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Everything posted by Magstar

  1. BF those pics are adorable! Love the pink jumper! I can't believe that harness said that it would fit all breeds and sizes, and didn't even fit a pug puppy. Hope you get your money back eventually. I got emailed some more pics of the pups from our breeder yesterday. They are soo cute. We get to go seem them in 1.5 weeks and choose our puppy. I'm so excited!
  2. Our last dog lived to be 17. He was a medium sized cross breed. He lived on a diet of chum brand dog food ( canned and dry) and bones. He had no health issues up until his last couple of years. We lived on acreage so he always had plenty of room to run and explore.
  3. lovemesideways ~ Did you end up getting the puppy? Costa's Mum ~ Love the pics! He looks proud of his muddy pool creation! BF ~ Zoe is so cute and sounds like she is a character. Keep the updates coming! (same goes for the rest of you) mumof3 ~ I hope that you get a puppy from this next litter. Waiting for that phone call when the pups are due is so hard! Hang in there. I'm also thinking that i might need to disconnect the internet to cure my DOL addiction!
  4. Lauren - Maggie so adorable! 6 weeks and 1 day until I get my Golden boy...
  5. I hope the 8 weeks will fly by! I am already counting down the days.... which is probably not the best thing to do! We will be getting a male, and at this stage his name will be Oscar.
  6. Hi everyone! Congratulations to those of you have got your new puppies recently. I thought I should stop lurking in the shadows and finally post something. I'm getting a golden retriever puppy in 8 weeks. I am so so excited! This will be my first ever purebred dog (all others have been rescues).
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