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Everything posted by Jade~Harley~Bella

  1. I agree with everyone else, vet check for your dog ASAP and it wouldn't hurt for your Dad to get a check up too. I'm also a believer of dogs being able to sense things. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2042362/My-pet-spaniel-sniffed-breast-cancer.html I've heard plenty of stories similar to the linked in one as well... not to freak you out or anything. Its better to be safe than sorry.
  2. I don't really think that stating the breed was necessary. I am sure any dog that has a strange dog and police burst onto their property would react the same. I find it sad when police dogs get injured. I hope he recovers quickly and gets back out on the beat to help track down the bad guys.
  3. What a gorgeous little puppy! Such a heart warming story! Unbelievable though that those people just put her in a bag... what a horrible thing to do
  4. I thought only kids over 16 were allowed to be responsible for dogs in public. Considering the dog was unleashed and the kids (I am assuming) would have been underage, I hope the owners get charged. And yet again it's idiot owners letting the poor dog down. Hope the little boy recovers and doesn't have a fear of dogs from this. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I've been contemplating making a complaint for a while actually. I've seen the gate shut before so that works, if they don't have money they should probably sell one of their 3 cars and I am sure they could afford it then. To me, it is the wrong way - I don't like doing it and I don't like seeing other animals being made live like it either. I was just trying to make a point about someone judging others for something they did without knowing the whole story. Much like the police officer in the video. It is human nature to judge. I am sure you have never gone a day in your life with out judging someone/something. I am sure you are judging me right now - yet you don't know me or my whole story.
  6. How can you judge there quality of life as you don't know them. Are you watching them 24/7 too be able to make a call on there quality of life or do you just happen to see them on a chain as you go past? There are reasons why some people use chains on there dogs. We are now heading firmly into an off topic area but there are entire states of the USA where it is illegal to keep a dog on a chain. The reasons are many but welfare issues dominate them. The vulnerability of chained dogs to harm is one of the biggest reasons. There are alternatives to fixed chains that are better for the dog. Lol at least we can agree on something :D Aren't dogs that are constantly tethered more likely to show aggression issues as well? Yep. Chained dogs are significantly over represented in serious dog attacks. On several occasions they have killed people trying to disentangle them. Bit of a no brainer really - remove a dog's capacity for flight and when threatened, most will fight. I don't think there's a person here who isn't passionate about dogs (or at least their dogs). Sometimes in between the disagreements we have, we need to reflect on that I reckon. :) Yeah well we are all here for one thing at the end of the day! :) And life would be a bit boring if we all agreed on everything all the time as well. Gives everyone a chance to learn, look at things from a different perspective etc! lol
  7. How can you judge there quality of life as you don't know them. Are you watching them 24/7 too be able to make a call on there quality of life or do you just happen to see them on a chain as you go past? There are reasons why some people use chains on there dogs. We are now heading firmly into an off topic area but there are entire states of the USA where it is illegal to keep a dog on a chain. The reasons are many but welfare issues dominate them. The vulnerability of chained dogs to harm is one of the biggest reasons. There are alternatives to fixed chains that are better for the dog. Lol at least we can agree on something :D Aren't dogs that are constantly tethered more likely to show aggression issues as well?
  8. How can you judge there quality of life as you don't know them. Are you watching them 24/7 too be able to make a call on there quality of life or do you just happen to see them on a chain as you go past? There are reasons why some people use chains on there dogs. I can and will judge because the way I see it there are other ways to confine an animal. The fact that I can walk up/drive past there at any time of the day on any day of the week and that dog is on the chain with the front gates wide open shows me that it doesn't get to hop off much. It does have a sling bed next to the pole it is chained too though... so at least it doesn't have to sleep on the ground. I personally have never felt worse than I did for the 4 days I had to keep Bella on a chain/run. To me, that is a shit life. Since everyone likes to use the human analogy... how would you like to be kept on a chain? lol I know I wouldn't.
  9. :laugh: Haha woo up sport. We aren't talking about the beagle - we are talking about any dog in general that is left on a chain all day. You don't find that mean in any way? There are rotties up the road from me and in the whole 8 months I have lived in my house I have seen them off the chain once. I personally don't think those dogs have a very good quality of life. And yes, I think the cop was out of line. I have said that a few times.
  10. Harley is obsessed with Balls. All you have to say is where's your ball and he will be off searching. He also loves bubbles! He does some great acrobatics trying to catch them all :D Bella on the other hand love bug, spiders, frogs, Harley's back legs (she is always biting them when he tries to play). She is also a crazy licker, which is probably the staffy in her. But she will lick you for 10 minutes straight if you don't shoo her away! Here is a video of her and a moth she found... it hasn't been edited so it's prob a bit rough :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=KTiS1QszxTQ
  11. Lol I am actually serious. I remember one time I was walking Bella at our last house and some mangy cattle dog cross staffy mutt came charging out of its partially fenced yard and went to attack her. I picked Bella up and stood there with the dog barking and carrying on until the owner pulled their finger out and did something. I've stopped dog fights between Rottys and GSD before (regardless of the fact you shouldn't get involved) and I would do it again to protect my dogs.
  12. The question is however would you accept responsibility for the fact your dog was at large? A friend of mine worked on police rural patrol for many years.. killed a lot of dogs for harassing stock. He said he killed breeds you'd never consider might do this (including poodles) and on many occasions owners were horrified or disbelieving that their beloved pets could do such a thing. There is only one safe way to protect your dogs - contain them. Blaming others for what happens when your dog gets out is avoiding the fact that its your responsibility to keep your dogs safe. Yours and no one elses. I simply do not understand how so many Americans chain their dogs and have open yards. Yes, I think its wrong. But there were two roaming dogs here.. and an owner who should have contained them. Nah I blame the neighbours :laugh: ... of course I accept responsibility - it is my dog and it is my job to keep her safe. I paid for the fence to be replaced and built a dog run which she is in when I am not home. Problem solved and we have never had to worry about the issue since. But as a dog owner it is also my responsibility to ensure that not only can my dogs not get out.. but that nothing can get in either. We back onto farm land and our boundary fence has three layers of fencing to make sure nothing can find its way onto our property. As I said before, the dogs should not have been out of their yard, I don't think anyone here disagrees with that fact... you can't blame anyone else but the owners (whether they were aware the dogs had escaped or not). I personally think they should not have been able to get into the yard that the beagle was contained in either and at the end of the day I would not have shot them either way. That's just me. I agree that it is stupid to have an unfenced house with a dog chained up... that makes no sense what so ever and it can't be a good life for any dog put in that situation. So to the OP's original question - Yes, I think the office was out of line.
  13. People are still blaming the Beagle? People who think that Pitbulls can do no wrong are the breed's worst enemies. Any dog, of any breed can do wrong. And blatantly denying it in the face of evidence just makes Pitbull supporters look like chumps. Sitting in the comfort of our safe homes we can all pass judgement on what we would do in the situation, and how nice and playful it all looks. Yet I have seen so many threads on dol from people who have been approached or attacked by roaming dogs while out walking their dogs etc and I have yet to see one where the victim and the victim dog were blamed for it. It's the beagles fault? It's the homeowner's fault? It's the cops fault? No. It's not. It's the offending dog's fault (and their owners), and they were stopped from causing further damage or fear. End of story. Nothing worng with that at all. It's the law, it's what we as a society expect - to be protected from imminent or actual harm. Any APBT owner or anyone who supports APBT's would be stupid to think they can do know wrong. Like any dog it comes back to their owner. I've been approached by other dogs while walking my two - not so bad when I have Bella because she will happily say hello back. But when I have Harley I leg it the other way. It is a little different to this scenario though because the beagle owner was not out walking his dog. The dogs that I see while out walking would never actually be able to get into my yard to do what these dogs did because I make sure my yard is secure to keep my dogs safe.
  14. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: If my 30kg dog (Harley) was happily playing in our secure fenced yard and by some mystical magical way 3 dogs managed to walk through 2 sets of fences there would be an all out brawl considering Harley is dog aggressive, he would quite happily indulge any dogs that came in our yard. Using your analogy I personally would bring out a delicious morsel that I know the dogs would like and use it to distract them from my dog (if he wasn't DA of course and was cowering in a heap) and then use that to lure them into the dog run. If that was not possible I would walk over, pick my dog up (all 30kg of him) and bring him inside the house and await the rangers to come pick up the strays. I live on acreage and almost weekly I see random dogs roaming the streets, when I first purchased my house Bella would manage to escape daily regardless of what we did to keep her in, so she was one of those roaming dogs as well. I've heard stories from our neighbours and she quite happily waltzed into other peoples yards looking for people to talk to and dogs to meet and apparently had the time of her life while she was at it. If someone shot her I can't even describe how I would feel or what I would do to these people. But as people have previously said, it's so easy to judge - even though you don't know the entire story isn't it. ;)
  15. I just watched that video to right up until the cop showed up. Those dogs were in no way acting aggressively to anyone in that yard. My dogs initiate play with each other and other dogs like that all the time. When old mate came up with the rake and started trying to prod the dog or what ever the fudge he was doing... my dogs react like that with a broom when I try and sweep, it doesn't mean they want to rip my throat out. They think it is a game. To me it seems like the beagle owner has spend to much time watching the media and their hate filled word vomit against pit bulls and none of them appeared to know anything about dog behaviour. Still the end result is still the same as I've said in my last post.
  16. Out of fear for their own safety from the look of it. It is also not clear there was any way to safely contain them in the yard. The Beagle may have been tethered. I'm sorry, but not even two "apparently vicious Pit Bulls" would not stop me from removing my dogs out of a possibly dangerous situation and I would quite happily put myself between any dog that showed intent to attack mine. At the end of the day, you can't lay blame directly on anyone really. The owners of the two roaming dogs did not contain their dogs, the beagle owner did not have a secure yard and the cop went straight for the last resort when it probably wasn't needed. A family lost their pet. You can't change the past, only make sure it doesn't happen in the future. ;)
  17. I'm not going to watch the video. It's a little too disturbing for me. But going off the comments here why did the owners of the beagle not remove it from the situation and contain the two offending dog in the back yard and await animal control to remove them? I know a beagle breeder and these dogs are extremely vocal dogs. The only time I feel shooting a dog is necessary is if it is physically attacking someone/something. If this was not the case then the officer shouldn't have shot the dog twice IMO. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. My two have free run of the house, I set up a bed next to the bed on the floor for them but leave the bedroom door open a little so they can go out onto the couch if they choose to.
  19. Most of the staffords I know are very friendly dogs and will happily play with anyone... I am sure this person will come across dogs that won't let him in but there will be lots that will allow him to come in... That's their biggest fault too. My two would bark like crazy until they were in the yard and then jump all over them for pats
  20. If only there was a cure for stupidity. They just sound too lazy to want to put in any time or effort and expected the puppy to come perfectly trained or something.
  21. Bella gets put in a run while I'm at work, I don't trust her fully yet to not try and escape our new fence. Harley has the back yard (which is about an acre) and the patio. When we are home they stay inside with me! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Hahaha :) Don't get AmStaffies if... 1. You don't like when dogs lick 2. Definitely don't like farting/burping 3. You want to play/practice any sport that involves a ball (I was just shooting netball in my front yard and Harley was very helpful... If trying to pop my ball is helpful! Lol 4. You want to keep your house clean and leave things around, Bella likes to steal everything! 5. You don't like short spikey hairs in everything you own 6. If you like using the hose without watching dog acrobatics 7. If you don't want dogs that think you are part of the chair 8. Don't like being given consistent attention/affection/love 9. Are a worry wart! Lol recently there have been dog thefts in my area so I am paranoid about everyone at the moment! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk I love to burp and fart (not necessarily in that order). Maybe I need to change my breed of choice? :laugh: haha damn it, think I confused myself :p
  23. I've been using comfortis on my dogs and haven't seen a flea since. It's a but pricey depending on the weight of your dog. But results don't lie :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. I can't even think of what these poor dogs go through when this happens! To have such friendly loving dogs die a horrid death just breaks my heart. There has to be something we can do to raise awareness that this is going on, apparently a lot of staffies have been going missing in SEQld lately. Someone out there has to know something! The monsters responsible need to pay for what they've done. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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