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Everything posted by Dogsrawesome

  1. You arent the only one im the only dog person in my house but thankfully my OH loves dogs i couldnt be with someone who doesnt haha.
  2. well done to your dog if he wasnt there god knows what would have happened. Dogs are clearly awesome
  3. That does sound dangerous and stupid on the peoples part for doing it.
  4. Awww thats so adorable . My jack russell and cat often play chaseys with each other one minute cat is chasing dog next minute dog is chasing cat haha its so funny to watch.
  5. Yeah i thought they would be fine if raised with one. Ive always liked siberians and malamutes but i wont own one for a very long time until i get more dog savvy. I like the really dark grey and white ones so pretty haha but i also love cats which is the reason for this post haha
  6. Poor littly darling she does look thin hoping tomorrow is better for the both of you.
  7. Okay so ive noticed a lot of shelters and people selling dogs over the net recently have all been saying that Alaskan Malamutes especially and siberian huskys arent good with cats thats just there nature and they cant help it. Is this true? im sure they would be fine if brought up with them? Sorry if its a stupid question.
  8. we have this one and its pretty good at picking up jack russell and cat hair although im not sure where my nan got it.
  9. Good idea atleast it will be an adult and they will have some idea in what they are getting into.
  10. I have two male dogs and they get a long fine just depends on the certain dog
  11. My old cattle dog was a licker and mum used to go she would just like the burgerlar to death
  12. Even a cat would have been a lot easier and cheaper to look after then a BM
  13. I sued my three rottis as a reminder to my drunken brother the other day who threatened to kill me. Husband at work this is 11pm at night, 2 and 4 year old in bed and i'm pregnant. I reminded him i have three rottis and to think things over. Now my dogs know him too but he also knows my male is very protective of me. Well thats fair enough. I think i would have done the same if i was in that situation. This kid hangs around a lot of bad people and he was using to dog to make himself more powerful i guess? I wouldnt really trust him at all i guess thats kinda the reason i got angry . im sure it was a party . He was addressing it at my friend and i do admit i did over react but this kid has always said stupid things to her and i guess the dog thing just made me want to say something. Oh well its in the past.
  14. He was using his Rottweiler basically as a threat? and was going to use it to bite someone.
  15. Yeah well that was the main reason i went off because they were both argueing and i was just reading cause i was bored and then he said that and i was like snap haha
  16. maybe print out these pages or show the mother what everyone has wrote and then let her decide?
  17. He is handsome i like the puppy photo of him licking his nose haha seems cheeky.
  18. WOW, I am always amazed at how dumb people are. I actually wouldn't have said the bold part. Why can't a man argue with a woman? Women are not intellectually less competent to have an argument. Yeah good point i dnt know why i wrote it i was angry at the time and just slipped out.
  19. He said he didnt mean to bring his dog into it and his rottweiler hates violence. I kinda didnt say anything after that didnt know if he was being serious ar not over facebook.
  20. Colour has nothing to do with their shape. It's just a colour. I guess it might appear that way if a certain kennel breeds a certain type and they just happen to breed more of a certain colour, and that's a kennel you've looked at to give you that impression? I was surprised to see a choc guide dog around my area Maybe its just the colour giving them that look or something ive only seen the ones at the dog park with my friend so i wouldnt know where they got them from.
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