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Posts posted by Dxenion

  1. My premier one must be about 7 years old now - looking a bit cruddy! :laugh: Hasn't failed yet though.

    I bought mine from here http://www.petexpertise.com/dog-training-aids/dog-training-pouches-bait-bags/gentle-leader-training-pouch.html she will do bulk orders as well.

    In Aus the only person I know would be Jenny Ireland Pet Products.

    Thanks for referring me to them. I'd be more than happy to buy from them again.

  2. We use the Premier snap close bags. Easy assess, easy close, belt clip and keychain clasp for backup. Additional separate pockets for phone, keys etc. I've tried a few and always return to the Premier.

    A friend has one - where did you get yours?


    From memory Clean Run has the same pouch for a very similar price but their freight is horrendous. Our one from petexpertise cost under $20 postage to Perth.

  3. We have them because although we are in a residential area, we live across the road from coastal scrub. The neighbour on one side got a visit from a baby tiger snake. The neighbour on the other side had an adult dugoit show up. We've never seen a snake on our property at all despite them being very common around here. In my opinion they've paid for themselves!

    I have heard some say they're not so effective on brown snakes.

    The only issue we've had is the plastic cover protecting the the solar panel going opaque but the manufacturer has been quick to send free replacements. We've had ours operating for 3 1/2 years now.

  4. Mystic wolf if you commit to importing I'm more than happy to help you do it yourself to save $$$. I've put together an info booklet for a friend so I can photocopy it for you if you'd like :)Always happy to help, especially for a rare or new breed! How exciting biggrin.gif

    Where is the 'like' button when you need it?

  5. Kennel for outside (just so we can say they have one). It's an excellent support frame for spider webs which is a good thing I guess because spiders are the only creatures that use it (the dogs sleep inside):


    Oh I love that kennel!! If you're ever looking to sell ;) come to me first! :D

    We only keep it so that when the ranger comes to do the permit application inspection, we can say we have one. Mind you, by the time the ranger gets to the kennel, they've already walked past all the other beds which I think paints the picture.

  6. Kennel for outside (just so we can say they have one). It's an excellent support frame for spider webs which is a good thing I guess because spiders are the only creatures that use it (the dogs sleep inside):


    Lofabed for the loungeroom:


    Although apparently our lounge will do just as nicely!


    Perla dog bed shells with a custom made memory foam mattress and removable cover for the bedroom:


    What lovely photos... first one is my fave, those innocent faces blinking out the door :D

    :rofl: Innocent :rofl:

  7. The woman in the OP could have found a better way to express the reason why she wanted to be moved. The OPer stated way back somewhere in this thread that they accepted there may be reasons she acted and spoke the way she did.

    Having said that, this post has made me rethink about why I dislike kids and on reflection, it's not the kids I dislike, it's the behaviours I generally see from them.

    I do not want to sit in a plane next to someone who:

    - is likely to cry or scream because they can't better express themselves. If I hear it for long enough, it will drive me mad enough to yell too.

    - does not have control of their bodily functions. The smell or sight of human urine or excrement makes my stomach turn. Some people can handle it - I can't.

    - is likely to vomit without warning. The sound and smell associated with this act makes me want to copy them.

    - babbles incessantly, has no concept of how rude it is to interrupt, can't sit still and quietly or keep their hands (sticky or otherwise) to themselves.

    All of the above applies whether the person is 3 months old or 30 years old.

    So for me it is not a dislike of babies or kids, it is a dislike of the above particular behaviours.

  8. Something else to consider, was the dog on a leash because it was an on leash area? The OP hasn't clarified this. There are so many reasons the dog may have been on leash, just as there are many reasons it may have responded to the presence of the grey as it did.

  9. I am going to put myself in the shoes of the handler of the other dog - I'd mad as heck at you for not having effective control of your dog in the first place. I'd expect you to pay your own vet bill. I'd also be reporting your dog to the council. I did just ring our council about this out of personal curiosity (I hypothesised that it happened in an off leash area) and they advised that the owner of the leashed dog would not be considered at fault even though the leash broke because your dog was not under effective control.

    Having said that, I do wish your dog a speedy revovery and have fingers, toes and paws crossed that there are no lasting psychological set backs from this.

  10. I must remember to get one of those - would be handy to have rather than the massive bucket the vet gave me.

    Dxenion, I did not realise Rakim was a poster boy for them

    He's one of them. The White Swiss Shepherd with the ball in her mouth belongs to another DOLer (name escapes me at the moment though)

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