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Everything posted by Cavstar

  1. What a great rap for a small business :) fantastic!! I'm yet to order anything but have my eye on a couple of things :)
  2. How sick. I hope he gets locked away for a long long time. He clearly is a clinical psychopath.
  3. I would play some games with him throughout the day in the crate. Throw some treats in there & when he goes in praise, praise, praise! If you see him going in there on his own accord give him a treat. Make it a fun experience! My girl doesn't care much for peanut butter in her kong either - try something else. Mine loves the cheese spread. I found that when she was hard to settle in her crate a kong with cheese in it did the trick. Hang in there.. she's just a baby! :)
  4. Yep.. I emailed several breeders who didn't even respond to my email & it was similar to the above. I'm glad I persevered & waited to get my puppy however by reading this I can see how some potential puppy buyers would be put off by buying from a registered breeder & resort to pet shop puppies or byb.
  5. Hi All I'm in a conundrum about where to put Lucy in for her training. She has done the RSPCA puppy pre school which I found FANTASTIC They run a level one 6 week course close to my home (starting this Saturday) or I can take her to the Northern Suburbs Dog Club in Carine which isn't too far from me either. Is there anyone that can reccomend one over the other? The RSPCA one is quite pricey but if its going to be better I don't mind forking out for it. Thanks :D
  6. When I was preparing for the arrival of Lucy I was really confused about whether or not to get a crate...I'm so glad I did. it has been the best thing EVER Not just for toilet training or somewhere to sleep at night but when you have someone over that doesnt like dogs (weirdos ) or small children who aren't used to being around dogs. I highly reccomend getting one
  7. Just wondering if anyone has any rooms/areas that are out of bounds to their furkids? When we first got Lucy the OH said no dogs on the couch... which lasted a minute :laugh: Then no puppy in the kids rooms - yeah right! :laugh: Then no puppy upstairs.. which lasted a good month :laugh: The one that he was most adament on is his man cave (theatre).. well guess who I caught snuggling up to him there ON THE COUCH watching a movie on the weekend? The only one he won't cave on is letting her on our bed.... which I do when he has gone to work & I'm getting ready for work :laugh:
  8. Oh poor you & your dog.... how horrific What did the other dog owner say/do?? I've just started taking my little Cav to the beach & my OH was worried about the same thing happening. If I personally had a dog that was agressive towards other dogs there is no way I would take it to a dog beach knowing that there would be off lead dogs there & for it to break itself from its lead...
  9. My girl is happy to sleep in her crate all night long. Sometimes in the middle of the night though she does cry to get let out to toilet. After she's done her business she thinks its playtime which at 3.30am I'm not keen on! I normally give her a kong with abit of cheese paste in it which distracts her.. she has a lick & then goes back off to sleep..no probs. If its light though.. different story! We were up at 6.00am today! :laugh:
  10. Stitch thats scary! She chases them in the backyard & in the house as well - sometimes she barks at them. Didnt think of mentioning it to the breeder but I'll drop her an email.
  11. Just after some ideas really... I've just started taking Lucy for small walks around the block. Yeterday I took her mid morning.. she was great, no problems, hardly any pulling. :) This morning I took her at 6.30. The different lighting showed our shadows in front of us which she constantly tried to get :laugh: I had treats to try & distract her but she was hell bent on catching our shadows.. pulling on the lead even jumping & tripping over herself to get to them. As soon as I turned the corner the shadows were behind us & she walked perfectly again. Early morning is really my preferred walking time when I have to goto work, especially this time of year with the heat we have been having. Does anyone else have a shadow chaser? and if so any advise on how to stop it?
  12. Cavstar

    Bc Problem

    I took my puppy to the RSPCA puppy preschool & Loral was brilliant My pup was really really nervy at first & I was stressed after the first week that she didn't play with the other dogs but she assured me that by the end of the 4 weeks she would be happy as any other dog there.. and she was Was it overwhelming for you more or the dog? ;) When we did the training (and we only did our last class last week) it wasn't a 'cage' but a large sectioned off area with both dogs, the dog owners & the trainer in there The first sign of any discomfort or agression from either dog then time was up for them. My puppy isn't really interested in other dogs but the trainer explained to me that dogs can be like people.. some like to have lots of doggy friends, some are happy to keep to themselves. Like mine. Which is fine by me :) I'm like that too :)
  13. I don't think we'll ever hear back from the OP..
  14. Did she cry when you put her outside? What did you give her to keep her entertained or was she content to just sleep? Maybe I'm just too soft I can't stand hearing him cry At least I know if he's in the crate he won't cry... or be cold... or be too hot... or get sunburnt... or get wet... :laugh: I know! It's hard not to worry about them :laugh: She didn't cry when I put her out.. I put her breakfast in a treat ball to keep her busy & also left her a frozen kong. I did it again for 3 hours today & she was asleep when I got home The real test will be on Monday! Will I be able to resist nipping home from work for half an hour?? :laugh:
  15. Haha! Lucy doesn't leave my side when I am home She follows me from one side of the kitchen to the other when I'm cooking. So cute! :)
  16. SDMC I left Lucy outside for the first time today for 3.5 hours I snuck in after 2 & checked on her & she was sleeping away so I ducked out again She must have heard me come in the second time as she was barking at the door :) As of next week she will be outside 6 hours a day for 3 days so I thought I'd start building her up I think I was worried more than her :)
  17. How long have you had him for? What food did the breeder have him on?
  18. I have 2 kids (boys) - 4 & 14. Neither had input as to what type of dog to get. We all agreed on a female though (so I'm not so outnumbered!) We had a shortlist of names but my eldest chose it to be Lucy & we all just kinda agreed :) My 4yo wants to do everything including pick up the poo (which I don't let him) He helps me bath her & plays chasey with her in the backyard. The eldest picks up the dog poo (reluctantly) but I told him its part of his pocket money. :laugh:
  19. Rain? Is that the stuff that falls from the sky? :laugh: :laugh: Not much of it here so I dont' know!! I'm hoping not!!
  20. How long have you had her for? For the 1st 3 weeks I had my puppy she was awake at 4.30 - 5.00 EVERY DAY! Christmas day we were up before the kids! :laugh: Then one day I woke up at 7am & freaked out that the dog wasn't up! I rushed downstairs (thinking the worst) & there she was snoring away in her crate Maybe she will just grown out of it
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