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Posts posted by JRG

  1. Depends why you are anxious to get “papers”.  If it is because you want to compete in Obedience, Retrieving, Earthdog etc (depending on the breed type). I think you will find that DogsNSW has an associate register  that you can register your dog on for competition purposes.

    Dogs on associate registers cannot be shown or bred from.

  2. I have not used them myself, but have seen a number of posts which are NOT very supportive of their methods.  I am sure you will be able to find private dog behaviourists in your area who are better able to advise you..  Hopefully some of the local Queensland folk will come along and be able to recommend.

  3. 19 hours ago, BoldNFearless said:

    The owners do not own a male and are a very close friend of mine

    I don’t think this is important.  Things happen in the best regulated places!  Surely you want to know for sure that your boy is the father - particularly since you have aspirations of a stud career. for him.

    • Like 3
  4. On 04/09/2020 at 9:01 PM, abbey27 said:

    Thankyou for all your replies. I will definitely give PetSafe a call. When you say to just send the form in anyway, do I just leave it unsigned?

    make sure you ring the right people.  There is more than one company who run “exclusive” pet ID registers and it can be quite tricky trying to find out which register your dog is on!

    • Like 1
  5. NB. I could be wrong

    do you know which register your dog is on?

    As a registered breeder I get requests from the Central Animal Registry people to sign dogs over to people who have lost the original paperwork and the notice says that if I do not do as they request, they will transfer the dog anyway! - or words to that effect.

    So I would advise you to send the form in anyway and see what happens.  You could also ring them and ask them what to do - I have always found them very helpful (although not very efficient).  Tel 03 9706 3187

    Good luck!  Let us know how you get on.


  6. Many bitches do not come into season at regular intervals.  Just record the date of seasons and see what her pattern (if any) is.  Note that in some States, bitches can’t (legally) have more than two litters in 18 months.

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  7. 1 hour ago, sandgrubber said:

    Call for ban of electric collars after study finds them less effective https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-8620391/Electric-shock-dog-collars-Call-ban-study-finds-effective-methods.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Who in their right mind would teach 'sit' and 'come' with an e-collar?  No doubt they also used too strong signals and bad timing.  I stopped using one because it takes skill and patience to make them work.  But I've seen them work great with a good trainer, especially for distance work...used for signaling more than punishment. 


    There is a saying “if you can’t train a dog without an ecollar, you can’t train a dog with one!”

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  8. Every dog is different, so you need to reconcile yourself to the fact that there will never be another Kane.  Dogs come and go, each of them occupies a special place in your heart, some you like a lot, some not so much,, but each is special in its own way, and each takes with it a part of you and leaves a part of itself behind.

    Once you can accept this, I am sure you can find the love in your heart for another dog - not another Kane.

    Please believe me when I say that there are many dogs out there just waiting for the love you can give,  please don’t go looking for a replacement for the dog you lost, accept your new puppy for the wonderful animal it is not for what it might have been.

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  9. In the “olden days” we used to Field Trial Retrievers of all breeds together with any breed of Spaniel.  Not sure that this proves anything except that they worked all day,  The Field Trials at that time were run on a knock-out system so the winning dog in each pair went on to the next round (like a tennis tournament). until there was just one dog left standing.. one Stake (competition) took all day from 7 in the morning to dark.  It was a hard day for dogs and handlers!

  10. Disneyland type play areas are great for puppy’s and older dogs.  We used to have one with a huge tractor tyre in it plus logs to walk along and a sand shell to dig in.  All gone now except the big tyre which is still a great favourite with our dogs of all ages — now it has a tunnel entrance built by generations of dogs and a great place to sit!

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