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Everything posted by Vurd2BB

  1. I am going to the vet this evening, i haven't actually taken her to the vet yet, just took the sample. The other one in my area was absolutely no good, should i go in anyway to see what this guy has to say ?
  2. Fecal float test came back negative
  3. Also just found 2 different spots of yellow foamy vomit in her run, which would have been in the last 1 or so. There was nothing in the vomit just foamy liquid
  4. The vet seemed hesitant to do the fecal test i said do it anyway. Also mentioned anti-biotics, was very adamant that it was diet related.
  5. Also after yesterday poop, last night we fed the boiled mince and a raw maryland and this morning she had the runs again.
  6. Just took a fecal sample in to the vet and going in this arvo. Vet also tried to advise me against feeding a raw diet saying it could contain bacteria etc etc and i should go on a prescription hypo allergenic diet of some sort. How right is he in saying that feeding raw, especially raw chicken toa dog is no good as it could contain salmonella which causes diarrhea and other problems ?
  7. Hi all Just a quick one, a couple of weeks ago Sara started having diarrhea, i am assuming it was something she ate, so immediately starved her for 12 hours then started her on a pumpkin / turkey mince diet, feeding several small meals a day. After 3 - 4 days she was getting better again, then she was fed some kibble and went back to the runs. So repeated the process, skip ahead now she is getting better. Still on the same diet, but yesterday i re-introduced a raw chicken maryland to her diet, she seems ok, still feeding it ontop the the cooked mince / pumpkin. I had not seen her do her business, but today i took her to the park, had fun chasing the ball etc etc, on the way back home she did her business. It was solid, but the outside was shiny/ wouldn't say runny but moist, and orange because of the pumpkin. Is this normal after exercise, she was doing alot of running around. Is this normal? I am going to keep her on the cooked mince / pumpkin and keep slowly weening her onto her regular diet, really going to take my time this time around, up to 2 or more weeks. Cheers
  8. How about when she starts going off, use the hose to spray her quickly and when she stops or runs back to her run, praise her ? I am in the process of slowly working on getting her to swim, starting with a kiddie pool, will doing the hose thing cause set backs in this?
  9. Hmmm, i guess thats possible, do you mean accross the bottom or like a mini fence ?
  10. Unfortunately that isn't really possible, at the fence we have a rock bed and some plants, that comes out a metre, then concrete.
  11. Sorry not too sure what you mean? Erect another fence in front of the common one ? (if so not really as there are plants etc in front of it
  12. Sorry to bump an old thread. I didn't really want to start a whole new one for a similar issue, atleast i think it is. What can i do if the neighbours dogs start mine up, they bark and get Sara all excited, then she starts jumping on the fence, not over it. I spoke to someone who suggested using the hose to correct her, which works great. Although she already has a bit of fear / anxiousness with water, i am trying to get her over that and into swimming. So i guess the hose trick would be detrimental, if not happy to hear it, otherwise maybe some other tips on handling this, or is the same invisible fence idea something to look into? Cheers
  13. Thanks all for the input, good to know i am in the right direction with the help needed!
  14. Thanks for the input Bec, much appreciated!
  15. Thanks i was previously attempting to train the interrupter, it did not work or i didn't get it properly in my situation, so we have left it for now. Cheers for the suggestion and the training thread
  16. agree with the others, stick to the plan outlined for your dog but have to comment on the above, If you were walking down the street with someone you had met only once before, would you not be a bit startled if the person (stanger) you were walking with suddenly threw their arm around your shoulders, or gave you a pat on the back side? I see what you are saying, i guess when my dog sniffed the other, it didn't react as it is more used to meet and greets
  17. Sound advice mate and definitly intend to. Just didn't want to keep pestering him, i tend to be email heavy, but he's been great thus far, despite my irritating emails haha! Steve can vouch for this :p
  18. Ah, in which case i do! Sorry too much going on and reading way too much, information overload! Apologize for overlooking that Cheers
  19. He has told me to start getting more attention on walks, but never mentioned either of those methods.
  20. Thank you for the response as well. She seemed to calm down very quickly and we were able to walk side by side for a nice 20 - 40 minute walk with no issues, just the random outburst haha.
  21. Hi, thanks for the reply I am indeed seeing Steve Courtney, but he didn't seem to phased by her behaviour and said it is actually not that bad with her, just needs desensitizing i guess. He introduced me to the parallel walking method, which worked after a bit in this instance, but this can't always be setup, say for example if a dog shows up on a walk etc. What do you say?
  22. Hi all I have a 14 month old GSD. I admit i dropped the ball for a while regarding her socialization and sadly when she was a puppy we missed the window as we got her a bit late, but have since started seeing a behaviorist and seeking more information. I recently met a friend who has a GSD as well, first meeting Sara was barking at her, when she wouldn't calm down i would move further away, wait till she was calm and bring her closer, we started walking parallel for a bit, they eventually got to meet and settled down. We had a nice long walk and ended well. The second meeting a couple of days later, i didn't think my dog would do the barking fur raised thing again, she did, but no where near as long, the other dog tried lunging snapping a few times (not initially a bit later after they got closer and not one after the other either) my dog just barked at her for a little bit. My friend let his dog into a fenced off area to run around while my dog remained with me outside, let them sniff here and there (face to face) through the fence then eventually pulled them both together, my dog sniffed the other and we went on a walk. The other GSD did the lunging and snapping thing once or twice and my dog reacted the same way started barking and went low, but she stopped fairly soon after and this was the end of the meet after she settled we took off our own ways. I guess my main questions are, how come she still barked initially when she met her already, and why is she barking when the other dog lunges, the behaviorist says she does have some anxiety. Also when the other dog tried to sniff mine while we were walking, she made a quick turn around to see what was going on and the other dog backed off. Any tips on where to go from here, i will also admit she has not had any socializing recently apart from this, but i will aim to get her out more, and she will be meeting this other dog again, this time there may be a week break i hope this isn't too long. She also gets very worked and excited and pulls like mad when we start getting closer, even at about 25 or so metres! Please help! Cheers
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