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Esky the husky

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Posts posted by Esky the husky

  1. I'm going to need kennel runs for my new rental.

    Wondering if someone can give me a guide to size?

    We've been offered a double roofed run about 1.5 x 2.4.

    That seems so small though :/

    What is a decent size? I've got a sibe and a bullarab- for those who dont know he'll be around the size of a greyhound when mature.

    They'll be in there around 8 hours 3 times a week

    Also how do you provide shade, do you have something external like a shed, or a kennel in there taking up room?

    Pictures would be greatly appreciated

  2. Very generic list, there's really no food that suits all dogs.

    Plus I don't like the idea of 'low fat' being a good thing for dog food.

    Fat = energy

    My dogs love roo, but it's too lean, not enough fat for my sporting dogs.

    GSDowner most supermarkets carry roo. The 'pet mince' they carry is mostly roo, according to the label, or they stock mince for human consumption. Other places like pet specialty deli's ( bucket o beef) also carry roo :)

  3. That's sad but very interesting Dyzney.

    I wonder if it could almost be a different scenario for those heavy muscled breeds to be desexed early, would the muscling develop differently without ever having been exposed to the same levels of testosterone?

    I know that there are studies done on the skeletal changes but I haven't seen one on the muscle before. If I mentally compare to cattle (which I try and do as there is such a visible example of the physical changes brought on by desexing - steer vs bull) then I can imagine the muscle difference. Is it not much discussed?

    If desexed early, it just never develops. An early desexed (let's say 6 mth old male rotti) just does not develop this hormone based muscle, so nothing to lose. So it would appear somewhat similar to the dog desexed after 18 months, except the younger desexed one would be significantly taller, possibly drier (less skin because the skin never grew to accommodate a bigger head) and usually less substantial all over.

    Neither look anything like the entire version, however the later desexed one be slightly closer to it.

    Same with bitches, but obviously less so exaggerated because they don't have the same strength of head and overall body muscle.

    Your bull/steer analogy is a good one.

    It is no discussed enough unfortunately, though is becoming talked about more and more in our breed among the working folk.

    But it is a tricky thing because the majority of breed enthusiasts in my circle (except for me) are showies first and foremost and most of don't deal a lot with desexed dogs and most are definitely not working them. The majority of the desexed rottis are in pet homes and few of these are around to talk about it and they are unlikely to be competing in agility, herding or dog sport.

    There are a few of us that are really interested in the topic and chat about it often.

    That's really interesting, I've often wondered how much of Esky's 'problems' are caused by early desexing. ( 7 weeks)

    Like you say she is much taller than most sibes, and more heavily coated although I believe the coat just down to her having the recessive gene.

    She has seriously no muscle on her hind legs and requires a lot of stretching before any forced excercise otherwise she seems to pull up sore. We were recommended to up the amount of meat / egg based protein in her diet. But she seems to just have gotten heavier and not really improved on the muscle front.

    I'm not desexing Fritz, my bullarab unless there is some very very good reason to do so.

  4. Friday's going to suck :( Our place is being inspected and we can't leave the dogs in .

    Any suggestions of somewhere I could take them for the day. Going to ask the vets on Monday if they can board for the day

    Oh no :(

    Got any family or friends that would have them for the day for you?

    Not that I can think of .

    Pup is too young for kennels, so that's out too.

    Can't come to work with either of us.

    I meant it won't be as bad for pup, he's bred to be fairly tolerant of Aussie heat, but I am a little worried about Esky

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