she was growling at a man approaching us. She has never reacted to anyone in her life that way so she picked up on something. Only time in her life she had done that.

  5. Thanks OakWay. The kennel I inspected was great. And I could tell the couple who owned and ran it were very passionate about their business and the dogs. But like Sky_Mel I think that all the noise and activity would add to the stress for our dog. She is also a big baby!!! :thumbsup:

    Sky_Mel - Our doggy is like that too! A big sook. The first time we left her she got so stressed and anxious that she ended up with vomiting and the runs, wouldn't eat and we had to take her to the vet. She has been sat since then and has been fine but I think a kennel environment would just not sit well with her. :laugh:

    aww When my girl was last in Doggy Day Care I was told she spent the whole time with the animal careers rather than the other dogs LOL She also mastered a way to get into their kitchen area haha

    She is definitely a people dog and needs to be around people as much as possible, not that she doesn't like other dogs she just gravitates to people alot more :laugh:

  6. A course you may be interested in is Canine Myofunctional Therapy through National College of Traditional Medicine. I loved this course but it only qualifies you for Massage and not Chiro or Physio work :thumbsup:

    What jobs can you apply for? Do you work in the industry now that you have completed the course?

    I offer it as part of my business and people I had done the course with had started their own businesses as Canine Massage therapists as well. Apparently the horse one is quite good (I have heard) and there is a huge demand for it with horses.

  7. Yea I agree, I wouldn't be keen to put my girl in a kennel either just because I personally don't think she would get enough attention and the loud environment would stress her out, she is a big baby hehe

    I worked at a kennel that I left as dogs were not attended to during the day, the only time they had alot of interaction was in the morning during feeding and cleaning then left for the remainder of the day until dinner time feeding.

    As Oakway said though, in a well run kennel there will be things going on all day. Just make sure you inspect anywhere you are considering :thumbsup:

  8. That is something I come across alot, A lot of people think the day entails just playing with cute animals but there are other things including ALOT of cleaning. In saying that though I love the industry I am in but definitely be prepared for hard work.

    The courses I have done in Animal care have been challenging but in saying that I thoroughly enjoyed them :rofl:

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