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Everything posted by **Super_Dogs**

  1. Thanks for your replies! I never thought I marine carpet. Sounds like a great idea. Can can you buy it from?
  2. My litter is due next week. When the puppies are mobile I extend the the whelping box with puppy pen to make a run and make the run bigger as the puppies get more mobile. I have tiled floor so my last litter I put down lino as I thought it would be easier for the pups to walk on that the tiles. I am wrong!! What flooring do you use that is both easy to clean and not too slippery?
  3. We always ask our dogs how their day was. I also ask "Was that fun?" after we have played in the yard or "Was that yummy?" if I have them a treat on their dinner.
  4. I would say I have succssefully crate trained my youngest dogs, however they do not choose to sleep in their crate. This is ok with me. I think you need to work out what you want to achieve from crate training and create the 'rules' for your puppy based on this. Everyone wants different things. Personally my goals are that I can put my dogs in the crate when needed at home, if we are out or at home, and while at training and competitions and they will relax. To achieve these goals my puppies do spend time in their crate in all senarios for example when we are home, when we are out, when people are visiting, when we are asleep, just so they learn that crate time means relax. This does not have to be a long time though. When my last pup was young she used to sleep in her crate, but now she is older she does not (as none of my other dogs do). If you want some help to build value for the crate I highly recommend Susan Garretts DVD "Crate Training". When I am at training and competitions my dogs cannot wait to get into their crate.
  5. Thought I would updated. Dr Rawlingson was very quick at sending me the results. The same day he received the x-rays. Australia post was very very slow. Sent them last Wednesday from Brisbane and only arrived yesterday. I was starting to worry they were lost. Rsults were excellent. 0:0 elbows and 1:1 hips.
  6. Sounds like you need to work on focus. The key to focus is to build value for you!! I agree with Sheena's receommendation. Clicker training, LAT, Tricks and shaping. The great thing about teaching tricks as it builds value for you as you will be providing rewards. Rewards can be treats or games or both - whatever you dog likes. A really easy one to start with that has high reward intake is hand touches. As you cannot get to a training class, don't forget to practice in different locations.
  7. Obedience schools do focus on commands related to formal obedience and yes these commands may seem like it has any real purpose - but I think you are missing the other valuable things obedience class provides that does shape behaviour. - How to focus and work with distractions - Practice meeting new dogs and people - Developing consistency in your training method - You dogs understanding that they always must do what you ask - not when they choose to In my opinions training in your yard is not enough - especially with an excitable dogs. I have trained many dogs and know what I am doing but I always still take my puppies and dogs to a training class. Teaching your dog to do something in your yard is one thing, but getting them to do this in an environment with distractions is another. If you cannot get to a training class you need to practice in different environments. Start in a location with a small amount of distraction and activity and work up to a location with alot of distractions and activity. You need you dog to be able to focus on you no matter what is going on.
  8. This is great info to know I have heard some breeders give a probiotic to puppies when weaning. Others I have heard give some natural yogurt. Does anyone do this? If you use a probiotic - which do you use? Is Protexin better to use for dogs and puppies than Inner Health Plus?
  9. So cute Congratulations I always though xrays were accurate - so these extra babies must have been a big surprise. At out ultrasound the vet could see 8 puppies. We are expecting more than this as my girl was very tense so he did not spend too long looking around. We are starting to wonder how many more as our girl is HUGE and she still has 1 weeks to go.
  10. You can get soft crates that fold up into a bag just like a camping chair. This would fit in any car. sounds like it is just what you need
  11. I recently used ASAP for PRCD and a few other tests Like you said they are alot cheaper!!! The test kits I ordered arrived pretty quickly. I then emailed and asked a few questions - sometimes I would get a reply, sometimes I would not get a reply. It was hit and miss. So I was a little hesitent to use them. But I thought I might as well give them a go. Good news - I got the results back within the timeframe they had advised. Yes you get what you pay for. With ASAP you get the service of the testing, but not great customer service. So if you don't have questions and just want the tests done I would give them a go. I wanted my results to be certified so I got the vet to collect my samples. If you want to see what the results look like PM me your email and I will send you a copy of mine.
  12. That is not good. Looks like I just wasted some money - annoying!!!! I should have asked here before I brought them. I used coloured binding. As Ribbon is satin the knot can slip. As binding is cotton this does not happen. Ric Rac is also good, but I found it harder to get a good range of colours.
  13. Vet said they looked good. I take them to a specialist practice to geNerone and they do a lot of x-rays for scoring. So far so good.
  14. Thanks. I like the idea of the velcro collar like too - I even brought 2 packs! I might try soaking them to see it that helps. Worth a try! My last litter I used ribbon then collar like you. If I cannot soften the Velcro bands looks like I will be doing this again.
  15. This is exactly what I thought when they arrived. It did suggest on my pack to cut them I'm half (lengthways). Problem is I can't cut very straight so I know I will wreck them! I might have to find someone with a steady hand to give it a go. I wonder if washing them with soften them? Oh no
  16. I have been meaning to post in here for weeks now. I have a litter of Labrador babies due 20 March. I am getting very exciting!!! I ordered some of the velcro ID bands for the puppies and they arrived yesterday. Has anyone else used them? They seems really stiff and I think they may be uncomfortable for the little babies. Last time I used ribbon and then when they where about 5 weeks put them in a collar. I decided to go with the velcro as I was changing the ribbon so often as they grew and it got dirty. The velcro you just adjust and was be washed.
  17. Thanks everyone :) Xrays were done today and will post tomorrow. Fingers crossed aus post get them there quickly so I can get the results this week.
  18. Thank you for your replies. I cannot find anywhere on ANKC, AVA or Dogs Qld where it says who is an approved reader. Makes it a little hard to do the right thing. Last time I went straight to AVA but they take weeks. This time I need the results quicker! Rawlinson sounds like he is the go
  19. Where do I find out who are ANKC approved to score hip and elbows?
  20. Thanks Gamelo. Do you know how much they charge?
  21. Tomorrow my girl is getting her stayfoot get her hips and elbows scored. What are the timeframes to get results? I was going to use AVA (just because this is whoi used last time) but I want quick results.
  22. I have have been using Bonnie on and off for 5 plus years. I am happy with it. My first choice though it Coprice. Unfortunetly I do not think they do a puppy food. About 5 years ago Coprice and Bonnie were about the same price (Bonnie was a couple of $ more). Coprice seems to be the only dog food that has not gone up. I think it has only gone up a few dollars. Coprice was recommended to my sister for her dog years ago as her dog has alot of allergies and skin problems. This is the only food she can feed her dog - and she has tried many preium brands. My brothers dog is very fussy and the only dry food he will eat is coprice. They also have tried many premium brands. So it can't be that bad!! As doberock said it is not a premium food so there is better. But I think it a good midrange product.
  23. I also had my first experience with fly bite late last years. I would clean the dried blood with salty water than apply a thick coat of paw paw cream. The cream would sooth as well as keeping the flies away. Has to be applied thick and regualarly. It did not fully heal until she was kept inside for several days away from the flies. Once it was fully healed I have had no problems since.
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