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Everything posted by chezzyr

  1. I just have to raise my voice and Rosie slinks off into a corner and does her "shakin dog" impersonation. Correction = end of world for some dogs I would not use physical corrections either - imagine trying to "undo" it.
  2. Have to say it was my dog running towards the road that put the wind up me. She had somehow followed me when I went to get the mail, cant remember how she got out actually. But she bolted toward the road (something gave her a fright) and there were cars coming!!! The only thing I could do was yell her name and run as fast as I could back down the driveway. She turned from the road (was just inches away from the curb) and sped down the drive after me. It is because of this incident and the fact that its a through road that the stay/wait thing is so important to me. I get the chills just thinking about it!
  3. The "boss" thing is interesting. I believe I am the boss because I AM human. In fact at my dog club we were told that we are first and if theres kids in the situation that they are second....and dog is last. Boss doesnt have to have negative connotations. But the dog has to look up to and respect someone. Also I am the one who "mainly" feeds her, trains her, treats her, brushes her, washes her bedding, does poo patrol, exercises and plays with her
  4. Yes I had always been led to believe eye contact was confronting/threatening but maybe my dog is just different Sometimes she will come inside and stare at me intently as I am working on the computer, and continues to look at me even if I look at her. But my dog isnt very vocal and I believe she uses her eyes to communicate (I want to play, or go to bed Mum so I can settle down etc). Now if I go outside and partly crouch down and just "eye ball" her, she "eye balls" me back and then goes into a mad zoomy, play bow then racing around me barking and jumping up and wagging her tail. But yeah I will have to work on not looking at her as much LOL (cant help it, Ive been sucked in by a collie)
  5. ok I tried that and she is ok with it. I thought she might break because it was different. The lack of eye contact will be very odd. I know in some cases eye contact is considered threatening to dogs but I find my dog is always studying our eyes - its like she relies on it for communication or something??
  6. Thought I would just add that I do carry treats to help "reinforce" if that makes sense but actually my dog isnt over the top about treats. She responds far better to an enthusiastic "good girl" and a cuddle. Whereas she is more ho hum about food. I dont know why that is
  7. ummm yeah clear as mud ;) Thankyou for the input everyone! At class we were encouraged early in the piece to teach waiting for food. I CAN see that I probably shouldnt call her when she has been sitting/staying at my request but rather I should go back to her. I will work on that. And I will try to change my command from "wait" to "stay". She gives me the strangest looks when I want her to wait, the ears go down, her eyes do strange things and its like she is trying to mock me Funny thing. A few mins ago I took her out of the backyard and down the driveway to check the letter box (normally she would try to rush out). I had her on the (yucky) retractable lead. I kept hold of it but had it out long. Was prepared to step on it if I had to. Surprisingly she didnt dash out, she stayed near me and even sat when we got to the letter box. I got her to "look" at me and she did so even though school boys were going past, cars etc. So that was something. Maybe the classes and home training sessions are starting to kick in!
  8. Yeah my Rosie "waits" for her dinner, I say "wait" (finger up), place her bowl down, wait a few seconds and then say "ok". She is fine with that. But I REALLY want to master the stay-for-her-own-safety and manners thing!
  9. OK, this is how "I" do it: I get Rosie to sit and say the word "wait" while keeping my finger pointed up in front of me and I walk backwards a few feet. I then stop - am still facing her. (somehow she understands this pointing sign language that it means to look/concentrate/wait) I lower my arm and then use "ok or come" (and tap my leg). Sometimes I can lower my arm and have my arms by my side for a few seconds before calling her. If I turn my back to her she will generally break because she cant see my face or my pointing finger (and therefore she doesnt see that I mean business) I have been able to increase the duration and distance a little, all well and good in a backyard but how do you get a dog to understand that its NOT ok to bolt to the front door or bolt out into the traffic????
  10. Hi We are only 6 weeks into level one at dog club. But I am anxious to teach my dog to stay. I dont care if its with a sit, drop or stand as long as she doesnt move! I am wanting this mainly for her own safety as we live on a through road and there are some idiots that hoon up the road. I want her to know I mean business when I tell her to stay. So far we are only getting short distance stays out of her in the "safe" and quiet backyard. I am more concerned if she accidently bolts out the front or if we are out somewhere that there is more "danger" and distractions. Anyone got some tips/methods that will really help me? I dont really care that it hasnt been covered in the course yet - I just want to get working on it.
  11. I made some Satin Balls of sorts and doggy didnt want them. Really gluggy and tacky So I zapped the mixture in the microwave for about 15 mins so it was like a softish meatloaf type consistency and she ate a couple bits of that as a late night snack. I will see how she goes tonight with eating it as her main meal She is really not into "experiments" that we ourselves dont eat I dont feed her in the mornings, just in the evening. But I find often she wont eat dry food for her meal but if I leave it in the bowl she will clean it up overnight.
  12. Thanks everyone for the info, and those who pm/emailed me with offers to help. I really appreciate it
  13. She probably doesn't want to risk it cause we still have cute fluffy Collie babies here Colleen. Cheers Kate Exactly! Its ok, you can keep the bubbies - but I might sneak Tinsel and Nova. You wouldnt notice if just two have gone missing??
  14. Actually, I would love to know if any Collies are competing. Would love to see a collie at work Not sure if I will go for a look or not. Weekend is too far away at this point LOL
  15. Hadnt thought of that - didnt even know they did that :D Is probably a fair hike for a bath :D
  16. Not sure what to do, we will probably give her a bath in the tub this week and then next week. I was quoted $30 on the weekend for bath and nails, someone to do it. Is that about normal? Am pretty sure its a hydrobath. Probably a bit more than I would want to pay but it would save our backs LOL. Might see what sort of a result we get from just handwashing her this week. I have been brushing her daily, sometimes twice.
  17. Maggie, your people love you so much. Know this. The sadness will go with time, but the memories wont. Am sure youre having fun celebrating your birthday amongst the angels :D :D ;) I think it might also be Rosie's mum's birthday, so its a special time!!
  18. Oh, I might have to make up a batch! My girl (smooth collie) is going through the gangles. She seems happy and healthy enough - just lean! She gets the one feed a day and Id prefer to keep it that way. She does get training treats through the day though. Do people tend to feed these satin balls as treats, or as the main meal or what?
  19. Oh dogdayz, fingers crossed the antis kick in for Beck! Does the toe need to be dressed or anything? Hedds, 28th sounds ok by me - will go with the flow on the day!
  20. Yes, a couple of people have mentioned Satin Balls to me. Can someone please give us a bit more info or post a recipe? Thankyou.
  21. Hi I have a 15 month old smooth collie bitch who is shedding quite a bit at the moment. We are expecting to enter her in a show on the 20th August and our plan would be to give her a bath 3 or 4 days prior. Then just do her whites the night before. Last time we just plonked her in our bath tub and did her that way but with her shedding now would it be better to have someone do her in a hydrobath? We are in Melbourne (eastern suburbs) and wondering what we can expect to pay? And what places offer it? We are trying to keep our costs down and would do it ourselves but our water pressure here isnt brilliant.
  22. Sounds good to me If theres sausages sizzling we will be there. Anyone doing the show on the 20th (Aug) that wants to let their doggy have a run with Rosie in the off lead area? Ive noticed a handful of showies toddle over there after a show and let their dogs have a burn. Not sure if theres shows on the 28th Aug too? I am hoping to have another lens by the end of Aug so will hopefully have a bit of fun with that
  23. Aww, thanks for that. Glad I had the right dog then! She was a little cutie scampering around. I LOVE doing action shots
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