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Everything posted by woodys

  1. Don't care if it is cold solong it is dry. We might have to bring the heater (lol)
  2. sorry to hear of your lost rosered
  3. hi i like some idea's for my litter i have 2 boy's and 4 girl's i like something with WINTER in it I have WINTER STORM FOR A BOY WINTER SURPRICE FOR A GIRL WINTER CELEBRATION FOR A GIRL
  4. sorry to hear of your loss rest in peace little one
  5. Any one know the breed breakdown for group 1 and 3 thanks
  6. here are some photo's of my new baby's sorry still can't get them
  7. congratulations on the save arrival
  8. Do you have a place to host them even a facebook site? Or are you just trying to upload onto here? I was trying to upload them on here but can do it from facebookif i knew how
  9. can any one tell me how to put photo's on here been trying all afternoon but can't get them to go on
  10. well all is good now coco had a c section this morning and we have 6 healthy puppy's number 7( a little girl) dident make it. Mum and bubs are doing fine4 girls and two boys mum and pups are doing great we have 1 black girl, 1 black and white girl, 2 gold girls , 1 gold boy and 1 orange roan boy photo"s to follow if i can work out how to get them on here
  11. Up all night with my girl but still no pups of to the vet soon for checkup to see if every thing is ok
  12. I'am on puppy watch today lost of nesting and not eating, even being sick
  13. congratulations on the new arivals, a nice even litter
  14. congratulations on the new arivals, mum and bubs look very content
  15. congratulations on the new arivals nice colour mix to
  16. Great to hear all is going well. We only have to wait 9 more days, Coco is getting very big i think bigger than last time when she had 7 pups
  18. congratulations same day as my cocker baby's
  19. Oh is this the one you didn't hold out much hope for? :) Yep this was the one with the prog of 84 the day before she was mated, and she had the 3 25 min ties on consecutive days :D ... I was sooo hoping Mother Nature was going to take over, and it looks like she did ... great news
  20. yes it sure whas great to see thanks for the thumbs up
  22. Hi i dont know how long it will take ,as of the first of this year we have to microchip the pups before we can register them and that can only be done after they are 6 weeks old, as before we could register them as soon as they where born. I would give the breeder a ring
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