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Posts posted by HazyWal

  1. My mostly white greyhound is a sun worshipper.Loves laying in the sun no matter how hot it is.She is quite bald around her belly,inside legs,butt and her ears.When I first got her last summer I went and got her some doggy sunscreen but the one I bought(vetbasix SPF 15)is so thick that it's almost impossible to spread.It ends up in blobs and does not have good coverage.Her ears,belly and butt are covered in freckles and I'm worried about skin cancers.Does anyone use or know of a doggy sunscreen that is easier to rub in?

  2. I have an open door policy here... the back door is open so the dogs have a choice of inside or outside... they tend to go outside to poo and wee, and prefer to lounge around inside more than running around outside... *grin*


    Yep we have the same open door policy here,but my two greys think it's great to relive their "not so glory"days by turning the backyard into a race track and bringing mud and grass into the house*sigh*.

  3. I wonder what clinic this Michael is at. Kanwal is right near us but we didn't like the vet that used to be there. He was the emergency vet the weekend my ridgy girl broke her other back leg and he told me that I was over reacting and that even if I brought her in there was nothing he would do as he had no vet nurses working :mad

    If anyone knows the clinic can they let me know. I won;t use the other vet near there either after a series of bad experiences. Which was a shame as we absolutely loved the vets that used to run it

    Michael Jones is at Erina Heights Vet Hosp,has been for 32 years.Bruce Krum who used to be at EH has just started up in the last few weeks at Kanwal.I don't know the other vet he is partners with,don't even know the name of the surgery but that is where Bruce is now apparantly!Neither Michael or Bruce would ever tell you that you were overreacting I promise you that!I'm sorry you had a bad experience with the vet you spoke to but if you live up Kanwal way find out where Bruce Krum is and you will find one of the most wonderful,caring and knowledgable man you could ever wish for.

  4. surely Peter Nosworthy is still the central coast top vet? Is he still around coasties??

    Yep I think he's at Wyoming(great vet but don't know about top vet ;) )Hugh Bain is great at Bateau Bay,Bill Wright at Point Clare,Katrina Woods at Killarny Vale the list goes on,all good vets.I used to manage a boarding kennel so I know a lot of them.Still think Micheal Jones is the ducks guts.Just my opinion. :)

  5. I would also recommend Erina Heights, either Bruce or Michael, we've seen both, had several operations done by them without any trouble or too much of a hit to the back pocket.

    Bruce is no longer there he is up at Kanwal. :(

    Oh no!!!!!!!!!!

    We love Bruce! Kanwal will be too far for us to go :cry:

    Michael is a great Vet, but we loved Bruce, with his history with Bulldogs, he was the reason we went there in the first place.

    I know sad when I found out he'd gone to Kanwal.He used to call me and another DOLer the tree huggers.I'd take my foster greys in,or a lizard I'd found or a lost dog and he'd smile and say"Here comes the tree hugger saving the world".Micheal is the best vet I've ever seen but Bruce had something special. :)

  6. Oh that's a regular occurrence since the Geriatric Beagle came to town ... whenever we forget to put the bin up.

    You want destruction ... get a GSP!

    Most recently it was the two usual suspects in the great bread mix hiest



    Flute is all ears when she hears a wrapper of any kind


    Her bizarre toothbrush fetish (to the point where she now knows how to open the bathroom drawer)


    and who can forget the pappa san chair murder of 08





    All our other dogs are angels compared to Flute, ive given up keeping a list of things she has eaten, her favorites are those crocheted coat hangers (that no one really knows where they come from), toothbrushes, lip gloss and on one particular occasion hair removal cream. Let me tell you that led to a very panicked, embarrassing call to my vet which he has yet to let me forget about :laugh:

    Ill have to remember to take photos of the carnage more often.

    OMG DA those photos are GOLD!The pappasan chair :laugh: Those ears :rofl:

  7. You obviously don't know much about blues then, they are a dilute and can't not have a dark eye nor will there coat be that dark it almost looks black.

    We've had a blue foster with brown eyes, picture is here.. http://greyhound-adoption.webs.com/apps/photos/photo?photoid=126080166 They might be genetically amber but the colour was very much brown (although that photo doesn't demonstrate it very well, it's just one of the few I still have of the dog in question).

    Edited to add..

    For comparison, regarding blues..

    The light, washed out blue- http://www.greyhound-data.com/greyhound/1701042/466/Greyhound_Boscos_Choice-big.jpg

    A darker blue- http://www3.greyhound-data.com/greyhound/1344156/690/Greyhound_Tas_Blue_Ox-big.jpg and another.. http://www.greyhound-data.com/greyhound/1554497/324/Greyhound_Aero_Blue-big.jpg

    Yep I can see what you mean about the washed out blue.

  8. I didn't pick my dogs for their colour.

    Never said you did ;)

    Stan is blue and definately doesn't look"washed out".He has a stunning coat that people comment on all the time

    Preferences are usually based on experiences. Most blue dogs I've seen do look washed out and so it's not a colour I'd choose. I have no doubt there are some nice blues out there, it's just not for me.

    I also really dislike greyhounds with amber eyes but again, it's just a personal preference and not an attack on anyone whose dog happens to have amber eyes.

    Edited to add.. an example of the sort of thing I don't like- washed out colour and amber eyes.


    Not only is Stan blue but he has amber eyes.I bet you'd love him if you met him. ;)

  9. Black greyhounds can look really good if their coats are cared for properly (as opposed to the grotty brown colour they can go) but in foster dogs, I dread black greys because they take so long to rehome. Both of my current dogs are fawn parti and I've noticed that not only do they seem to drop more hair than the black dogs, their ears attract flies in the summer- they look okay but it's not a colour I'd choose if I had a choice.

    Of all the colours available (black, blue, brindle, fawn and dun), I'd pick a good black or a dun (if I could ever find one). Fawn would be last on my list (I've seen some really unattractive fawn dogs, especially the ones with what looks like a bit of a mask) and that'd be followed by blue (I've seen a few nice blues but mostly they just look washed-out). Brindle would really depend on the colour. Fawn brindle can look nice but the darker brindles really don't appeal to me.

    That said.. I'd pick a greyhound with a solid, friendly temperament over one with a colour I prefered but a dubious temperament. I've fostered some really stunning dogs who've had terrible temperaments and as far as I'm concerned, a dog you can live with is far more important than just a pretty dog.

    I didn't pick my dogs for their colour.Stan is blue and definately doesn't look"washed out".He has a stunning coat that people comment on all the time.My little girl is white(as I said with a few brindle patches).After many foster dogs I chose my dogs for their personality NOT their colour.

  10. My first greyhound Stan is blue.He is a stunning looking boy without being biased.After having fosters of varying colours my favorite colour in greys is brindle.So many variations of brindle,blue brindle being my personal fave.My second adoptee is white with a brindle spot over her eye and a large brindle patch over her rump.Both my dogs came to me sight unseen but I love both of their colours.Personally I think a harlequin dane is the most stunning dog I've ever seen.

  11. What a stupid woman,honestly no brains and happy without them!I have two greyhounds,one who wouldn't stick a toenail out of the house if it was raining and the other who loves it.I have a huge backyard and the bottom floods (under water as we speak)and Maddie loves zooming through the water.Her eyes peering through clumps of mud all over head and body. :)

  12. Since finding Ivy's lump on her side, I've been worried it was something nasty and she'd had to leave me early like Penny did. I ended up sitting on my bed with Ivy last night [got good news from the vet] and starting crying, too many emotions going through my mind and then to hear she's going to be ok.

    Ivy wormed her way closer to me and put her head right near mine and was layed together for awhile.

    Then I felt her jump on the bed while I was half sleeping and lay next to me last night, she always sleeps on the floor, in her bed and very rarely jumps on my bed at night.

    I think she knew how worried I was yesterday :)

    Glad she's going to be ok. :hug:

  13. When I fostered Stan I had only had him a couple of days and I was sruggling with my arthritis.I was laying in bed with Stan,my head on one pillow and his on the other and he was staring at me.Then he ever so gently put his paw on my cheek and closed his eyes.For a dog who had only known me for a couple of days I'm sure he sensed the pain I was in.Of course my heart just melted and I knew right then he was my forever boy.

  14. He seems to prefer AFL to NRL,

    Or maybe he's just got good football taste :thumbsup:.

    Once tennis is on tv I wonder if my boy will be phased by it as he is addicted with tennis balls.

    Hahaha I agree with you there but my boyfriend keeps trying to get him more excited about the NRL!

    He looks to be cheering for the mighty Rabbitohs in that pic. :)

  15. I lost my soulmate Chuck the ridgyX in Nov 09 two weeks after his 16th birthday.I swore that was it,never again no one would ever replace my boy.Then another DOLer who is a friend of mine was rescuing greyhounds.Nine months later I had a greyhound sitting on my lounge!Stan came into my life and heart in Aug last year and I've never looked back.I fostered greys for a couple of months until miss Maddie came into our lives.For me there was a massive gap in my life.I realised I wasn't replacing my Chuck,I just had so much more love to give. :)

  16. Just three days ago, my previously very healthy and robust 4yo Australian Shepherd was put to sleep because of renal failure. He'd been treated for a gastric infection about 2 months ago, and he'd been fine ever since. He woke up vomiting on Wednesday morning, my husband took him straight to the vet, he was operated on that afternoon and he didn't come home. Until the vomiting started, there'd been very little sign that he was ill, he certainly wasn't off his food, he was maybe a little quiet but I'd put that down to the cold weather as the other dogs were quieter too.

    It's so, so hard to let them go, it was the worst thing I have ever had to do. I sympathise with you, I know exactly how you feel.

    I am so sorry your loss GayleK. :cry:

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