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Posts posted by minimax

  1. I chop up apple, mix it with yoghurt and freeze it and it keeps my pup amused for a while when it's hot. If there are certain foods she won't eat in her dinner, I find if I start using it as a treat she starts to love it. Reverse psychology!

    I do find even a small amount makes her poo runny though, so perhaps she has some lactose issues.

  2. Hi Minimax,

    I use revolution for flea, ticks and heartworm. Ive never had a problem like this before. This is my 1st short haired GSD. My two other very missed GSD's were long coat. So this is a little new for me! I must say how much easier the grooming is though!

    I don't think Revolution is a mozzie repellent, so maybe look into one that is, or might need another product to help?

  3. (And glad someone realised the connection with Scout - I've had so many "I though it was a girl puppy?" comments!)

    OT again, but my pup is Max and everyone says "what's his name" and I say "HER name is Max" and they say "oh, a girl ... Maxine?"

    Some people just don't understand androgonous names for pets lol

  4. @cavstar

    I’ll do some more crate training thanks – he does like it and treats it as a refuge, it’s when it’s zipped up that he freaks out, will try and shut it for some periods tonight in the lounge when he’s still around us.

    I feed Max in her crate (with the door open) to make it a happy place, so maybe try feeding your guy in his crate, zipping it up even just for a minute or two while he eats to show him it's a nice place to be?

  5. Did he come from a pet shop or breeder? Why on earth would you not get up to let him go to the bathroom during the night, that's just cruel for a 10 week old. Of course he's distressed, he's in a new/strange environment.

    It will get better but you have to be consistent. What sort of excercise does he get to tire him out?

    I was in tears each night for the first few weeks I bought my pup home in December because she was crying so much at night but with a routine now she's fine. It only took about 2 weeks for her to settle down, now she goes into the crate without a fuss, only cries to be let out to pee during the night once or twice. However, she is wide awake at 5am and howls/cries/barks to be let out :p

    Hang in there. When I needed advice and reassurance I hated people telling me to hang in there and it would get better, but it does lol

  6. The other night when i was feeding her, i realized there was mosquito's on her back. Could that be the problem especially with the horrid weather we've been having in Sydney?! If it is, what can I use to get rid of them? Thanks.

    I use Advantix for fleas and ticks on my pup, and that does mozzies as well. What flea treatment do you use?

  7. Mini, I havent had my morning coffee yet so a bit cranky but I saw an out of control kid in the local carpark yesterday almost get skittled by a reversing car and the same thing - the mother was just so nonchalant by the event. Poor driver wasnt though. It's just an accident waiting to happen not to have kids under control in carparks, on the road, rushing up and startling strange dogs or jumping into shark infested waters. Some parents need to pull their heads out of the bex induced clouds they seem to live in

    And if the kid had been hurt but the car, the driver would have been blamed not parent/lack of supervision. Wonder if people would launch a campaign to get cars better trained so they didn't attack kids as they ran at them.

    I haven't had coffee yet either, I should step away from the keyboard until I have :p

  8. On the flip side they could be great potential owners, with no clue about what to say as Ososwift mentioned.

    Plus someone could do a search on appropriate things to say/ask a breeder and turn out to be a really bad owner, so judging someone based on an enquiry email just seems stupid.

  9. The owners came home, got the message where the dog was and swung by to pick it up. Dog was a serial offender, so the owners were grateful to not have to rock up at the pound to claim it. Especially as it had no tags or microchip.

    Why on earth would you not tag/chip a dog that's a known escapee, especially a rare breed?

  10. Jager still loves his Nylabones. We have 4 i think now. And he carries them around the house with. If we are sleeping and there isnt one in the bedroom he will run upstairs to get one and bring it back to chew on our bed. Best investment ever for us.

    Which ones does he like? I can't find one that my Pug likes as much as a real old stinky lamb bone.

  11. My 4 month old is a bit the same with the barking when not with me at the moment, if she is put into her yard she barks even with toys, also have tried pigs ear a frozen kong shes just not interested unless im in view. Shes not distressed just stating 'let me out now' so im at a bit of a loss also, i dont want her to develop into a barker so im trying to get her away from this behaviour sooner rather than later. I am wanting her down there at this stage while im at work as i need a new fence between me and my neighbour and i dont want her escaping on me.

    So cant offer any help just a reassurance that my 4 month old is the same.

    My 4 month old is the same too!

    She ignored a lamb shank in favour of barking/crying/screaming, but the second I'm inthe room she will happily tuck into whatever treat I've left for her. 4 month old's are weird creatures!

    I think mine is fairly ok when I'm out, but it's when she knows I'm home she goes nuts. I leave my webcam on some days when I go to work and she goes through phases of barking for a half hour or so, then plays/sleeps for a few hours. I leave long lasting treats for her (frozen things she needs to lick at to get, peanut butter smeared on plastic water bottles so when she pounces on it, it goes sliding across the tiled floor which means she has to really chase it (keeps her amused for hours!)

  12. But I have to say I'm gobsmacked that you set yourself up as the arbiter of what can and can't be said in a thread started by another person, in General.

    If someone starts a thread with the intention of being "yay!" about something, it's rude to come and rain on their parade just because you feel like it, regardless of what subforum it is in!

  13. * You're inclined to throw tantrums at your dogs and get physical when training them. You think raising your voice and jerking them around shows them who's boss? A Whippet will generally neither forgive, nor forget and if you keep it up, the dog will probably shut down and avoid you completely. They are quite sensitive and they sure know how to sulk. If you want to play "Alpha" dog the old way, this breed simply won't cope.

    I'd like to say please don't get any animal if you want to get angry and psyical with it!

  14. I started my pup out playing in the sprinkler over Christmas when it was hot, and then in the hose and now she tries to get in the shower with me ;)

    But she also gets splashes of water to cool her down occasionally, so she's not scared of water. Can you try and make water fun, like playing in a sprinkler, going to the beach etc to get her used to it?

  15. What sort of exercise/stimulation are you giving her in the evenings? A good play session or a quick walk fairly late can push back wake up time. :)

    She gets a long walk/play in the park around 5.30pm and spend most of the evening playing inside along with following people around the house as they get dinner/get ready for the next day/do random stuff. She naturally either falls asleep on my feet, or puts herself in her crate if she's really exhausted.

    Usually around 7.30 or 8 she starts to work herself up into the zoomies so we get an intense half hour of manic puppy play in before she starts to wind down.

    I've tried every trick in the book, including keeping her awake later and none of it makes her sleep later.

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